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Chapter 8 HSC

Health chapter 8

Examples of Physical Changes in the body - increase in height/weight - motor sensory adaptation - development of te sex organs
Examples of development include increases in - intellectual ability - variety in expression of emotions - ability to cope w complex situations
Key concepts in human growth and development physical, cognitive, and psychosocial
What is Eriksons stages of psychosocial development The psychosocial aspects of each life stage based on psychosocial development occurs as the results of resolving specific types of conflicts encountered each stage
Things that can delay Eriksons stages stress, illness
Stages: Infancy toddler preschooler birth- 1 year. trust vs mistrust 1-3 autonomy vs shame 3-6 inititative vs guilt
stages school age adolescence young adult middle adlut late adult 6-12 industry vs inferiority 12-30 identity vs role confusion 20s,30s intimacy vs isolation 40-65 generativity vs stagnation 65- ego integrity vs despair
Define Growth refers to the physical changes that takes place in the body
Factors that affect physical growth - adequate supplies of food - exercise - access to health care
Areas that are not completely by genetics personality, intellect, family relationships, cultural customs, religion, education, physical health
Define Zygote The cell formed when the two reproductv cells join and containes all genetic info from both parents
Define prenatal period begins w contraception and ends with birth
Who are the baby boomers? Generation born passed WWII and encompass 79 million babies born in us between 1946-1964. They are healthier, more active, better educated and affluent and work longer
Why is it important for health care professonals to understand the milestones - care to all ages - always exceptions - age appropriate communcation and care - generalizations cannot take place
Define cognitive Refers to the intellectul process and includes thought awareness, and the ability to rationally comprehend the world and determine meaning
define psychosocial include psychological and social development. psychological- emotions, additutes and other aspects of the mind. social- relationships with members of society
define physical growth of the body, including motor sensory adaptation
define development refers to the increase in mental, emotional and social capabilities of the individual
define embryo stage period from the 2nd to 8th week of fertilization
what is a fetus 8 weeks till birth the embryo is called this
when a baby is 4 weeks (1 month) half the size of a pea heart is beating
when baby is 8 weeks ( 2 months) approx 1 inch resembles a human all organs being to form
when a baby is 12 weeks 2 1/2- 3 inches fully formed swallow and kick external genitalia formed male/female can be determined
when a baby is 24 weeks 1/2 - 2 pounds eyelids open and can move eyebrows, lashes and taste buds can hear mother
when a baby is 40 weeks fetal development complete 6-8 pounds 19-22 inches
what is a neonate during 1st month of life
what must infants recieve to have normal and mental development adequate tactile stimulation (touching, cuddling, hugging)
care considerations for prenatal emphasize care of mother, address unhealthy habbits, assist mother in developing strategies, educate mother about needs for good nutrition
care considerations for infancy involve parents in care, provide for safety, avoid playing with removable parts, cuddle and hug infants, obtain weight, height ect.
care considerations for toddler use direct approach, distract and use game approach, give one direction at a time, involve toddlers in their care, simple explanations, set limits
care considerations for preschooler explain procedures, encourage verbal skills, praise good behavior, allow them to make choices
care considerations for school aged child explain procedures, provide privacy, define behavior limits, encourage independence, educate w visual aids
care considerations for adolescence give explanations, encourage questions, involve them, provide privacy, determine how they learn best and adapt and approach
care considerations for young adults involve significant other, watch body language, asses them for stress, involve them, provide teaching according 2 learning style
care considerations for middle adults involve them, encourage self care, explore their concept of illness, proving teaching learning style, encourage good lifestyle changes
care considerations for later adulthood young-old (65-74) encourage discussion about work plants, social activity with peers, encourage active thinking, assist with adjustment to new roles
care considerations for middle-old (75-84) explore support systems, talk about their feelings of loss, provide support, safe comfortable environment, be alert
care considerations for old-old 85 plus. encourage independence, support end of life decisions, assist with self care, be sensitive to sensory impairments, provide care to maintain regualar bowel movements
Created by: lanahargrove
Popular Science sets




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