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Speech Ch. 5

Vocabulary from Ch. 5

Language A structured system of symbols used for communicating meaning.
Onomatopoeia A word formed by imitating the sound associated with its meaning.
Denotative Meaning A word's literal meaning or dictionary definition.
connotative Meaning A word's implied meaning or secondary meaning, in addition to it's literal meaning.
Loaded Language Terms that carry strongly positive or strongly negative connotations.
Ambiguous Language Language having more than one possible meaning.
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis The idea that language influences the way that members of a culture see and think about the world.
Ethos A speaker's respectability, trustworthiness, and moral character.
Pathos Listeners' emotions.
Logos Listeners' ability to reason.
Reason To make judgements about the world based on evidence rather than emotion or intuition.
Credibility The extent to which others find someone's words and actions trustworthy.
Euphemism A vague, mild expression that symbolizes something more blunt or harsh.
Slang Informal, unconventional words that are often understood only by others in a particular subculture.
Defamation Language that harms a person's reputation or image.
Libel A defamatory statement made in print or in some other fixed medium.
Slander A defamatory statement made aloud.
Profanity A form of language considered vulgar, rude, or obscene in the context in which it is used.
Hate Speech A form of profanity meant to degrade, intimidate, or dehumanize groups of people.
I-Statement A statement that claims ownership of one's thoughts or feelings.
You-Statement A statement that shifts responsibility for one's own thoughts or feelings to the listener.
Created by: mamick
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