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Nativity- Space

Chapter 13 - Exploring Space

rocket is a device that expels in one direction to move in the oppsite direction
thrust the reaction force that propels a rocket forward
velocity is speed in a given direction
orbital velocity is the velocity a rocket must achieve to establish an orbit around Earth.
escape velocity is the velocity a rocket must reach to fly beyond a plant's gravtational pull.
satellite is an object that revolves around another object in space.
space station is a large artificial satellite on which people can live and work for long periods.
space shuttle is a spacecraft that can carry a crew into orbit,return to Earth, and then be reused for the same purpose.
space probe is a spacecraft that carries scientific instruments that can collect data, but has no human crew.
rover is a probe that is a small robot.
vacuum is a place that is empty of all matter.
microgravity is a feeling that you get when you are in orbit called weightlessness.
space spinoff is an item that has uses on Earth but was originally developed for the use in space.
remote sensing is a collection of information about earth and other objects in space without being in direct contact.
geostationary orbit is a satellite that orbits Earth above the equator at the same rate as Earth rotates and thus stays over the same place on earth al the time.
How and where were rockets developed? rocket tech. originated in china hundreds of years ago and gradually spread to other parts of the world
How does a rocket work? a rocket moves forward when gases shooting out the back of the rocket push it in the opposite direction
Newton's ____________ law of motion demonstrates the motion of a rocket 3rd; every force has an equal and opposite force or reaction
three types of rocket fuel solid, liquid, ions
what is the main advantage of a multistage rocket? the total weight of the rocket is greatly reduced as it rises
What was the space race? it began in 1957 when the soviets launched Sputnik I into orbit
What does NASA stand for? National Aeronautics and Space Administration
1st human in space Yuri Gagarin
Who was Wernher von Braun? he was a german scientist who designed the V2 rocket used during WWII; after the war he came to america and helped our space program accopmlish lift off
1st American in space Alan Shepard
1st american to orbit John Glenn
What was the Apollo Program? the american effort to land astronauts on the moon
date of first moon landing and astronauts aboard July 20, 1969; Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
Where did the Eagle land on the moon? Sea of Tranquility
What did scientists learn from analyzing moon rocks? some rocks are the same minerals as on Earth; able to calculate ages of the rocks so when different parts of the moon were formed
roles of space shuttles taking satellites into orbit, repairing satellites, and carrying astronauts and equiptment to and from space stations
roles of space stations probides a place where long term observations and experiments can be carried out in space
common features in probes power system, communication system, and scientific instruments to collect data and perform experiments
conditions in space different from on earth near vacuum, microgravity, and extreme temperatures
examples of space spinoffs velcro, bar codes, joysticks, cordless power tools, light weight metals...
uses of satellites communications and collecting weather data
When was Sputnik I launched into orbit? October 4, 1957
Created by: stmvocab
Popular Science sets




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