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SMS Unit B Ch. 3

All animals need ______, ______, ______, and protection from ______ and other dangers in the environment. food, oxygen, water, predators
Animals need ______ so they can have the energy to grow and to perform all life processes. food
You can tell an animal's diet by observing its _______. teeth
Animals eat food for energy, but they can't use the energy unless they also have ________. oxygen
Animals get the oxygen they need from the ______, through their __________, and from the _________. air, (bodies)skin, water
All animals are made up of ______ which are mostly water. cells
A ________ is an animal that has a backbone. vertebrate
An _________ is an animal that does not have a backbone. invertebrate
Vertebrates are part of the animal phylum known as __________. chordates
The four characteristics in the development of chordate are: a) every chordate has a __________, b) a __________ that connects the animal's brain with other parts of its body, c) _________, and d) a ______________. notochord, nerve chord, gill slits, tail
The largest group of chordates is the _________. vertebrates
Vertebrates include _______, _______, _______, and _______, and _______. fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals
Vertebrates differ from other chordates because their notochord develops into a ________. backbone
A vertebrate has an ________-- a system of connecting bones that lie within the animal's body. endoskeleton
Vertebrates make up about ____ % of the animal population. The other ____ % of animals are invertebrates. 4, 96
Invertebrates include ______, _______, _______, _______, and insects. sponges, worms, centipedes, mollusks, insects
An _________ is a skeleton that is outside of an animal's body for protection and body shape. exoskeleton
Arthropods make up _____ % of the animal population. 85
Where should you look for invertebrates? Anywhere
A _______ is one type of animal that filters the water it lives in to get food. sponge
A sponge has ________ layers of cells. two
A sponge's skeleton is made up of tiny rodlike structures of tough protein called _______. spicules
A sponge is classified as an animal because it takes in ______ and has moving whiplike structures. food
________ are carnivorous, or meat-eating invertebrates that have the ability to sting. Cnidarians
What kind of environment do all cnidarians live? in water
What helps cnidarians catch their prey? stingers
Cnidarians have _______ symmetry. radial
A cnidarian that has a vase-shaped form like a hydra is called a _______. polyp
The other form of cnidarian is called a _______. medusa
Sponges have _______ symmetry, cnidarians have _______ symmetry, flatworms and roundworms have _______ symmetry. no, radial, bilateral
A _______ has a flattened body, a digestive system with only one opening, a simple nervous system, and can also harm humans. flatworm
A _______ has a round, tubelike body. roundworm
Roundworms are the only group of worms that have _______ that run lengthwise through the worm's body. muscles
An animal that lives in or on another animal and feeds on that animal is called a _______. parasite
Flatworm parasites include _______ and ______. tapeworms, flukes
Roundworm parasites include ________ and ________. hookworms, trichinella
____________ are worms whose bodies are made up of connected sections, or segments. Segmented worms
_______ are segmented worms with two openings. Earthworms
To get oxygen, earthworms breathe through their thin, moist __________. skin
A ________ is an animal with a soft body and no bones. It also has a muscular foot that burrows in the sand. mollusk
An example of a mollusk is a(n)__________. octopus
Mollusks include ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, and ________. clams, oysters, slugs, snails, squid, octopods
The shell of a mollusk is formed by an organ called the ________. mantle
Mollusks that have two hinged shells that fit together are called _________. bivalves
Snails have an organ called a _______ that is shaped like a tongue and is coated with ribbons of teeth. radula
________ and ________ are the most active and most intelligent mollusks. Octopods, squid
An ____________ is an animal that has a jointed exoskeleton. arthropod
__________ attached to the inside of the exoskeleton contract and relax allowing the arthropod to move. Muscles
An arthropod's exoskeleton ___ ____ grow as the animal gets larger. does not
_______ are the largest phylum of animals. Arthropods
________ are the most numerous arthropods and the most numerous animals on Earth. Insects
How do arthropods help people? 1) They help _______ plants, 2) They eat _______ that destroy crops or flowers. 3) They are a ______ _______ for other animals, and 4) they produce goods that can be ______. pollinate, insects, food source, sold
_________ are invertebrates that have internal skeletons and spines sticking out from their bodies. Echinoderms
The word echinoderm comes from the Latin words meaning _______ and _______. spiny, skin
Examples of echinoderms are ________, ________, ________ (that eat algae), and ________. starfish, sand dollars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers
Echinoderms have _________ along the underside of their arms that they use for _______, _______, ________, and ___________. tube feet, moving, feeding, sensing, respiration
A mosquito is an example of a(n) ______________. exoskeleton
A tiger is an example of a(n)_______________. vertebrate
A starfish is an example of a(n) ___________. echinoderm
An arthropod conceals itself to _____ itself. protect
Created by: hredden
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