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Axis I Disorders

DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders

Delirium Short Onset Disturbance of consciousness with a change in cognition Due to Medical condition, Substance intoxication, Multiple etiologies, NOS
Dementia Prolonged Onset Development of multiple cognitive deficits including memory impairment and aphasia, apraxia, agnosia Diagnostic features: Alzheimer's Type, Vascular, due to HIV, due to Head Trauma, due to Parkinson's, due to Huntington's, Substance, etc
Schizophrenia Two or more signs within past 6 mths: -Delusions -Hallucinations -Disorganized Speech -Grossly Disorganized or Catatonic Behavior -Negative Symptoms (One Sx if delusions are bizarre or hallucinations consists of voices)
Subtypes of Schizophrenia Paranoid Type Disorganized Type Catatonic Type Undifferentiated Type Residual Type
Schizophreniform Disorder Lasts at least 1 month but less than 6 months: -Delusions -Hallucinations -Disorganized Speech -Grossly Disorganized or Catatonic Behavior -Negative Symptoms
Schioaffective Disorder Uninterrupted period of illness with either a Major Depressive Episode, a Manic Episode, or Mixed Episode concurrent with criteria (A) for Schizophrenia
Delusional Disorder Nonbizarre delusions for at least 1 month. Never met Criterion A for Schizophrenia Functioning is NOT markedly impaired and behavior is NOT odd or bizarre
Brief Psychotic Disorder Presence of 1 or more for at least one day but less than a month: -Delusions -Hallucinations -Grossly Disorganized or Catatonic Behavior -Negative Symptoms
Delusional Disorder Subtypes Grandiose Type Jealous Type Somatic Type Persecutory Type
Shared Psychotic Disorder Delusion develops in an individual involved in a close relationship with another person who has an established delusion/psychotic disorder Delusion is similar in content
Major Depressive Disorder 5 of the following present in the same 2week period at least one is depressed mood or loss of interest: weight loss insomnia psychomotor agitation worthlessness/guilt diminished concentration, thinking recurrent thoughts of death/suicidal
Dysthymic Disorder Depressed for most of the day for at least 2 years. Poor appetite/overeating insomnia/hypersomnia low energy low self-esteem poor concentration/difficulty making decisions feelings of hopelessness
Bipolar I Disorder Mood Disorder characterized by Major Depressive Episode, Manic Episode, Hypomanic Episode or Mixed Episodes
Manic Episode Persistent elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting for at least 1 week. 3 or more symptoms present: Inflated self-esteem/grandiosity decreased need for sleep More talkative than usual Flight of ideas Distractibility Increase in goal activity
Hypomanic Episode Persistent elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting for at least 4 days. 3 or more symptoms present: Inflated self-esteem/grandiosity decreased need for sleep More talkative than usual Flight of ideas Distractibility Increase in goal activity
Mixed Episode Criteria met for both Manic and Major Depressive Episode nearly everyday for a week
Bipolar II Disorder Presence or history of one or more Major Depressive Episodes Presence or history of one or more Hypomanic Episodes There has never been a Manic Episode
Cyclothymic Disorder At least 2 years with numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for Major Depressive Episode No Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episode
Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia Recurrent unexpected panic attacks At least 1 of the attacks is followed by 1 month of: Concern of additional attacks Worry about implications of attacks significant behavior change related to attacks
Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia Recurrent unexpected panic attacks At least 1 of the attacks is followed by 1 month of: Concern of additional attacks Worry about implications of attacks significant behavior change related to attacks Presence of Agoraphobia
Agoraphobia without Panic Disorder Anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape is considered difficult. Fear of developing panic like symptoms Criteria for Panic Disorder never met
Specific Phobia Persistent fear that is excessive and unreasonable Cued by presence or anticipation of specific object/situation Exposure provokes anxiety Person recognizes fear is excessive Types: Animal, Natural Environment, Blood/Injection/Injury, Situation, Other
Social Phobia Persistent fear of 1 or more social situation in which person is exposed to unfamiliar people or possible scrutiny of others Exposure to feared social situation provokes anxiety Situations avoided
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessions: Recurrent, persistent, intrusive thoughts Attempts to ignore/suppress Compulsions: Repetitive behaviors the person feels driven to perform in response to obsession Aimed at preventing or reducing distress Obs/com interfere w/ routine
