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Introduction to A&P

Chapter 4

What is anatomy the study of a body or organism's gross structure
What is physiology the science and study of the functions of vital processes mechanisms and functions of an organ or system of organs.
What is kinesiology the scientific study of muscular activity and the anatomy physiology and mechanics of movement
What is histology a form of microscopic anatomy. It is a branch of biology that studies microscopic structures of tissues and living organisms
What is pathology the study of the structural and functional changes caused by disease
Why is anatomy and physiology important to massage thereputic massage directly affects the structure and function of the body understanding the relation between structure and function increases the therapist's ability to improve function through specific touch
what is homeostasis the balance achieved in the body's internal environment
why is homeostasis needed external stresses placed on the body move the body out of balance, which can lead to disease
what are signs of disease scientifically observable indications of a diseased state, fever abnormal heart rate or skin color, sweating
what are symptoms of disease manifestations of the diseased state perceived by the victim of a condition, cannot be measured by a doctor, dizziness, chills, pain, numbness or fatigue
what is stress any psychological or physical situation or condition that causes tension or strain on the body, can be positive or negative moves the body away from homeostasis
what is pain primary sensation indicating tissue damage or destruction somewhere in the body
what is ischemia reduced blood flow to an area
What is an infection most common cause of disease in humans is the invasion of the body by harmful micro organisms ex bacteria, viruses fungi
what is inflammation destruction of healthy tissue will result in inflammation which is a protective tissue ersponse characterized by swelling, heat redness and pain
Sagittal or Parasagittal divides the body into unequal left and right halves
Midsagittal or Median the plane that runs along the midline and divides the body into equal right and left halves
Coronal or Frontal the plane that divides the body into Anterior and Posterior halves
Transverse or Cross Horizontal the plane that divides the body or a limb into Superior and Inferior halves, not necessary equal
Superior Above
Cranial Toward the head
Inferior lower than another structure
Caudal refers to a structure being closer to the feet
Anterior refers to a structure being more in front than another structure
Ventral pertaining to organs found in the front
Posterior refers to a structure being more in the back than another structure
Dorsal pertaining to the organs found in the back
Medial towards the midline, closer to the median plane than another structure
Lateral away from the midline, being farther away from the mdian plane than another structure
Proximal nearest to the point of attachment (trunk) LIMBS ONLY, closer to the root of the limb than another structure
Distal farthest from the point of attachment (trunk) LIMBS ONLY further away from the root of the limb than another structure IN THAT LIMB
Dorsal Cavity 2 parts cranial (brain) and Spinal (spinal cord)
Ventral Cavity 3 parts thoracic cavity (heart lungs) abdominal cavity (liver large intestine) pelvic (reproductive, rectum)
Frontal Forehead
Temporal temples
cervical neck
deltoid shoulder
brachial arm between the elbow and the shoulder
axillary armpit
hypochondrium below the ribs
umbilical naval
hypogastric below umbilical region
patellar knee
femoral thigh
inguinal groin
epigastric above the umbilical region
pectoral chest
parietal part of the head that yamaka sits on
mastoid behind the ear
cervical neck
scapular shoulder blade
lumbar lower back
gluteal buttocks
popliteal behind the knee
Head divided 2 parts cranium (brain) and face, eyes nose and mouth
Spine supports the head and trunk of the body, spinal cord
Trunk divided 3 parts thorax -- upper part of the trunk containing the ribs, lungs, heart, espohagus and part of trachea, abdomen and pelvic cavity
Upper extremities contain... shoulders, arms wrist and hands
Lower extremities contain... hip, thigh, legs, ankles and feet
Created by: Synergy Healing
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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