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AP World History

Valhalla High School Bentley AP World Ch. 29

The National Assembly The National Assembly was a transitional body between the Estates-General and the National Constituent Assembly and was considered an assembly of the people. The National Assembly helped consolidate public debt and stated that previously existing taxes were illegally enforced Late 18th Century Chapter 29 France
The Convention The Convention was a new legislative body elected by universal manhood suffrage, which abolished the monarchy and proclaimed France a republic. The Convention was able to rally the French population by instituting a "mass levy" that drafted people and resources for use in the war. Late 18th Century Chapter 29 France
The Directory The Directory was a body of 5 single-male Directors that held executive power in France following the Convention and preceding the Consulate. The Directory led to great military success especially by Napoleon Bonaparte throughout Italy. It also marked the second to last stage of the French Revolution. 1795-1799 Chapter 29 France
Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader. He was also a general during the French Revolution and the ruler of France as Premier Consul of the French Republic. Napoleon Bonaparte was responsible for overthrowing the Directory, imposing a new constitution, and then named himslef consul giving him almost absolute power over France. 1769-1821 Chapter 29 France
Saint-Domingue Society The Saint-Domingue Society was comprised of forty thousand white French sttlers, thirty thousand gens de couleur, and over five hundred thousand black slaves. The Saint-Domingue Society was predominately slaves and gens de couleur which foreshadowed the first and only successful slave revolt in history. Late 18th Century - Early 19th Century Chapter 29 Caribbean island of Hispaniola
Slave Revolt In August 1791, twelve thousand slaves began killing white settlers, burning their homes, and destroying their plantations, leading to the first successful slave revolt in history. This Slave Revolt was the only successful revolt in history, and it showed other nations that slave revolts are possible, thus forever changing views on slavery. August 1791 Chapter 29 Saint-Domingue
Toussaint Louverture Toussaint Louverture was an instrumental leader throughout the Haitian Revolution. He led the blacks to a victory over the whites, freeing the slaves. Toussaint Louverture was the single most important person in the only successful slave revolt in history and was the driving force behind the Haitian Revolution. 1744-1803 Chapter 29 Saint-Domingue
Gens De Couleur The Gens De Couleur were free people of color, including lattoes and freed slaves that inhabited Saint-Domingue. The Gens De Couleur were free people that along with the slaves were in search of making Saint-Domingue an independent land and played an intricant role during the revolt. Late 18th Centuy - Early 19th Century Chapter 29 Saint-Domingue
Napoleonic France Napoleonic France was a time in which Napoleon Bonaparte brought political stabiltiy to France when it was torn by revolution and war. Napoleonic France was a period that was responsible for the pact, known as the Concordat, that allowed France to keep any church lands seized during the revolution. 1802-1821 Chapter 29 France
Civil Code The Civil Code was a revised body of civil law that was promulgated in 1804 by Napoleon. The Civil Code helped stabilize French society and affirmed the political and legal equality of all adult men, establishing a merit-based society. Early 19th Century Chapter 29 France
Popular Sovereignty relocating sovereignty in the people gave people responsibilty in their government 17th and 18th cen. 29 USA
Declaration of Independence Written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776; the document expressed the ideas of John Locke and the Enlightenment, represented the idealism of the American rebels, and influenced other revolutions. declaration for freedom from England 18th cen. 29 USA
Seven Years War Conflict (1756-1763) in which Britain fought in Europe, India, North America, and Asia and established hegemony. established hegemony 18th cen. 29 USA
Enlightenment Eighteenth-century philosophical movement that began in France; its emphasis was on the preeminence of reason rather than faith or tradition; it spread concepts from the Scientific Revolution. major global movement 18th cen. 29 USA
John Locke English philosopher, who founded the doctrine that affirms that all knowledge is based on experience major philosopher of the enlightenment 17th cen. 29 USA
Contractual Government authority comes from the consent of the governed created by John Locke 17th cen. 29 USA
Jean-Jacques Rousseau French philosopher, social and political theorist, musician, botanist, and one of the most eloquent writers of the Age of Enlightenment author of many influential books and philosophies 18th cen. 29 USA
