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Studyhelper #9

What helps produce heat and helps maintain body temperature? Muscle contraction
What is responsible for movement in any form and helps the organism tomove in the internal & external environment? Muscular system
What comprises bones, marrow & joints, suports body, attaches muscle, allows movement, protect tissues & organs? Skeletal System
What protects the body from environmental hazards & maintains the core temperature? Integumentary system (skin)
What is fluid called that surrounds all cells & body systems? Internal Environment
The condition of constancy in the Internal Environment is called? Homeostasis
What study relates to the study & function of the various parts of the body? Physiology
What are the 3 parts of the small intestine? Duodenum-jejunum-ileum
What connects to the large intestine at the ileocecal valve, a spincter. Ileum
What part of small intestine does most of the absorptionof foods take place? Jejunum
What part of the small intestine has ducts from liver, gallbladder & pancreas? Duodenum
Crystallized mineral chunks that develop in the urinary tract are? Renal Calculi or kidney stones
Where are proprioceptors At musculotendinus junction
What senses muscle/tendon force, sends info to the central nervous system, will inhibit contraction of muscle if forces is too high? Golgi Tendon Apparatus
What is located between muscle cells, sense length of muscle or change in length -will stimulate contraction-assist in maintaining muscle tone? Functionof Muscle Spindles
What are the 3 classes of joints? Synarthroses-immoble, amphiarthroses-slightly mobile (fibrocartilage), diarthroses-freely mobile (synovial)
What is order of digestive system? Mouth,Pharynx,Esophagus,Small Intestine, Large Intestine
What does the pyloric spincter do? Regulates the flow of chyme into the small intestine
What does the peritoneal cavity do? Lubricates and allows the viscera to move
What is a fracture at right angles to the long axis of the bone? A transverse fracture
What is a fracture in which the bone is usually twisted apart? A spiral fracture
What is a partial fracture in which one side of the bone is broken and the other side bends;occurs only in children A greenstick fracture
What is a fracture in which the bone is splintered at the site of impact and smaller fragments of bone are found between the two main fragments? A comminuted fracture
What is a fracture in which t he broken ends of the bone protrude through the skin? Open or compund fracture
What is a fractue in which the bone does not break throughthe skin? Closed or simple fracture
What is a fracture in which the break across the bone is in 2 or more pieces Complete fracture
What is the anterior lobe of the pituitary called that releases hormones that regulate a whole range of bodily activity from growth to reproduction The adenohypophysis
Where is the origin of Teres Minor Inferior lateral border of scapula
Where is the insertion of Teres Minor Greater tubercle of humerus
What is the action of Teres Minor? Rotates arm laterally, extends & ad-ducts arm
What are 2 lobes located behind the frontal lobe at the top of the brain at top of cerebral cortex involved in higher level sensory functions? Parietal Lobe
What does the Parietal Lobe do? Receives & processes sensations of touch, including pain, heat, cold, pressuure, size, shape & texture with a combined analysis of information from various senses.
From which glands does secretion enter a duct for delivery to a particular part of the body? Exocrine Glands
What holds products to be secreted such as oil from sebaceous glands? Golgi Body
What is internal network of membranes in Cytoplasm where protein synthesis takes palce? Endoplastic Reticulum
What is a quality of smooth Endoplastic Reticulum (smooth er) Has few or no ribosomes
What maintains & stores digestive enzymes and helps break down organic molecules for protein synthesis & metabolism Lysosome
Fingerlike projections found in cells in digestive tract-aids in absorption into cells? Microvilli
How many body systems are there? 11
MURDERS LINC stands for? Muscular,urinary,respiratory,digestive,endocrine,reproductive,skeletal,lymphatic,integumentary,nervous,cardiovascular systems
What is the study of External & Internal structures of the body along with the physical relationship between body parts? Anatomy
What is physiology that considers the functioning of structures that serve specific needs? Systemic
What type of anatomy deals with general forms & superficial marking? Surface
What type of anatomy focuses on the superficial & internal features of a specific area? Regional
What type of anatomy is the study of structures that have the same function? Systemic
What type of anatomy cannot be visualized with the naked eye? Microscopic
What type of anatomy can be visualized with the naked eye? Macroscopic
What is a stretch or a tear in a non-contractile tissue? A sprain
A supine client you just finished massaging still has retracted shoulders. What would you suggest stretching? Rhomboids
Which is a eccentric contraction of the rectus femoris? Deep Knee Bends
What muscle is associated with Spasmodic Torticollis? Sternocleidomastoid
For which condition is moist heat contraindicated? Inflammation
What type of movement does the radioulnar joint have? Totation (pronation & supination)
In Western anatomical poisition where is the distal ulna? Lateral Wrist
