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Port Exam 1

UW Madison

agora now
amanhã tomorrow
amigo friend
aqui here
aula class
bem well
bom/boa good
bonito handsome/pretty
o carro car
a casa house
cedo early
a cerveja beer
contente happy
depressa quickly
devagar slowly
o dinheiro money
doente sick
o dia day
e and
exercicio exercise
feio ugly
frio cold
hoje today
homem man
irmã sister
irmão brother
o lago lake
mãe mother
mal bad
mas but
a mesa table
a moça girl
muito very
mulher woman
não no
noite night
o nome name
obrigado thank you
ou or
o pai father
os pais parents
o/a parente relative
a porta door
quente hot
o rapaz boy
a sala de aula classroom
sim yes
simpatico nice
tambem too, also
tarde late
a tarde afternoon
o tempo time, weather
os tios aunts and uncles
triste sad
chegar to arrive
estar to be
ir to go
parar to stop
ser to be
ter to have
tomar to take, drink, have, eat
visitar to visit
Como...? How...?
Onde...? Where...?
Por que...? Why?
O que...? What...?
Quem...? Who...?
Quando...? When...?
Bom dia good morning
Boa Tarde good afternoon
Boa noite good evening
Sabe... You know...
Como é seu nome? What is your name?
De onde você é? Where are you from?
O meu nome é... My name is...
Prazer pleasure
Você está com vontade de.....? do you feel like...?
o aluno student
zero zero
um one
dois, duas two
três three
quatro four
cinco five
seis six
sete seven
oito eight
nove nine
dez ten
as frases sentences
a cor color
a janela window
Alemanha Germany
os Estados Unidos
a Inglaterra England
amarelo yellow
branco white
preto black
roxo purple
vermelho red
azul blue
bege beige
cinza gray
laranja orange
marrom brown
rosa pink
verde green
o banco bank
o bar bar
o cinema movie theater
o clube club
o correio post office
a farmácia pharmacy
a igreja church
a lavanderia laundry
a loja store
a padaria bakery
a piscina pool
a praia beach
o restaurante restaurant
o supermercado supermarket
o concerto concert
a festa party
o filme movie
o jogo game
a reunião meeting
a to
de of, from
em in, on ,at
para to, for
com with
sem without
antes de before
depois de after
dentro de inside
fora de outside
longe de far from
perto de near
o domingo Sunday
a segunda-feira Monday
a terça-feira Tuesday
a quarta-feira Wednesday
a quinta-feira Thursday
sexta-feira Friday
o sábado Saturday
a bandeira flag
a blusa blouse
a cadeira chair
o caderno notebook
as calças pants
a camisa shirt
a caneta a pen
a cinzeiro ashtray
então the, afterwards
a flor flower
a giz chalk
a gravata necktie
imediatamente immediately
o lápis pencil
a lição lesson
as meias socks
a palavra word
o papel paper
a parede wall
a pergunta question
quadro blackboard
os sapatos shoes
a semana week
sempre always
only, alone
o vendedor a salesperson
o vestido dress
apontar to point
escrever to write
falar to speak
gostar to like
mostrar to show, indicate
pegar to pick up
perguntar to ask
preparar to prepare
pronunciar to pronounce
repetir to repeat
responder to respond
voltar to return
isto this (near the speaker)
isso that (neat the person being adressed
aquilo that (far from both)
meu/minha my
Seu/suas your, his, her
dele his
dela her
acordar-se to wake up
chamar-se to be named
deitar-se to go to bed; to to lie down
levantar-se to get up
sentar-se to sit down
sentir-se to feel
vestir-se to get dressed
dez ten
onze eleven
doze twelve
treze thirteen
quatorze fourteen
quinze fifteen
dezesseis sixteen
dezessete seventeen
dezoito eighteen
dezenove nineteen
vinte twenty
vinte e um twenty-one
trinta thirty
quarenta forty
cinquenta fifty
almoço lunch
até until
o ator actor
a atriz actress
a biblioteca library
o café da manhã breakfast
cansado tired
castanho brown (eyes and hair)
o companheiro a companion
a criança child
elegente elegant
encantador enchanting, charming, delightful
o espelho mirror
a familia Family
feliz happy
geralmente generally
grande large, great
importante juntos
juntos together
lindo gorgeous
louro blond
mais more
a meia-hora half hour
a meia-hora midnight
o meio- dia noon
menos less, except
moreno dark complexion
o/a namorado/a boyfriend
o/a noivo/a fiancee
o ônibus bus
pequeno little, small
o/a político politician
pronto ready
o/a primo cousin
o quarto bedroom
a residência dormitory
o relógio watch, clock
o/a tio aunt, uncle
a televisão television
o calor to be hot
o frio to be cold
a fome to be hungry
a sede thirsty
a pressa to be in a hurry
a raiva to be angry
o sono to be sleepy
o medo to be afraid
a febre to have a fever
o ciúme to be jealous
a vergonha to be embarrassed
a saudades to miss
a vontade to feel like
a dor de to have a () ache
assistir televisão to watch tv
a universidade university
a verdade truth
acordar to wake someone up
almoçar to eat lunch
assistir to attend
começar to begin
conversar to talk, converse
jantar supper,dinner
poder can/may be able to
pôr to put, place
pretender to intend
sentir to be sorry
ter to have
ter que to have to
terminar to finish
vestir to dress
vir to come
A que horas....? At what time...?
Esta certo! FIne! Ok
alegre happy, in a good mood
o aluguel rent
o ano year
barato cheap
basquete basketball
a cama bed
caro expensive
o cheque check
o curso course
o erro mistake
a farra wild party
o futebol soccer
mês month
ontem yesterday
quase almost
o sorvete ice cream
tão so, as
vez time, turn
em vez de instead of
o vôlei vollyball
acabar to finish
achar to find, think, believe
adormecer to fall asleep
alugar to rent
beber to drink
buscar to call for, pick up, get
comprar to buy
custar to cost
dançar to dance
dever must, ought
dormir to sleep
esperar to wait for, hope, expect
ficar to be located; become; tay or remain
gastar to spend
haver there is, there are
jogar to play; throw
ligar to call; connect
mandar to send, order
pagar to pay
precisar to need
receber to recieve
sobrar to be left over
tocar to touch ; play( instrument, record, tape
Acho bom I think it's a good idea to...
Se voce quiser... If you want....
Created by: mimack
Popular Portuguese sets




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