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6 - Egypt Vocab

Ancient Egypt Vocabulary

afterlife life after death; Egyptians believed a person’s soul made a dangerous journey through the underworld
amulet extremely important carved symbols made of gold or gemstones showing animals or objects; thought to keep people safe and bring them luck
Anubis the Egyptian god who was considered the protector of the dead; he had the head of a jackal
ba the part of a person’s spirit that held the personality and memory; after death it was believed to have the head of the dead person and the body of a hawk; it could return to the world of the living as a bird
Book of the Dead a collection of spells from ancient Egypt; the main purpose was to teach people how to survive in the afterlife
canopic jar jars used to hold the organs of people when they were mummified
cataract a steep rapid in a river
culture the language, religion, customs, and way of life of a specific group
delta the triangular shaped land that is formed by mud and sand as they are deposited by a large river when it slows down at the mouth
double crown Egyptian kings wore a double crown signifying their supreme power over all the land, a white crown for Upper Egypt and a red crown for Lower Egypt
dunes mounds and ridges of sand heaped up by the wind
dynasty ruling family which remains in power for many years
embalmer a priest in charge of making mummies
export to send something to another country for sale
hieroglyphs symbols used for the ancient Egyptian written language
ka part of a person’s spirit that held the life force; after death the ka was believed to need a place to live and this was the reason for mummification
linen a fabric made from flax plants
mouth the end of a river where it meets the sea
mummy dead bodies that have been preserved; the internal organs were removed, the bodies dried, and then wrapped in linen strips
natron a type of salt used to dry bodies out as they were made into mummies
Nile River the longest river in the world which runs through Egypt
Osiris the Egyptian god of the underworld
papyrus paper used by the Ancient Egyptians, made from the stems of papyrus reeds
pharaoh king or queen of Egypt; they were believed to have godlike powers
priest people who worked in the temples
pyramid stone objects with square bases and four triangular sides; the sides slope inward to make a point at the top; most were built as tombs for kings and queens
Rosetta Stone a granite tablet on which is carved an ancient Egyptian decree in three different languages that helped researchers decipher the meaning of hieroglyphics
sarcophagus the outermost coffin of a wealthy person or royalty
scarab charms that looked like beetles; the sign of the god of the rising sun; represented a safe passage into the afterlife
temple grand stone buildings meant to be homes of gods and goddesses; where priests served
scribe a person specially trained in writing
silt mixture of water and soil carried by a river and deposited in a new place
sphinx statues usually had the body of a lion and the face of the current king or queen
Created by: daiseymd
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