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Exposed to traumatic event & persistently re-experiences it: Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma Increased arousal: Difficulty sleeping, irritability, diff concentrating, hypervigilance, exaggerated startle Symptoms more than 1 month
Acute Stress Disorder Exposed to traumatic event, experiences 3+: numbing/detachment reduction in awareness derealization depersonalization dissociative amnesia Traumatic event is re-experienced Avoidance of stimuli Increased Arousal Last minimum 2days & max 4weeks
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Excessive anxiety & worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months Difficult to control worry 3+ symptoms: -restlessness -being easily fatigues -difficulty concentrating -irritability -muscle tension -sleep disturbance
Somatization Disorder History of physical complaints b4 30 Each of the following must have been met: 4 pain symptoms 2 gastrointestinal symptoms 1 sexual symptom 1 pseudoneurological symptom Cannot be explained by medically
Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder One or more physical complaint Cannot be explained medically or if there is medical condition the complaints/impairments are in excess At least 6 months
Conversion Disorder 1+ symptoms/deficits affecting voluntary motor/sensory function Psychological factors judged to be associated with symptoms Not intentionally produced Cannot be explained by medically Causes significant distress or impairment
Pain Disorder (Associated w/ Psychological Factors or Associated w/ both Psychological Factors & Medical Condition) Pain in 1+ anatomical sites Causes significant distress or impairment Psychological factors may have important role in onset, severity, exacerbation Not intentionally produced
Hypochondriasis Preoccupation with fears of having a serious disease Misinterpretation of bodily symptoms Persists despite medical evaluation Not from a delusion Causes significant distress or impairment
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Preoccupation with imagined defect in appearance Causes significant distress or impairment not better accounted for by another mental disorder
Factitious Disorder Intentional production or faking of physical/psychological signs or symptoms Motivated to assume sick role External incentives for behavior (money)
Dissociative Amnesia Inability to recall important personal information (usually traumatic or stressful) Causes significant distress or impairment
Dissociative Fugue Unexpected travel away form home or work with inability to recall own past Confusion about personal identity or assumption of new identity Causes significant distress or impairment
Dissociative Identity Disorder Presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states At least 2 identities recurrently take control over person's behaviors inability to recall important personal information
Depersonalization Disorder Experiences of feeling detached from self or as if one is outside of body Reality testing remains intact Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty
Exhibitionism Over period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving exposure of one's genitals to an unsuspecting stranger Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty
Fetishism At least 6 months of recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving use of nonliving objects Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty
Frotteurism At least 6 months of recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, behaviors to touch and rub against a nonconsenting person Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty
Pedophilia At least 6 months of recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child under 14 Significant distress or interpersonal difficulty At least 16 yrs old & 5 yrs older than child
Sexual Masochism At least 6 months of recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, behaviors to be humiliated, beaten, bound, or made to suffer Causes significant distress or impairment
Sexual Sadism At least 6 months of recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, behaviors to promote psychological or physical suffering of a victim Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty
Transvestic Fetishism At least 6 months of recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, behaviors to cross-dress Causes significant distress or impairments
Voyeurism At least 6 months of recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, behaviors to observe an unsuspecting person who is naked, disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty
Gender Identity Disorder Cross-Gender Identification Persistent discomfort with own gender Causes significant distress or impairments
Anorexia Nervosa Refusal to maintain body weight Intense fear of gaining weight or getting fat Disturbance with one's body weight or shape Amenorrhea Types: Restricting or Binge-Eating/Purging
