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6th grade science

Exactly everything you need to know for the third chapter's test- Abeka -Malia

earthquakes sometimes cause huge waves called tsumamis
fault is a break that appears at the boundary between two moving masses of rock
focus the point underground where an earthquake begins
epicenter is the place at ground level that is directly above the focus
earthquake any trembling or shaking of the earth's crust
magnitude the strength of an earthquake
chemical weathering occurs when natural acids slowly eat into a rock, breaking it apart
the temperature of rock _______ with depth increases
how is a vent created? created when trapped gasses blast through the earth's surface
what does a volcano do? allows molten rock and hot gases to escape from, within the earth
geologists scientists who study the structure of the earth
weathering the process by which new soil is formed as rocks crumble and break into smaller pieces
Moho the boundary between the earth's crust and its mantle
mid-oceanic ridges the underwater mountain ridges
seismology the study of earth quakes
dormant a volcano that has been active at some time in recorded history, but has no had a recent eruption
Plinian eruption a volcano characterized by hot clouds of dust and gas that it expels
active volcano a volcano that has erupted recently
extinct volcano a volcano that has not erupted in recorded history
lava magma that has reached the earth's surface
Ring of Fire a belt which runs along the edge of the Pacic Ocean is named for its many volcanoes
crater a depression found at the top of a volcano
lapilli smaller fragments of molten rock that solidify almost instantly
shield voclanoes formed from large amounts of very fluid lava that built up gradually
cinder cone volcanoes volcanoes formed by eruptions of mostly tepra
composite volcanoes formed by alternating layers of tephra and lava
crust outermost layer of the earth
mantle middle layer of the earth
core inner layer of the earth
diamond hardest mineral found in a deep, tube-like formation that appears to be the clogged vent of an extinct volcanoe
cave any hollow space in the earth's crust that has formed naturally and is large enough for a person to enter
ore any rock containing a metal together with imurities
precious stones the rarest, most durable and beautiful gems
iron the most commonly used practical metal; used for thousands of years to make tools
copper a metal that is a good conductor of electricity; two of its alloys are brass and bronze
fossil any trace of a plant or animal left in a rock
gemstones small deposits of igneous and metamorphic crystals
magnetic field the area surrounding a magnet in which the force of the magnet affects other objects
poles the ends of a magnet
magnetosphere the magnetic field produced by the earth is
rock the hardest material that composes the earth's crust
igneous formed when molten rock soidifies
sedimentary formed from sand and mineral fragments that have been pressed together
metamorphic rock rock that has been changed by extreme heat or pressure into a new kind of rock
sedimentary rock covers over 75% of the earth's surface
extrusive igneous rock igneous rock that formed at the earth's surface, cools rapidly, and has a fine appearance
intrusive igneous rock type of igneous rock remains in a pocket below the surface cools slowly and has a coarse-grained appearence
granite the most common igneous rock that can be found everywhere on land
halite a sedimentary rock is formed by chemical sediments and is used for salting roads and flavoring food
sandstone a sedimentary rock used to make glass
Reef limestone the only sedimentary rocks that are formed by living animals
Slate a metamorphic rock that began as shale, is very hard, and has leaf-like layers
marble a metamorphic rock is perhaps one of the most beautiful and most widely used, and it began as limestone
Soda straws thin, hollow tubes that hang from the ceiling of many caves
Cave rafts cave formations that occur when evaporated rating water leaves behind a thin, floating disk of calcium carbonate in an underground pool
Stalagmites a structure on a cave floor
Stalagtites a large, tube-like structures hanging from the ceiling
Column a joined stalactite and stalagmite
Anthracite coal(hard coal) a hard shiny black coal expensive to mine
Petroleum the thick dark flammable liquid; considered a liquid fossil fuel
Lignite coal the poorest quality of coal; also known as brown coal
Sub-bituminous coal the most common type of coal; also know as soft coal
Speleology the study of caves
Sea cave formed by water
trogophile designed to live either in a cave or above a cave
speleology the scientific study of caves
Conglomerate rock consists of rounded pebbles in hardened clay or sand
Trogloxenes visit caves regularly but must return to the surface for food
The earth's magnetic field comes from what? The earth's core.
How does the earth have magnetism? currents of electricity pass through the circulate in the crust
How is a solution cave formed? acids eat away at limestone
Is a solution cave an example of chemical weathering? yes
Created by: nelsonclan
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