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Sociology ch. 7

What is deviance? Behavior that is recognized as violating expected rules and norms. It is created by situation or the response. Singing at home vs. singing in public. Adaption to social structure
Formal deviance behavior that breaks laws or official rules
Informal deviance behavior that breaks customary norms
Who claimed why punishment of deviance is publicized and the reason it's that way? Emile Durkheim said that deviance threatens social order and public punishment confirms the social norm.
What are the 2 things Durkheim argued about deviance? Deviance punishment is publicized to confirm and solidify social norms. Also helps creates a functional society,
What is an example of deviance creating a functional society? Terrorist attacks helped the US unite.
Moral Entrepreneur organized movement to change society and reform moral behavior
Medicalization of Deviance explanations of deviant behavior that interpret deviance as result of the individual being mentally ill.
Why do sociologists criticize medicalization as a reaction to deviance? Doctors ignore the patient's social habits. Alcoholism has a genetic code but alcoholism may reoccur due to social conditions. deviance originates from society.
Functionalist theory on deviance Deviance helps society by creating social cohesion either by solidifying norms or making deviant groups
Who found that suicide is caused by social factors instead of individual factors? Durkheim
Who created 3 types of suicide and what are they? Durkheim. Anomic, Altruistic, and Egoistic.
Anomic Suicide condition that occurs when social regulations of a society break down, causing one to feel lost and alone.
Altruistic suicide excessive regulation of individuals by social forces. One who commits suicide for religious or political causes, such as suicide bombers.
Egoistic suicide People feel completely detached from society. Like the elderly.
Structural Strain Theory and who came up with it? Robert Merton. This theory states that tension is caused by the gap between people with the means to achieve goals and people who don't have the means to achieve but have similar goals.
What is likely to come out of structural strain theory? Deviance.
What are the 4 types of deviance? Innovative (prostitution), Retreatism (severe alcoholism, homelessness), Ritualistic (eating disorders), Rebellion (kkk)
Social Control theory, what and who? Travis Hirschi, deviance occurs when a person's attachment to social bonds is weakened. People care what others think of them and act the way that those people expect them to.
Strengths and weaknesses of functionalism? Emphasizes social structure, individual motivation, and produces deviance. Does not explain how norms of deviance are established.
Conflict theories of deviance Karl Marx said that deviance comes from economic organization of capitalist societies (people resort to crime). Also dominant social norms conform people who are deviants
Corporate crime: crime committed by elite within a business.
Elite deviance Wrong-doing of powerful organizations
Social control social expectations are so dominant that they cause one to follow social norms
Social control agents people who regulate deviance such as police and mental workers
Conflict theory strengths and weaknesses insight into the significance of power relationships in definition, identification, and handling of deviance. Sucks at explaining forms of deviance.
Social interaction theory and deviance deviance originates from interactions. People do as they do because of the meanings people attribute to social situations
Situational Analysis and who came up with it? Thomas. Deviance must be understood in a social, not individual, framework.
Differential Association Theory and who? Thomas. interprets deviance as a behavior one learns through interaction with others. People can even become criminals by being more strongly socialized to break the law than obey it.
Labeling Theory and who? Thomas. Interprets responses of others as the most significant factor in understanding how deviant behavior is created and sustained. Deviance is produced by reaction instead of action.
What is primary deviance compared to secondary deviance?i What is tertiary? Primary is when someone breaks a norm or law that makes them a deviant. Secondary is when someone's behavior causes them to be labeled as deviant. Tertiary occurs when the deviant fully accepts the deviant role (gays).
Deviant Identity Definition a person has of himself or herself as a deviant.
Deviant career sequence of movements people make through a particular subculture of deviance. Continually deviant. Deviant career would be prostitution
Deviant community Group that is organized around deviance (nudist groups)
Labeling theory strengths and weaknesses recognizes that the judgement people make about deviant behavior has powerful social effects. Sucks at explaining why deviance occurs in the first place.
Stigma Attribute that is socially devalued and discredited.
Created by: Chelseagirl2508
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