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A&P review

Stack #135860

Testing Testing 123
Define Sarcolemma Cell Membrane of muscle cell
Define Sacroplasm Cytosol (Cytoplasm) of the muscle cell
What is a fascicle? Muscle fibers arranged in bundles
What is stored in the terminal cisternae? Calcium
What in muscle cells is comparable to smooth endoplasmic reticulum? Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Name the thin filaments in the contractile units of muscle. Are they light or dark? Actin. Thin is light
Name the thick filaments in the contractile units of muscle. Are they light or dark? Thick is dark myosin
Describe a sarcomere. Illustrate your description. contractile unit of muscle relaxed and contracted
What does the M line do? Contributes to the appearance of cross-striations in skeletal muscle where the thick filments meet and overlap. Anchors the myosin
Describe a neuromuscular synapse. Connection between and among neurons in connection with muscle the microscopic site t which the axon branch attaches to skeletal muscle fiber.
What are the ends of long bones called? Epiphysis
What is the hollow cavity in long bones called? Diaphysis
Name the inner lining of the cavity Medullary Cavity
Name the two types of osteocytes discussed. List their functions. Osteoclasts-Break down bones releases calcium. Osteo Blasts- Generate new bone for growth.
What is the differencce between compact and spongy bone? Compact is dense. Spongy has porous spaces (lighter)
Where does compact bone receive its vascularity? Name two canals thata provide the vascularity. Haversion and volkmans
What is the name of the unit in compact bone that consists of osteocytes, lamellae, canaliculi and canals? Haversion system
Name any five structures in the axial skeleton Skull, Ribs, Vertebrae, Sacrum, Coccyx
Name five structures in the appendicular skeleton Arms, legs, shoulder girdle (scapula & Clavicle), Illium, Hands & feet
Name the lake of "stuff" osteocytes hang out in. Lacunae
Describe the difference between an ionic and covalent bond. Ionic bond is less stable. Covalent bond share more than 1 electron stronger.
Name the 2 components of a cell membrane Phospholipid bilayer. Hydrophillic Heads/ Hydrophobic Tails
What does it mean when a molecule is polar. A molecule has one pole that is more negatively or positively charged due to electrons slowing down closer to one atom
Which bonds are the strongest? Which are the weakest Why? Ionic is always looking for balance. Covalent are strongest. Hydrogen is weakest. Ionic. When only one electron is shared the atom is always looking to share more.
What two things does a compound need to be considered organic? Carbon and Hydrogen
What are the three electrical charge related components in an atom? Which one carries a negative charge? Protons +, Neutrons neutral; Electrons -
Name the four most prevalent elements in the human body. Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen
Which organelle is responsible for packaging and shipping? Golgi Apparatus
Which organelle is responsible for protein synthesis? Ribosomes
Which organelle is responsible for cleaning up broken down organelles? Lysosomes
Which joint is formed where the humerus and scapula meet? Glenohumeral
Each wrist contains how many carpal bones? 8
What is the name of the superior portion of the sternum? Manubrium
Which bone is located at the posterior and inferior aspects of the cranium? Occiput
The sternoclavicular joint is what kind of joint? A gliding joint
Another term for joint is.... Articulation
What is the fluid inside diarthrotic joints called? Synovial
A synchondrosis is Amphiarthrotic and cartilagenous
What fossa is located on the costa surface of the scapula? Subscapular fossa
The carpo-metacarpal joint of the thumb is...? A saddle joint
The capitulum of the humerus articulates with what bone? Radius
The location of the acromian process is ______ on the scapula: Lateral
What bones make up the palm of the hand? Metacarpal
The bicipital or intertubercular groove is located ____ to the lesser tubercle of the humerus. Lateral
The nuchael ligament lies in the _________ of ____________ vertebrae: Spinous process, cervical
A bony landmark of the distal, lateral radius is: Styloid process
The olecranon process is located on the Ulna
What movements occure at the pivot joint between radius and ulna Supination and pronation
The muscle that produces the majority of movement is called a _______ agonist
The muscles that function to flex the elbow are Brachialis, brachioradialis, biceps brachii
Which of the following is a list of the erector spinae muscles from most medial to most lateral Spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis
Which muscle of the transversospinalis group attaches at the cranium? Semispinalis capitis
Which movement would lengthen the fibers of the quadratus lumborum on the right side of the body Lateral flexion to the left
Which abdominal muscle runs vertically from the rib cage to the pubic crest? Rectus abdominus
Which movement of the vertebral column would shorten the fibers of the rectus abdominus? Flexion
In doing an abdominal curl and rotating her body to the left, the athlete contracts her: Right external oblique
A muscle assisting another in a particular named action is named a: Synergist
The origins of the multifidus and rotatores are: Transverse processes of lumbar through cervical vertebrae
The name of a broad, flat tendon is: Aponeurosis
Typically, the insertion of the quadratus lumborum muscle is: Twelfth rib and transverse process of lumbar
What muscle rotates head to the opposite side Sternocleidomastoid
What muscle can act on the spine and the pelvis Quadratus Lumborum
The "prime mover" is called the Agonist
Which of the following muscles attach at the skull? Splenius capitis, longissiumus
An Antagonist to bilateral extension of the neck and head is: Sternocleidomastoid
Muscle contraction in which muscle does not lengthen or shorten: Isometric
Muscle contraction in which the muscle shortens in length and typically insertion moves to origin Concentric
characteristic of muscle that allows for a muscle to return to its normal state following shortening or lengthening is: Elasticity
The bony attachment that moves as a muscle contracts is named: Insertion
A synergist to sternocleidomstoid at the neck in rotative action and lateral flexion is: Scalenes
Typically, this muscle has a medial origin and lateral insertion: Erector spinae
What abdominal muscle rotates the torso to the opposite side? External oblique
A client comes in and says, "I just can't seem to get a good breath." What muscles would you definitely treat? Intercostals, diaphragm, serratus posterior
What is the relationship between the rotatores and multifidus The rotatores and multifidus are synergists in the action of rotation of the spine to the opposite side.
