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Ch 2: Population


the study of human populations demography
the number of people per unit of measurement population density
you get this by dividing population by land area arithmetic density
you get this by dividing population by arable land area physiologic density
where people live population distribution
land that is suitable for agriculture arable land
a large area of the world that has a lot of people and high population density population cluster
term used to describe a large urban area comprised of several cities that have grown together megalopolis
region for which the term megalopolis was created eastern US
the feared result of rapid population growth exceeding food supplies. Paul Ehrlich coined the term population bomb
writer that first raised concerns about population growth in 1798 Thomas Malthus
according to Malthus, how population grows exponentially
according to Malthus, how food supply grows linearly
term for the extremely rapid population growth during the 19th and 20th centuries population explosion
period during which chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and hybrid seed varieties enabled food production to increase exponentially green revolution
the percent by which a population increases from year to year population growth rate
the number of babies born per 1000 people in a society crude birth rate
the number of deaths per 1000 people in a given year crude death rate
population growth expressed using only births and deaths rate of natural increase
migration into a country immigration
migration out of a country emigration
immigration minus emigration net migration rate
the average number of babies born per woman total fertility rate
the TFR needed for a population to sustain itself replacement rate
what happens when TFR and net migration drop too low negative population growth
the number of years it takes for a population to double at a given growth rate doubling time
the number of people over 65 per 100 youths under 15 in a society aging index
the tendency for population to stabilize as a country develops economically demographic transition
term for the situation in which birth rates roughly equal death rates stationary population level
a country that is wealthy and whose citizens have access to all modern conveniences developed state
a country that is poorer and in which many citizens do not have access to modern conveniences developing state
the age and gender breakdown of a population population composition
graphic that shows the population composition for a given place population pyramid
the ratio of providers and dependents in a society dependency ratio
someone who is unable to provide for him/herself dependent
someone who earns money and contributes to the care of others provider
the number of people in a society who are willing and able to work workforce
policies which encourage people to have more children pronatalist policies
policies which discourage people from having lots of children antinatalist policies
policies which encourage some people to have children while discouraging others eugenic policies
things that encourage people to do something (such as have children) incentives
China's famous population control strategy one-child policy
the ratio of women to men in a country gender ratio
Created by: rowej78
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