What are the 3 major parts of the brain? Cerebellum, Cerebral Hemispheres & brain stem
What system responds to stimuli both inside & outside the body, integrates the senses stimuli and produces appropriate responses? Nervous System
What system consists of organs responsible for circulation of blood, helps transport oxygen, nutrients & hormones around the body to various tissues & carries waste products away? Cardiovascular System
Which hormone is likely to produce pleasure during a massage? Serotonin
What is the region of the brain that acts as a relay station between the cerebellum and cerebrum, part of the brainstem and aids the medulla in the control of breathing? PONS
What is the 2nd deep layer of skin? Dermis
What is back of hand? Dorsum
What is front of elbow? Cubital Fossa
Where is origin of Levator Scapulae C1-C4 transverse processes
Where is insertion of Levator Scapulae Superior angle to root of spine of scapula
Wher is action of Levator Scapulae Elevates, downward rotation
Where is insertionof Latissimus Dorsi Bicipital Groove (medial lip)
What is actionof Latissimus Dorsi Extention, medial rotation, adduction
A joint united by dense fibrous tissue that permits a slight degree of movement is a ? Syndesmosis
A joint of the body that contains a broad, flat disc of fibrocartilage would be classified as as? Symphysis Joint
The characteristics-synovial cavity,articular cartilage, articular capsule define what type of joint? Hinge
Connective tissue sacs that act as cushions in places where friction delvelops are referred to as? Bursae
What type of joint affords triaxial movement? Ball & socket
Articulations that are slightly moveable are referred to as? Amphiarthroses
The movement of a bone around itls long axis is an example of? Rotation
Which is not a freely moveable joint? Syndesmosis
A movement in which the distal end of a bone moves in a circle while the proximal end remains relativelystable is called? Circumduction
Is a symphysis joint a synovial joint? NO
Name 3 synovial joints? Pivot, gliding, ball & socket
What joint do these belong to:articular cartilage, synovial membrane, fibrous capsule? Synovial Joint
Is rotation an angular movement? NO
The movement of the sole of the foot laterally is called? Eversion
The ability of muscle tissue to receive and respond to a stimulus is referred to as? Excitability
The layer of fibrous connective tissue that covers the entire muscle is the Epimysium
A muscle in a group that performs the desired action is referred to as the? Agonist
Because the biceps brachii muscle flexes the forearm when it contracts, most of the muscle lies? Anterior to the humerus
The trapeziius muscle is name on the basis of? Shape
The muscle that turns the palm upward or anterior is the? Supinator
The facial muscle that is used to wrinkle the forehead is the? Frontalis
A major muscle used to abduct the arm is the? Deltoid
Is rectus femoris a flexor of the leg? NO
What are flexors of the leg? Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
Does Triceps Brachii flex the forearm? No
Name the flexors of the forearm? Brachialis, brachioradialis, biceps brachii
Which movements are possible at both the shoulder and elbow joint? Extension and flexion
A muscle that originates on both the spine of the scapula and the clavicle is the? Deltoid
A joint cavity is present in? Synovial joints
Motion that increases the joint angle anteriorly is? Extension
Structurally diarthroses are? Synovial joints
The circular conelike movement of a body segment is? Circumduction
Which joint can be readily nd comfortably hyperextended? Atlantooccipital
Suture is Synarthrosis
Pivot is Diarthrosis
Symphysis is Amphiarthrosis
What is an agonist along with the supinator of the forearm? Biceps Brachii
The muscle tissue that can be conciously controlled is? Skeletal
The innermost layer of connective tissue in a skeletal muscle is called the? Endomysium
Intercalated discs are found in? Cardiac Muscle
Which connective tissue is in direct contact with individual skeletal muscle fiber? Endomysium
The extensor carpi ulnaris contracts to? adduct the hand
The latissimus dorsi originates primarily on the? Vertebral Column
Paralysis of which muscle would make an individual unable to flex his thigh?? Iliopsoas
Paralysis of which muscle would make an individual unable to flex his leg? Gastrocnemius
Which muscle elevates the ribs? Scalene
Which muscle is a syneregist in adduction of the arm? Rhomboid
The joints between the articular processes of vertebrae and between most carpal and tarsal bones are termed? Gliding
Both the shoulder joint and the hip joint contain? An articular capsule
What is the action of the muscles located in the anterior compartment of the leg? Dorsiflex the foot and/or extend the toes
The elbow is an example of a? Uniaxial joint
What movement is characteristic of the hip and shoulder? Lateral rotation
What joint in the body is : triaxial, ball & socket & synovial? Shoulder
Which joint would not allow circumduction? Interphalangeal
Which muscle could elevate the ribs as well as flex the neck? Scalene
Which muscle is an antagonist to the action provided by the pectoralis major? Supraspinatus
Is supraspinatus a rotator of the arm? NO
Which action does the soleus and gastrocnemius have in common? Plantar flexion of the foot
Which characteristic is true of all cartilaginous joints? Lack joint cavity.
