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Chapter 5


Another name for visible white frost hoarfrost
These particles serve as surfaces on which water vapor may condense condensation nuclei
Fog that forms as moist air flows upward along an elevated surface upslope fog
Arctic sea smoke and :steam devils" are a form of this type of fog steam fog
A tiny liquid drop of dew that freezes when the air temperature drops below freezing frozen dew
A positive benefit of fog for fruit and nu trees winter chilling
Fog that most often forms as warm rain falls into a cold layer of surface air frontal fog
When fog "burns off" it does this evaporates
Satellite that provides a vertical view of cloud properties including precipitation intensity CloudSat
The most common type of fog along the Pacific coast of North America advection fog
Beads of water that have condensed onto objects near the ground dew
Fog that most commonly forms on clear nights, with light or calm winds radiation fog
A "mackerel sky" describes this cloud cirrocumulus
A low, lumpy cloud layer that appears in rows, patches, or rounded masses stratocumulus
A towering cloud that has not fully developed into a thunderstorm cumulus congestus
Hail is usually associated with this cloud type cumulonimbus
The sun or moon are dimly visible or appear watery through this gray, sheetlike cloud altostratus
A halo around the sun or moon often identifies the presence of this cloud cirrostratus
Wispy, high clouds cirrus
Light of moderate but steady precipitation that covers a broad area is most often associated with this cloud nimbostratus
This cloud's elements should be about the size of your thumbnail when your hand is extended to arm's lenght altocumulus
Lighting and thunder are associated with this cloud cumulonimbus
A cloud of vertical development that resembles a small piece of floating cotton cumulus
A middle cloud that occasionally forms in parallel waves or bands altocumulus
The cloud with the smallest elements or puffs as viewed from the surface cirrocumulus
A low, uniform, grayish cloud, whose precipitation is most commonly drizzle stratus
This cloud's elements should be about the size of your fist when your hand is extended to arm's lenght stratocumulus
When fog lifts above the surface it forms this gray, sheetlike cloud stratus
Cloud with the greatest vertical growth cumulonimbus
Cirrus clouds are composed primarily of ice crystals
Fog that forms as relatively warm air moves over a colder surface is called advection fog
The cooling of the grounds to produce dew and frost is mainly the result of radiational cooling
Clouds that appear as bag-like sacks hanging from beneath a cloud are called mammatus
A cloud-like steam seen forming behind a jet aircraft is called contrail or condensation trail
Another name for "Water-seeking" condensation nuclei is hygroscopic
Clouds with a lens shape that often form over and downwind of mountains are called lenticular
Another name for a "luminous night cloud" is noctilucent cloud
A cloud that sometimes resembles a silken scarf capping the top of a developing cumulus cloud is the pileus or cap cloud
Clouds that form in the stratosphere and are also called mother-of-pearl clouds nacreous
Ragged-looking clouds that drift rapidly with the wind, often beneath a nimbostratus cloud, are called scud
Condensation nuclei are important in the atmosphere because without them, condensation would not occur naturally in the atmosphere
The fog most likely to form on a clear, calm autumn morning above a cold lake is evaporation (mixing) fog
A cloud that resembles :little castles in the sky" is called castellanus
A reasonably successful method of dispersing cold fog is to seed the fog with dry ice
Of the different types of fog listed below, which one does not necessarily form in air that is cooling evaporation (mixing) fog
If you are standing outside and notice that the sky is covered with a high, white layered cloud, and you look at the ground and observe your shadow, you may conclude that the cloud overhead is cirrostratus
The highest clouds in our atmosphere are called noctilucent clouds
If a cloud appears white in a visible satellite image and gray in an infrared image, the the cloud most likely is a low cloud
The wintertime fog that often occurs in the central valley of California is mainly radiation fog
The satellites that are positioned at the highest level above Earth's surface are geostationary satellites
Which of the clouds least likely to produce previpitation that reaches the ground cirrocumulus
A cloud that forms in descending air is mammatus
Which of the statements below is correct about polar orbiting satellites on each successive orbit, the cover an area to the west of the previous orbit
The relative humidity could well exceed 100 percent without producing fog when there are no condensation nuclei present
Fog can be compose of ice crystals(T/F) T
In middle latitudes, high clouds are typically observed above altitudes of 20,000 ft(T/F) T
Advection fog is more likely to form at the headlands, rather than at the beaches of an irregular coastline because at the headlands surface winds then to converge and rise.(T/F) T
Cirrus clouds appear white in a visible satellite picture and gray in an infrared satellite picture(T/F) F
Frost forms when water vapor changes directly into ice without first becoming a liquid (T/F) T
Dew is most likely to form on clear, windy nights(T/F) F
When clouds are viewed near the horizon, the individual cloud elements often appear farther apart than they actually are(T/F) F
Infrared satellite images are computer enhanced to increase contrast between specific features in the picture(T/F) T
Valleys are most susceptible to radiation fog than are hilltops(T/F) T
The largest concentration of condensation nuclei is usually observed at cloud level(T/F) F
On a winter night the air cools to the dewpoint temperature and a thick layer of radiation fog forms around midnight. If the air continues to cool during the night, in 5 hours or so the dew point temperature will probably be higher than it was at midnight F
With the same water vapor content, fog that forms in clear air is usually thicker (more opaque) than fog that forms in dirty air(T/F) F
Dry haze usually restricts visibility more than wet haze(T/F) F
Instruments that measure the height of a cloud's base above the ground are called ceilometers(T/F) T
Created by: Vale123
Popular Science sets




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