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Stack #135563

All animals are eukaryotic, multicelular, and have true tissues True
An invertebrate is an animal that has no skeleton False
A filter feeder sponge
Nematocysts help a jellyfish protect and feed itself
Neurons and ganglia are associated with an animal's nervous system
Bilateral symmetry is exhibited by a planarian
Ascaris is a roundworm
Is not an organ of the earthworm's digestive system excretory tubule
The earthworm's blood pressure is controlled by five pairs of aortic arches
Organism- Hookworm it's phylum- Nematoda
Organism- Earthworm it's phylum- Annelida
Oraganism- Coral it's phylum- Cnidaria
Organism- Sponge it's phylum- Porifera
Oragnism- Tapeworm it's phylum- Platyhelminthes
Is not a mollusk Jellyfish
All mollusks live in the water False
Has a foot Clam
An exoskeleton with jointed appendages is characteristic of phylum Arthropoda
Stage associated with incomplete metamorphosis Nymph
Greatest amount of legs found on Millipede
Radial symmetry is typical of Echinoderms
The water-vascular system is important for Movement and predation
Is not an echinoderm Squid
Grasshopper has an open circulatory system True
Ureter Excretory System
Spinal Cord Nervous System
Diaphragm Respiratory System
Small Intestine Digestive System
Artery Circulatory System
Endoskeletons can obtain both bone and cartilage True
In a fish, the blood that leaves the heart goes directly to the Gills
Gills are found in Fish and tadpoles
Sensory organs of the head are connected to the brain by Cranial Nerves
Food does not pass through the Pancreas
Because a fish is supported by an internal skeleton, we can say that it is endothermic False
The lamprey is a Jawless Fish
Amphibians are the only vertebrates that Experience Metamorphosis
A frog has teeth but does not chew its food True
So unique that it is in an order of reptiles all by itself Tuatara
There are snake species that live in Deserts Jungles and Oceans
Mammals, birds, and reptiles are all endothermic False
Organ systems that are used by some endothermic animals to cool themselves Circulatory, Respiratory, and Nervous Systems
A sharp, hooked beak would probably be found on a bird that eats Meat
In addition to lungs, birds have air sacs connected to their respiratory system to increase volume
The food source in a bird's egg Yolk
All mammals have some hair True
When a lioness cleans and nurses her cubs, she is displaying a reflex behavior False
Innate behaviors are those an animal is born with True
The mating rituals seen in many animals are examples of Instincts
Migration has been observed among mammals, birds, and reptiles
The champion invertebrate migrator discussed in our book is the monarch butterfly
Does not respond to pheromones as far as we know Whale
A squirrel efficiently opens and eats a nut Learned Behavior
A chimp discovers it can use a wad of leaves as a sponge to get water Intelligent Behavior
A young wolf tries to attack a skunk, gets sprayed in the face, and avoids skunks for the rest of its life Learned Behavior
A dog snaps at you when you blow in its face Reflex
A cat has 38 chromosomes; therefore, its sperm cells would contain 19 chromosomes
The immediate result of fertilization is a zygote, single cell, and diploid cell
Gametes are special cells that are most important for reproduction
External fertilization usually occurs in water
The process in which a female fish releases eggs and a male fertilizes them is called spawning
Gestation is a process that occurs inside the uterus
A chicken egg must be fertilized before the shell is formed or it will not hatch True
Not found in a bird egg umbilical cord
Is not exchanged between the mother and the ambryo blood
The embryo is attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord
Ecology is the study of only the living things in an environment False
A description of what an organism does or how it relates to the rest of its environments is called its niche
Is not a typical abiotic environmental factor seeds
Rain, snow, sleet, and hail are all forms of Precipitation
Populations in the same area combine to form a community
Organisms such as green plants and algae can make their own food. We can, therefore, call them producers
In which natural process is carbon dioxide converted to sugar and oxygen? Photosynthesis
In which book of the Bible are natural rhythms first mentioned? Genesis
Is not an example of a circadian rhythm sea turtle migrates to a remote island to lay her eggs
Because irises die back to the ground in the winter and sprout again every spring, we call them perennials
Most often decomposer organisms fungi and bacteria
Which of these would be highest on an ecological pyramid? Carnivore
Some predators may also become prey for other predators True
Is not a social insect Fruit Fly
Competition occurs between populations of different species, but not within a population of the same species False
The relationship between a wolf and a magpie, which picks the meat off the bones of a dear after a wolf has eaten its fill, is best described as Commensalism
The magpie would be considered as a scavenger
Epiphytes are plants that depend on other plants
Is an example of obligatory mutualism termites and digestive protozoans
A colorful poison dart frog is a good example of warning coloration
A renewable natural resource Timber
The beaver is an example of a Consumer
Considered to be extinct Passenger pigeon
Domesticated animals are those that man raises primarily for his own use True
Clover, soybeans, and other legumes are important to farmers mainly because they add nitrogen to the soil
If a country's birthrate is increasing while its death rate is decreasing its population will grow
Conservation is the preservation and wise use of natural resources
Heat may be a form of Energy pollution
Lumber is an example of a nonbiodegradable pollutant False
Not a potential source of air pollution PO4
The dermis does not contain dead cells
Subcutaneous Layer brown thing bottom right
Epidermis top part of skin
Hair Follicle black ting sticking out
Sweat Gland bottom of white thing twisted
Special cells in the dermis produce a skin called melanin False
List 3 functions of the skeleton framework for support and movement, protection of internal organs, storage of minerals, or production of blood cells
Ligaments are tough bans of tissue that connect muscles to bones False
A unit of bone tissue that contains a blood vessel surrounded by circular layers of nonliving bone is called an osteon
A joint is where two or more bones meet
All muscles attach to at least one bone False
To function, muscles need Energy
Homeostasis is maintaining the internal conditions of your body
Arteries carry blood to the heart False
The chamber of the heart that pumps blood to the entire body is the left ventricle
Atrioventricular Valves (AV) separate the atria from the ventircles
Red Blood cells (erythrocytes) contain hemoglobin and transport oxygen
Does not describe white blood cells outnumber red blood cells
Platelets help form blood clots
Antigens are molecules that alert the immune system to foreign substances
Helper T cells don't produce antibodies
Antibodies are special proteins that react against a specific antigen
The structure that filters the blood in the kidney is called the Nephron
What are the primary functions of the excretory system? to remove wastes from the blood and eliminate them form the body
Created by: popcorn7yummy
Popular Science sets




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