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Unit #2

Chapter 3 & 5

Nervous system Body's electrochemical communication circuitry
Brain(nervous system) Characteristics Complexity, Integration, Plasticity/adaptability, Electrochemical transmission
Divisions of the nervous system Central nervous system-Brain/spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System- Brings info to and from brian (CNS) Somatic Nervous system sensory and motor nerves Autonomic nervous system-Internal organs
Neurons 1 or 2 types of cells in the nervous system 100 billion neurons
Parts of the Neuron 1-Cell body nucleus 2- Dendrites(they receive info & orient toward the neuron's cell body) 3-Axon carries away from cell to body. 4- myelinsheath layer of fat cells
Glial cells provide support & nutritional benefits keeps neurons running smooth
Neural Impulse Electrical part neuron send brief impulses through its axon to the next neuron.
synapses Tiny space between neurons the gap between neurons are called synaptic gap.
Neurotransmitters Chemical substance thats transmit or carries info to the next neuron.
*Acetylcholine deals with muscle action learning and memory
GABA Brain's brake pedal
Glutamate (brain trigger)
Norepinephrine helps control alertness
Dopamine helps control voluntary movement affects moods, attention
Endorphins Shields the body from pain elevates feeling of pleasure
Serotonin regulations of sleep attention/ learning and mood
OXYTOCIN Experience of love/ social bonding
Agonist Drug that mimic's or increases neurotransmitter's effect
Antagonist (blocks) drug that blocks a neurotransmitter's effect
neural networks A large # of neurons Interconnected work together to intergate incoming info & coordinating outgoing (Sensory input/ motor output
Objective of the brain keep us alive reach our goals
3 major regions of the brain Hindbrain (primitive) Mid brain (feeling) Forebrain (think)
Cerebellum motor cordination
amygdada involves in fear / intense emotions
hippocampus memory
Hypothalamus monitors eating drinking, sex , emotion , stress and reward
cerebral cortex the outer brain layer -thinking part
hemispheres left and right left is rational , logic , math speech right is intuition paterns confiuration & emotion
lobes occipital , temporal frontal Parietal *
Corpus CALLOSUM thick band of axons that connects the 2 hemispheres
Broca's Area located in the Left Hemisphere Control of speech
Wernick's Area involved in understanding language
Spinal Cord 17 inch long sends receives info from the entire body and brain
Ways of studying the brain EEG- Detect brain wave Activity Cat scan , pet scan MRI Fmri
Endocrine System Set of glands that regulate the activites of certain organs by releasing their chemical products into the bloodstream
Glands organs or tissues in the body that create chemical's that control many of our bodily features
Hormones Chemical Messengers produced by the endoctine gland
GLANDS Pituitary Adrenal Pancreas , Ovaries? testes, Thyroid
Genetics Branch of biology that studies heredity / variations in organisims
Gregor mendel Studied heredity in generations of pea plants
Human cell basic unit of life
Chromosomes thread like structures that come in 23 pairs
Dominant recessive gene principle ONe gene of the pair is dominant one is recessive , dominant one over rides reccessive
Genotype Indivividuals genetic heritage
Phenotype what can be in an individuals observable charactersistices
Consciousness Individuals awareness of external events and internal sensation
Biological Rhythms Periodic Phyiodogical Funtion ns in the boydy
Circadian Rhythms Involve sleep / wake cycle
Psychoactive drugs Alter consciousness modify perception and change moods
Tolerance need to increase amount of a drug
Physical Dependence Bodys Physical need to a specific drug
Psychological Dependence Strong desire to repeat
Addiction Either a Physical or a psycholoical dependence
WIthdrawal symptoms Uncomfortable Physical or mental changes that happen when the body is deprived of the drug that it is accustomed to getting
Created by: Abelham
Popular Psychology sets




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