Boston Tea Party incident on December 16, 1773, when a group of citizens in Boston, Massachusetts, dumped tea into Boston Harbor event leading to American Revolution 18th cen. 29 USA
Creoles individuals in Iberian colonies that were born in the Americas and were of Spanish of Portuguese ancestry The creoles had a population of 3.5 million, sought to displace peninsulares(colonial officials), and led movements between 1810-1825 that brought independance to most Spanish colonies in the Americas.(Cuba and Puerto Rico did not experience this) late 1700's- early 1800's 29 Latin America
Simon Bolivar A creole elite that led the movement for independance. Believed in the Enlightenment ideas of popular sovereignty and was inspired by George Washington. With inspiration from George Washington, Bolivar "took up arms against Spanish rule in 1811." In 1819, he assembled an army that defeated the Spanish in Colombia. He then coordinated with other creole elites and by 1825, creole forces overcame the Spanish early 1800's 29 South America
Ideology coherent vision of human nature, human society, and the world that proposes a form of policital and social organization. Ideology led to the develpment of conservatism and liberalism which would be used by countries around the world 1700's 29 America,France, Europe
William Wilberforce (1759-1833); Wilberforce was an English philanthropist that was elected to a seat in Parliament in 1780. He was a spokesman of the movement to abolish slavery and attaceked slavery on moral and relgious grounds. The Wilberforce bill was passed by Parliament in 1807 to end slave trade. After, other countries then too began to ban commerce in slaves. 1800's 29 Europe, USA, Britain
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797); Wollstonecraft was a British writer who published " A Vindication of the Rights of Women" in 1792. She wrote this essay that argued that women possessed the same rights Locke gave men. She also insisted women should be educated. 18th century 29 Britain
Augustin de Iturbide (1783-1824); When Iturbide delcared independence from Spain in 1821, colonial rule came to an end in Mexico.In 1822, he declared himself emperor of Mexico. Him and his empire didn't last long and in 1823, creoles established a republic. With his declaration for independence, it gave Mexico a chance to become independent. Although the Central American Federation didn'tlast, independent states were formed. 1800's 29 Mexico
Miguel de Hidalgo (1753-1811); The most serious of revolts against the Spanish was a peasant rebellion led by Hidalgo.He gathered indigenous people and mestizos to fight against colonial rule.He was captured by conservative creoles and was then executed. Hidalgo's rebellion continued for three years after his death and he became the symbol of Mexican independence. 1800's 29 Mexico
Mary Astell (1666-1731); An english writer that drew from the political thought of John Locke, thought that if absolute sovereignty was not right for a family, then it should not be right for a government. She is significant due to the fact that she questioned the role and rights of women. And in the 18th century, "advocates of womens rights became active in Britain, France, and North America." 1700's-1800's 29 Britain France North America
Seneca Falls A conference of feminists who passed twelve resolutions demanding lawmakers to grant women rights equal to men This movement led to women receiving more rights and formal education 1848 29 New York
Anti-Semitism A prejudice against Jews and the political, social, and economic actions taken against them It turned violent and led to key events such as millions of Jews migrating 1881 29 Austria-Hungary, Germany
Congress of Vienna Representatives of the "great powers" attempted to restor the prerevolutionary order;created a German Confederation composed of thirty-nine states dominated by Austria Dismantled Napoleon's empire 1814-1815 29 Europe
Otto von Bismarck King of Prussia's prime minister;wealthy landowner Expanded and reformed army, leading to 3 wars and beat all opponents 1815-1898 29 Prussia
Zionism Provoked a resentful nationalism among Palestinians;seeked to establish a home for the Jewish people in Palestine Led to conflicts between Jews and Palestinians to the present day 1948 29 Palestine
Giuseppe Mazzini A nationalist activist who formed a group called Young Italy that promoted independence from Austrain and Spanish rule and the establishment of an Italian national state Young Italy had inspired the development of nationalist movements in Ireland, Swtz., and Hungary 1805-1872 29 Italy
Nationalist Rebellions Inspired by nationalist sentiments;seeking for independence The rebellions displaced rulers and brought down monarchies 1820s-1840s 29 Europe
Count Camillo di Cavour Prime minister to King Vittore;combined forces with nationalist advocates of independence and was a diplomat;expelled Austrian authorities from most of northern Italy Greatly contributed to the unification of Italy 1810-1861 29 Italy
Created by: icedtea
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