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AP World History

Valhalla High School Bentley AP World Ch. 32

TermdefinitionSignificanceTime PeriodChapterRegion
Capitulations Claimed that European visitors did not have to follow Ottoman laws and provided European powers with extraterritoriality- the right to exercise jurisdiction over thier own laws. Symbolized foreign influence in Ottoman empire. Made the economy decrease after Europeans established tax-exempt banks, enterprises, foreign government,levy taxes on goods sold in Ottoman ports. The empire could not pay military or religious hierarchy. 19TH Century 32 pg. 882-883 Ottoman Empire
Young Turks' Beliefs Believed in universal sufferage, equality before law, freedonm of religion, free public education, secularisation of the state, and emancipation of women. THe threw out Hamid so Mehmed V. Rashid became puppet sultan and wanted Turkish to be the opfficial language. They were nationalistic and favored Turkish dominance within the empire which led to Arab resistnace. 1908-1918 32 pg 885 Ottoman Empire
Tanzimat "reorganization era" Legal, edu., & military reforms. In fluenced by the Enlightenment and the constitution.Attacked Ottoman law with the aim of having Europeans have capitulations lifted and recover Ottoman sovereignty. Used French legal system. Supported public trials ect.. 1839-1879 32 pg.884 Ottoman Empire
Crimean War Europeans helped the Ottomans in their struggle to keep their land in a war aganinst Russia. After Russians lost, they realized their need to improve on industry. 1853-1856 32 Info from online ch. outilne Russia expanded from Manchuria, across Asia to Baltic Sea. Wanted to gain lands in the Mediterranean. THey then moved on Balkanscontrolled by the Ottomans.
Mahmud II'S Reforms Made a European style army which made Janissaries mad. Schools were open for boys and those serving in the army.The power went from traditional elites to the sultan and his cabinent. Through this the Sultan and his cabinent taxed landlords, abolished military grants and undermined the Ulma, Islamic leadership. He also constructed roads, built telegraph lines and a postal service.The Ottoman empire shrunk but became more powerful. 1820's 32 pg 883 Ottoman Empire
Revolution of 1905 destruction of Russian Navy Russo-Japanese War 1750-1914 32 (blank)
Bloody Sunday Massacre petitioned government at tsar's Winter Palace, 130 killed January 1905, Russo-Japanese War 1905 32 (blank)
Cohongs specially liscensed Chinese firms which bought and sold goods at set prices and operated under regulations established by government governmental power 1750-1914 32 China
Opium Trade British used opium to trade with Chinese, grew Opium in India caused drug problems in China early 19th Century 32 China
Opium War Chinese government against, British for Opium, British better military China defeated used drugs instead of needed goods for trade 1839-1842 32 China
Nemesis gunboat, led British armada up Yangzi River fight for opium trade 1842 32 China
Treaty of Nanjing opened 5 Chinese ports, Qing government to extend most favored nation status to Britain, British people not subject to Chinese laws, only based on relation of China and Britain bad treaty for China,benefited Britain 1842 32 China
Taiping Rebellion most of China wanted radical reformation, included want of industrial society and democratic institutions most Chinese wanted it, was defeated, 20-30 million dead 1850-1864 32 China
Self-Strengthening movement reform program, to blend Chinese cultural traditions with European industrial technology Chinese continous want of change 1860-1895 32 China
Empress Dowager Cixi ruler of China last 50 tears of Qing Dynasty,used money to build an elaborate boat instead for the use of navy governmental funds not used properly 1835-1908 32 China
Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao published a series of treatises reinterpreting Confucian thought in a way that justified radical changes in imperial system leading people of Hundred Days Reforms 1858-1927,01837-1929 32 China
Boxer Rebellion violent movement led by militia calling themselves Society of Righteous and Harmonios Fists wanted to get rid of foreigners 1899 32 China
Tokugawa Bakufu the shogun and his government pressured by foreigners and needed reform 1750-1914 32 Japan
Commodore Matthew C.Perry demanded that the Shogun open Japan to diplomatic and commercial relations pressure from United States on Japan 1853 32 Japan
Mutsuhito (Meiji) boy emperor, Meiji- enlightened rule made many reforms 1852-1912 32 Japan
Fukuzawa Yukichi studied English, member of first Japanese mission to United States reported observations of foreign lands to Japan 1853-1901 32 Japan
Ito Hirobumi traveled to Europe to study foreign consitutions ans administrative systems helped build enw government 1841-1909 32 Japan
Destruction of Social Order Meiji leaders took power away from Daimyo and samurai government did not fear military challenges 1750-1914 32 Japan
Tax System changed taxes of grain into fixed-money tax economical changes in Japan 1873 32 Japan
Remodeling the Economy established telegraph,railroads,and steamship lines tied to national economic network changes to economy in Japan 1750-1914 32 Japan
Zaibatsu financial cliques economic power to small groups of people 1880's 32 Japan
Napolean French general who wanted to use Egypt to attack British India. Egypt gained autonomy after Napolean's failed campaign.Muhammad Ali, an Egyiptian general built a powerful modern army in response to threaten the Ottomans. Egypt became independent. 1798 32 Egypt
Sultan Selim II A leader who remodeled the Ottoman army but threatned Janissary. When his successor tried to keep the new milirary force, rampaging Janissaries killed all make members of the dynasty except for Mahmud II who then became Sultan. Sultan Selim III 1789-1807 32 pg 883 Ottoman Empire
Young Ottomans A group which opposed the Tanzimat Believed in individual freedom and local autonomy, political decentralization, and consitutions. High level bureaucrats were determined to improve checks on the sultan's power by forcing him to accept a constitution and if necessary renounce his position. late 1800's 32 pg 884 Ottoman Empire
Abdul Hamid II A sultan who suspended the constitution used in the ottoman empire. Showed that the Ottoman society needed a constitution Abdul Hamid II 1876-1909 32 pg 885 Ottoman Empire
Alexander II Calle for the emancipation of serfs. Even after these efforts,agricultural production was still in paucity. 1861 32 info from online outline Russian empire
Zemstvos "Local assembles with representativesfrom all classes." Showed that legal reforms were more effective then past tsar rule. 1864 37 Ifo from online chapter outline Russian Empire
The Wittte System by Sergei Witte Built Railways. Changed the state bank. Production in steel, coal, and oil increased. Railways became more flluent such as the trans-siberian railway. New industries, and foreign loans were gaurded. Industry increased. 1892-1903 ch 32 information from online ch. outline Russian Empire
Nicholas II After Alexander II was assassinated,Nicholas II came into power.A more conservative leader. Who wanted to expand in territory. Expantion led to a meeting with the Japanese which erupted into the Russo- Japanese War. The war destroyed the Russian navy Nicholas II 1894-1917 Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 32 info from online outline and pg 892 Russian Empire
Created by: yc1210
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