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Unit #3

-plasty surgical repair
menarche 1st menstrula period
endo- within
metr/i uterus
dys- difficult, painful
an- without
-osis disease
phim/o constrict
-ectomy surgical removal of
-rrhea flow, discharge
orch/o testicle
sperm/o sperm
orchid/o testicle
oophor/o ovary
olig/o scanty
metri/o uterus
-ism state of
hyster/o uterus, womb
men/o menses
mast/o breast
-pexy surgical fixation
-um thing
-rrhagia bursing forth
mamm/o breast
crypt/o hidden
cryptorchidism condition of undescended testilce (s)
areola the darker, pegmented, circular area surrounding the nipple of each breast
myometrium the muscular layer fo the wall of the uterus
hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy complete hysterectomy
mammoplasty surgical REAIR of the breast
endometriosis growth of tissue outside the endometrium
anorchism absence of one or both testicles
amenorrhea absence of menstrual flow
impotence the inability of a male to achieve or substain an erection
oligospermia low sperm count
hyserectomy surgical removal of the uterus
orchidopexy surgical fixation to move undescended testes into the scrotum
dysmenorrhea painful menstrual cycles
vasectomy surgical rmoval of the Vas Dferens for male sterilzation
coitus sexial intercourse
BPH Benign Prostatic Hyperplsia
hypospadias congeital defect in which the urethra opens on the underside of the penis
masectomy surgical REMOVAL of the breast
puberty period of life at which the ability to reproduce begins
metrorrhagia uterine bleeding at time other than the menstrual period
phimosis atightness of the foreskin of the penis that prevents it from being pulled back
perineum area between the vaginal orifice & anus in females and area between the testicles & anus
Bartgholin's Gland 2 small, mucus-secreting glands located at the entrance of the vagina
Created by: tbarger
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