When the movement at a jointis limited to rotation around only one axis, the joint is said to be? Uniaxial
Which muscle is an antagonist to the action rpovided by pectoralis major? Supraspinatus
Which action does the soleus and gastrocnemius have in common? Plantar flexion of the foot
Which muscle is involved in chewing? Temporalis
What characterizes all cartilaginous joints? They lack joint cavities
What tends to form septa within the skeletal muscle to reinforce the muscle? Epimysium
Which action would the brachialis and biceps brachii have in common? Flexion of the forearm
Which action occurs for the rectus femoris but not the vastus muscles? Flexion
If a pin enters a skeletal muscle which layer would be encountered secondly? Epimysium
Which muscle names indicates the relative size of the muscle in its name? Pectoralis Major
Which muscle might act as a synergist in plantar flexion of the foot? Quadriceps femoris
Which muscle name indicates the shape of the muscle? Rhomboid
Do synovial joints possess an articular disc? NO
Flexion and extgension movements at the wrist take place at? The joint between the radius and ulna and the proximal row of carpals
Is the muscular layer of the pharynx under the control of the autonomic nervous system? NO
Which muscle is an agonist for adduction of the arm? Pectoralis Major
Does transversus thoracis form part of the abdominal wall musculature? NO
The agonist for the jaw closure is the ? Masseter
Which muscle moves the ribs? Serratus Posterior
Is Synchondrosis a fibrous joint? NO
Is palmaris longus involved in a medial or lateral rotational movement within the forearm? NO
A synergist in abductionof the arm would be? Rhomboideus
Name a pivot joint in the cervical area? Atlas/dens of axis
A joint united by dense fibrous tissue that permits a slight degree of movement is an? Syndesmosis/Amphiarthrosis
Which type of joint provides triaxial movement? Ball & Socket
Name 4 hinge joints? Elbow, knee, interphalangeal, tibia/talus
Is the knee a diarthrodial joint? YES
Which muscle is an antagonist in flexion of the thigh? Biceps Femoris
Which movements would be permitted in a saddle joint? Adduction, circumduction
Which muscle might act as a synergist during extensionof the arm? Trapezius
Which muscle group has many peripheral nuclei? Skeletal
Which muscle group has intercalated discs? Cardiac
Which muscle group has the greatest blood supply? Cardiac
Which muscle group is unstriated? Smooth muscle
Which muscle group is voluntary? Skeletal
In order to move a bone must a muscle have its origin on that bone? NO
Can the rectus femoris muscle function as a flexor of the thigh, trunk or leg? NO
Is the sartorius one of the hamstrings? No
Do the hamstring muscles as well as gastrocnemius function as leg flexors? YES
Do the muscles of the back (posterior trunk) function as extensors of the trunk? YES
Do extensor muscles play a more important part in the maintenance of upright posture than do flexors? YES
Is gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior antagonists? YES
Do all diarthroses permit free movement, but no necessarily the same kinds of movements between articulating bones? YES
Is synarthroses a synovial joint? NO
Are the knee joint and elbow joint classified as hinge type synovial joints? YES
Are condyloid joints biaxial? YES
Does the rectus abdominus muscle flex the vertebral column? YES
Are all joints in the skull forms of sutures? NO
Are hingle joints uniaxial? YES
Are intercarpal and intertarsal joints gliding type of diarthrosis? YES
Is the radiocarpal joint a condoloyd type of synovial joint? YES
What is the movement that decreases the joint angle on an anteroposterior plane? Flexion
The quadriceps femoris group inserts on what structure? Tibia
The abdominal muscle running lengthwise along the midventral region is the ? Rectus Abdominus
What muscle tissue type is located in the wall of the small intestine? SMOOTH
What muscle dorsiflexes/inverts the foot? Tibialis Anterior
A muscle that performs the opposing action in a body movement is called the? Antagonist
The main posterior muscle in the aram is the? Triceps Brachii
Created by: Studyhelper
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