Bulimia Nervosa Recurrent episodes of binge eating Recurrent inappropriate behaviors to prevent weight gain (vomiting, laxatives, etc.) Occurs at least twice a week for 3 weeks Self-evaluation of body shape & weight
Primary Insomnia Difficulty initiating/maintaining sleep for at least 1 month Sleep disturbance causes significant distress or impairments
Primary Hypersomnia Excessive sleepiness for at least 1month prolonged sleep or daytime sleep occur almost daily Excessive sleep causes significant distress or impairments Doesn't occur during another mental disorder
Narcolepsy Irresistible attacks of refreshing sleep that occur daily for at least 3months Cataplexy and/or recurrent intrusions of REM sleep
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder Sleep disruption leading to excessive sleepiness or insomnia due to mismatch of sleep-wake cycle Causes significant distress or impairments
Nightmare Disorder Repeated awakenings from major sleep with detailed recall of frightening dreams Upon wakening person becomes oriented & alert Dream experience causes significant distress or impairments Does not occur exclusively during course of other disorders (PTSD)
Sleep Terror Disorder Recurrent episodes of abrupt awakening with panicky scream. Intense fear & signs of autonomic arousal. Unresponsive to efforts of others to comfort. No recall of dream. Causes significant distress/impairment
Sleep Walking Disorder Repeated episodes of rising from bed during sleep and walking about. Has a blank stare & is unresponsive. On awakening the person has amnesia of event. After awaking there is no impairment to mental activity/behavior. Sleepwalking causes distress
Intermittent Explosive Disorder Episodes of failure to resist aggressive impulse that result in assaultive acts or destruction of property. Aggressiveness is out of proportion to precipitating psychosocial stressors. Not better accounted for by another disorder
Kleptomania Failure to resist the impulse to steal objects. Increasing sense of tension prior to theft. Pleasure, gratification, or relief at time of theft. Stealing NOT committed to express anger
Pyromania Deliberate & Purposeful fire setting Tension prior to act. Fascination with fire. Pleasure, gratification, or relief when setting fires or witnessing or participating in aftermath. Not done for monetary gain, criminal activity, express anger, etc.
Pathological Gambling Persistent gambling behavior w/ 5+: Preoccupied w/ gambling. Need to gamble w/ more money. Repeated unsuccessful attempts to control gambling. Restless when attempting to stop. Lies to conceal extent of gambling. Committed illegal acts to gamble.
Trichotillomania Recurrent pulling out of own hair. Tension prior to pulling out hair or when resisting. Pleasure, gratification, or relief when pulling out hair. Causes clinically significant distress
Adjustment Disorders Development of emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor occurring w/in 3mths of onset. Symptoms/behaviors are clinically significant. Does NOT meet criteria for another Axis I disorder. Does NOT represent Bereavement.
Adjustment Disorders subtypes -With Depressed Mood -With Anxiety -With Mixed Anxiety & Depression -With Disturbance of Conduct -With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions & Conduct - Unspecified
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Sexual fantasies and desire for sex. Causes significant distress or impairment.
Sexual Aversion Disorder Persistent avoidance of all genital sexual contact with a sexual partner. Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty.
Female Sexual Arousal Disorder Inability to attain, or maintain lubrication until completion of sexual activity. Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty.
Male Erectile Disorder Inability to attain or maintain erection until completion of sexual activity. Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty.
Female Orgasmic Disorder Recurrent delay in, or absence of orgasm following normal sexual excitement. Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty.
Male Orgasmic Disorder Recurrent delay in, or absence of orgasm following normal sexual excitement. Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty.
Premature Ejaculation Recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, on, or shortly after penetration and before person wishes it. Causes significant distress or interpersonal difficulty.
Dyspareunia Recurrent or Persistent genital pain associated w/ sexual intercourse (male or female). Causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty. Not caused by lack of lubrication or another disorder or medical condition.
Vaginismus Recurrent involuntary spasm of musculature of the vagina that interferes with sexual intercourse. Causes distress or interpersonal difficulty. Not caused by another disorder.
Created by: PsychStudent
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