What muscle is responsible for nearly all of our relaxed breathing? Diaphragm
Which abdominal muscle has predominantly transverse fibers Transverse Abdominus
What is the relation between the fibers of external intercostals and external obliques They run similarly
The longissiumus cervicis and semispinalis capitis are synergist in what action. Bilateral extension of the head and neck
The thorcolumbar aponeurosis serves as an attachment site for which muscles? Iliocostalis and longissimus
Which joint is formed where the humerus and scapula meet? Glenohumeral
The three scapular fossae contain which three muscles? Infraspinatus, suprapinatus and subscapularis
The supraspinous fossa is located just superior in which landmark? Spine of scapula
Which is the insertion of the deltoid? Deltoid tuberosity
Anatomically speaking, what is the proper name for the 'knuckle' joint? Metacarpophalangeal
T or F The deltoid is capable of initiating Abduction of the shoulder FALSE
T or F The Middle Fibers of the deltoid are only able to abduct the shoulder TRUE
T or F The Anterior Fibers of the Deltoid: Laterally Rotatae/Flex Abduct the shoulder FALSE
T or F The deltoid originates on the medial 1/3 clavicle/Acromiom/ Spine of Scapula FALSE
T or F The coracoid process of the scapula travels into the frontal plane TRUE
The metabolic process of building complex substances from simpler substances is called Anabolism
Ions which conduct electrical current in solutions are called Electrolytes
Surface tension in a water drop is due to the weak interaction of a... Hydrogen Bond
The body's PH must be maintained at a range of: 7.35-7.45
Lipids, Calcium, Proteins and Nucleic Acids. Which is not an organic compound Calcium
The phospholipid bilayer is an important component of Cell membrane
What is true about movement across a cell membrane? It happens passively and actively
The process of cell division is called: Mitosis
Proteins are synthesized in the: Ribosomes
The powerhouse of the cell is the: Mitochondria
Water moving across a semipermeable membrane to decrease concentration is: Osmosis
Cartilage cells are called: Chondrocytes
What are two functions of connective tissue: To connect the body as one, to facilitate messages sent through the body, Circulation
Give one example of connective tissue in the body? Blood
What are two functions of epithelial tissue? Protection and secretion (sweat)
The region at the end of long bones which contain spongy bone tissue is called the: Epiphysis
What are two functions of bone tissue? Provide support, structure, a place for red blood cells to reproduce
If you place a cell in a hypotonoic solution , it will (blank)
In aerobic cellular respiration,_______ and _______ are needed to make 38 Atp Molecules Oxygen,
What ion is stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and is needed for muscle contraction? Calcium
Haversian canals bring blood vessels into: Compact bone
Myoglobin is a molecule which Carries oxygen in muscle tissue
The layer of the epidermis which contains the most dead cells is the Stratum Corneum
Arrector pili muscles are located in the Dermis
What are two functions of neuroglial Cells? Support and protect, nourish Neurons
All of the following are effects of the sympathetic nervous system EXCEPT: Increased Digestion
Sensory nerves carry information: From the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system
Thick filaments in skeletal muscle are made of: Myosin
The part of the brain responsible for coordination and balance is the: Cerebellum
The endocrine system works closely with the: Nervous System
The Pia Mater is a layer of the: Meninges
What is one function of the cerebrospinal fluid? Protects the Brain
The crainial nerve which carries motor and sensory fibers to muscles of the tongue is the ______ nerve: Hypoglossal
All of the following hormones are secreted by the anterior pituitary gland EXCEPT: Mineralocorticoids
What are the contractile units of skeletal muscle? Sarcomeres
Name unique characteristics of skeletal muscle cells Striated, Excitable, Elastic and Contractile
The hormone which increases the calcium ion concentration in the blood is: Parathyroid hormone
Antidiuretic hormone is secreted by the __________ and has receptors in the _______. Posterior pituitary, kidney
All of the following are effects of epinephrine secretion EXCEPT:Increased peristalsis Increased peristalsis
Insulin is secreated by the: Pancrease
Damaged red blood cells are broken down by the : Spleen
B lymphocytes are a main component of: Specific defense
Conchae, microvilli, and dermal papillae: Increase surface area
An important protein in the formation of a blood clot is: Fibrinogen
What are two function of blood: Deliver oxygen to the body, flushes the body
Deoxygenated blood from the body enters the heart at the: Right atrium
The valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle is the: Bicuspid Valve
The pacemaker of the heart is the: Sinoatrial node
Viscosity refers to: Stickiness
What is the functional unit of the Lungs areioli
These two hormones play a role in calcium levels in the blood: Parathyroid Hormone and Calcitonin
Which one of these is not a function of the Urinary system: Excretes Waste, Balances PH, Absorbs nutrients, Filters Blood absorbs nutrients (blank)
What is the term for the creation of white blood cells? Leukopoeisis
Which of the following is not a function of the respiratory system? Produces and secrete hormones, controlling acid-alkaline balance, gas exchnge, vocalization Produces and secretes hormones
Neurons are composed of all of the following Except: Myelin sheath, Axons, Arachnoids, Dendrites Arachnoids
What two things does a molecule need to have to be considered organic? Carbon and hydrogen
Fats are also called: Lipids
Glucose is the molecule that enters: glycoysis
In what part of the digestive system are nutrients absorbed? Small Intestines
The saliva starts the process of? Digestive Catabolism
The sphincter that prevents food and gastric juices from reentering the esophagus from the stomach is called the (blank)
Accessory organs secrete their contents into the _________ region of the digestive tract (blank)
What part of the scapula serves as an attachement site for both the rhomboids and serratus anterior? Medial border
The lateral border of the scapula serves as an attachment site for which muscles? Teres major and teres minor
The first carpometacarpal joint is what kind of joint? Saddle
Which part of the scapula serves as an attachment site or the long head of triceps brachii Infraglenoid tubercle
The three scapular fossa contain which three muscles Infraspinatus, supraspinatus and subscapularis
What attachment site do the trapezius and deltoid muscles have in common? Clavicle
The four rotator cuff muscles encompass and stabilize which joint? Glenohumeral
To locate the supraspinatus belly, you must palpate through which muscle? Trapezius
Which rotator cuff muscle initiates should abduction? Supraspinatus
Which muscle is located in the space lateral to the vertebral column and medial to the scapula? Serratus Anterior; Levator Scapula; Rhomboids; Rhomboids
The pectoralis minor is located deep to which muscle? Trapezious; Deltoid: Pectoralis Major; Serratus Anterior Pectoralis major
The pectoralis minor attaches to which bony landmark: Coracoid process
Which of the following muscles does NOT attach to the coracoid process? Pectoralis minor; Coracobrachialis; biceps brachii; triceps brachi Triceps brachii
Which movement shortens the fibers of triceps brachii? Elbow extension
List the erector spinae muscles from most medial to most lateral Spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis
The medial maleolus is part of what bone? Tibia
A lateral curve in the spine is called: Scoliosis
Which of the following muscles crosses two joints? Soleus; vastus lateralis; gastrocnemius; teres major Gastrocnemius
The term used for an accentuated anterior spinal curve is: Lordosis
Toward or nearest the trunk is: Proximal
A Longitudinal plane running from front to back; in which the actions of flexion/extension occur is: Sagittal
An interosseus membrane attaches to which two bones: Tibia and fibula
Muscles that elevate the mandible include: Masseter; temporalis and medial pterygoid
The action of latissimus dorsi is: Extension, medial rotation and adduction of humerus.
The Origin of Levator Scapula is: Transverse processes c1-c4
What muscle spans from the vertebral border of costal surface of scapula to lateral surface of upper 8 ribs? Serratus Anterior
A bone fracture in the hand might involve which of the following bones? Scaphoid
The strongest hip flexor and initiator of hip flexion is: Iliospoas
Sciatic like pain can be caused by which muscle? Piriformis
In the action of mr. Hell's Angel flexing his elbow for his girlfriend, what kind of contraction is involved? Isometric
What muscle is used for breathing in stress reduction? Diaphragm
What is the antagonist to biceps brachii in elbow flexion? Triceps brachii
What movements would you attempt at the wrist joint to check entire range of motion? Adduction and abduction, flexion and extension
What muscles can help the complex knee joint medially rotate? Sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosis
What muscle of the posterior thigh is most lateral?Vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, biceps femoris, gluteus medius Biceps femoris
Which of the following is a hinge joint? Talocrural
Where could you palpate an origin of the biceps brachii? Coracoid process, infraglenoid tubercle, acromion process, greater trochanter coracoid process
Created by: Cherpel
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