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physical science10/2

why do we use the scientific method or experimental method? to solve problems
how many steps does the scientific method have? 6
what are the steps of the scientific method? 1.state the problem 2. form a hypothesis 3. do a controlled experiment 4. analyze the data 5. make a conclusion 6. verify the conclusion
why is stating the problem an important part of the method? clearly stated problems help to focus your attention on how to solve them, and you need to know what your problem is before you solve it
how do you form a hypothesis? by researching your topic
what is the purpose of researching? you may find new information so that you can better predict the solution to your problem and become more educated on your topic
what is a hypothesis? an educated guess
How should your hypothesis be written: question or statement? statement
What makes an experiment controlled? an experiment that attempts to look at just one factor (or one variable) that could help answer the original problem
what is a control group? is a reference and everything stays the same
what is an experimental group? everything in the group stays the same except one factor (variable)
how do scientists record their data? pen and paper/on a computer/photography/audio recordings/etc...
when should scientists record their data? Immediately, if you rely on your memory even for a little it may fail you
what makes an experiment good? keeping records of what you do and make sure you observe, measure, record your results
what is data? pieces of information
why should scientists verify their experiment? we as humans make mistakes so we need to double check our observations and repeat them to make sure they are correct
what is quantitative data? data that is measurable or numerical "quantity"
what is qualitative data? does not involve the use of numbers or measurements, but rather is a description of an event or conditons
why do scientists prefer to use quantitative data? it is less effected by bias than qualitative data
why are graphs useful? separates and organizes data into one location that is visual and clear also makes relationships visible
why is it important to analyze your data? you may see a trend or see that one factor caused the change
why is it important that conclusions relate to the hypothesis? so that it can account for the data
how are conclusions made? by looking through all the data and personal judgements and coming up with an answer that can best fit the problem
Why is it important that conclusions remain simple? you don't want to over extend your results to claim something that has not been tested thoroughly
Name 2 different ways that you can verify a conclusion? 1.can form a different experiment that could lead to similar results 2.make a prediction based on the solution and then test whether the prediction is accurate
Why could an experiment not be verified? the equipment could have malfunctioned
Give an example of when the scientific method may include more or less steps? less- if you were to study the stars you cannot experiment on them
what is a theory? give an example long-day theory
what is a law? give an example Neuton's laws of motion
what is the big difference between a theory or a law theory-tested hypothesis, ideas that have been tested by many experiments or observations law-known fact, are chosen to describe consistent patterns of phenomena in nature
what is a miracle nature is changed or modified
what makes a good law laws are chosen no discovered therefore you must choose carefully
how do scientist communicate talk on the phone, email, text, and meet up with the person
why does it take courage for scientist to communicate findings? not everyone is going to agree with you
why is it beneficial for scientists to communicate findings? you could get feedback from your fellow scientists and new ideas
what is pride? arrogance
how is pride dangerous to science? if you don't know an answer, you will pretend to if your prideful and this can hurt your experiment, or leave other confused on how to work you experiment
what are some limitations in collecting data? some phenomenons are too small, occur to quickly, or happen to far away
Why can we not collect data in the spiritual realm? science cannot deal with it, no physical senses to collect data with, if you cannot obeserve something then it cannot be tested by scientific method
what are universal statements? all or none statements
How can we make mistakes as scientists? misunderstand miscalculate misapply information
what are some limitations in science? science cannot make value judgements, cannot prove universal statements, cannot establish truth, is limited by the persons who practice it
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