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Hemopoiesis The process of making blood cells
Red bone marrow White blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets
Long bones Thigh, leg, arm, forearm, fingers, and toes
Short bones Wrist and ankle bones mostly
Flat bones Cranial bones, sternum, ribs, and scapulas
Irregular bones Vertebrate and some facial bones
Diaphysis shaft of the long bone; made up of mostly compact bone
Epiphysis Broad end of long bone; mostly spongy bone
Metaphysis Growth area between diaphysis and epiphysis
Atricular cartilage Hyaline cartilage at joint
Periosteum fibrous covering over most of the bone
Medullar cavity Marrow with fat and blood cells
Endosteum Membrane lining medullar cavity
Matrix 25% water, 25% collagen fibers, 50% mineral salts
Osteoblasts Secrete collagen fibers and build matrix and become trapped in lacunae
Osteocytes Maintain the bone
Osteoclasts Formed from monocytes, digest bone matrix for normal bone turnover
Concentric lamellae layers of matrix
lacunae lakes between lamellae and contains osteocytes
Canaliculi Contain extensions of osteocytes and permit flow ECF between central canal and lacunae
Compact Bone Covered by periosteum
Spongy bone Not arranged in osteons and spaces between trabeculae may contain red bone marrow
Ossification Formation of bone
Timeline Initial bone development in embryo and fetus/Growth of bone into adulthood/Replacement of old bone/Repair if fractures occur
Mesenchyme(early connective tissue) model This initial "skeleton" model will be replaced by bone tissue beginning at 6 weeks of embryonic life
Intramembranous bones form from a sheets of mesenchyme that resemble membranes(only flat bones of the skull, lower jawbone(mandible), and part of clavicle(collarbone))
Endochondrial Mesenchyme forms hyaline cartilage which then develops into bone. All the other bones
Remodeling in response to use resorption by osteoclasts and deposition by osteoblasts
Repair a fracture Dead tissue removed and Chrondroblasts to fibroblasts to laying down lamellae of compact bone
Partial fracture incomplete break(crack)
Complete fracture bone broken into two or more pieces
Closed(simple) fracture Not through skin
Open(compound)fracture Broken ends break skin
Factors affecting growth Adequate minerals/Vitamins A,C,&D/Hormones like puberty: hGH + insulin-like growth factors and thryroid h
Created by: Dudlee13
Popular Science sets




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