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EDU 272 Ed Psych 1

Info from lessons 1-5

Define "culture." (Lesson 5) Knowledge, skills, rules, traditions, beliefs & values that guide behavior in a group of people. Also art & artifacts produced & passed down to next generation. Cultures can be Catholic, feminist, hick, etc...
Summarize the 4 areas of diversity.(Lesson 5) 1. SES 2. Race & Ethnicity 3. Language 4. Sex-Role Stereotyping & Gender Bias
Describe how poverty impacts a student's ability to learn.(Lesson 5) Causes an assumption they aren't bright by teachers & peers, lowering expectations. Also lower quality education. These factors lead them to believe they aren't smart enough and become convinced they are stuck
Explain how you will avoid being partial to one specific group of students.(Lesson 5) Help all students see academic achievement as part of their ethnic, racial & gender identity. Acknowledge the stereotypes exist & help students combat. Anxiety due to stereotypes affects students' performance
Give examples of how you will avoid gender bias.(Lesson 5) 1. Establish equity. treat males/females equally 2. Promote integration. Combine males & females in all activities 3. Avoid stereotypes. Be aware of stereotypes & assign roles without regard to gender
6.Develop a classroom plan for how you will integrate multicultural education in your classroom.(Lesson 5) Know your students, appeal to all of the senses when teaching so you can access all types of learning styles, involve different cultural community members
7.Describe teaching strategies to assist you in working with linguistically and culturally diverse children.(Lesson 5) Additive Approach: teacher +s multicultural content, concepts, & themes to curriculum. Transformation Approach includes major change to curriculum Social Action Approach, students make decisions on social issues & take steps to solve, Coop Learning
1.Summarize the contribution to education by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon. (Lesson 4) Min. of Pub Instr (Paris) asked B to find way to i.d. studs needing xtra help b4 later fail in grades. B&S I.d'd 58 tests different. btwn success & unsuccess studs btwn 3-13 & gave mental age. brought to U.S. & revised @ Stan. Uni. (Stan.-B test (iQ))
3.Describe Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences.(Lesson 4) Theory is intelligence is ability to solve problems & create products or outcomes valued by a culture. 8 intelligences - biological & psychological potential, capable of being realized as consequence of experiential, cultural & motivational factors
4.Explain how you will integrate the multiple intelligences into your classroom.(Lesson 4) Cultivate desired (by community & society) capabilities; approach concepts, subject matter, & discipline in variety of ways; personalization of education
5.Describe Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence.(Lesson 4) Successful intelligence = skills & knowledge needed for success according to one's definition of success within sociocultural context. It's success in life. Analytical (metacomponents) creative (automaticity & insight) & practical (tactic knowledge)
1.Describe Bronfenbrenner's Bio-ecological Model of Human Development. (Lesson 3) Bio=person brings biological self to development process, ecolgoical=social contexts are an ecosystem (micro (intermediate), meso (elements of micro) exo (social settings affecting child) & macro (larger society) systems);all social influences reciprical
2.Describe the eight stages of Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development.(Lesson 3) Development = a passage through a series of interdependent stages, each stage has its own developmental crisis
3.Summarize Piaget's Framework of Moral Reasoning.(Lesson 3) Cognitive development is dependent upon four factors: biological maturation (genetic not environmental), activity (
5.Summarize Gilligan's Theory of Gender-based Morality.(Lesson 3) concludes Kohlberg's perspect. on moral develop. more aplicable 2 he's than she's.studied morality of females by interviewing women who were confronted with actual moral dilemma. moral dilemma posed to women: Would you or would you not have abortion?
6.Explain ways teachers can help children develop social skills.(Lesson 3) Set clear limits, be consistent, enforce rules firmly not punitively, respect students, show genuine concern. Be available to talk or guide how to find good outlets (journaling)
7.Explain 'self concept' and 'self esteem.' (Lesson 3) Self-concept: indiv's beliefs & knowledge about self, attempt to explain ourselves to ourselves, varies a lot. Self-esteem: influenced by whether culture around you values your capabilities/character.evaluation judgement of self-worth
1.Describe Piaget's developmental stages and his thoughts on cognitive development. (Lesson 2) developed framework of moral reasoning by telling stories to children, then asking them questions.Inkwell story; Morality of Constraint: (Little Kid Morality - sacred rules), Morality of Cooperation: (Older Kid Morality-rules are not carved in stone)
2.Explain Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development.(Lesson 2) studying foundations that have not yet matured but are in process of maturation.Actual & potential develop., social interaction facilitates develop
3.Summarize the difference between Piaget and Vygotsky views' of development and learning.(Lesson 2) believed the social environment is critical to cognitive development.all capabilities appear 2x's-1st among people in child's cultural env. & within child
4.Describe the pattern of child development: cognitive, biological, and socioemotional. (Lesson 2)
5.Describe Piaget's 3 mental processes.(Lesson 2) Scheme, assimilation, Accomodation
6.Describe the 4 processes of Human development.(Lesson 2)
1.Differentiate between teaching and learning. (Lesson 1) Just because a child goes to school each day doesn't mean that he or she will automatically learn. Just bc teacher stands up in front of a room full of children each day and provides activities doesn't mean that the children will automatically learn.
2.Give examples of an expert teacher.(Lesson 1) Disting. btwn relevant & irrel. info, Comprehend meaning behind class activity,Are proactive,I.D. instruc. & class manage. problems,Have complex mental images,good question skills .planning helps construct of schema,Assess them frequent,reflect on results
3.Give examples of a novice teacher.(Lesson 1) Have trouble "reading between the lines" of classroom activity, Are reactive,Have problems w/complex classroom phenom,don't possess sophisticated theories of teaching,Lack questioning skills
4.Describe components of effective teaching.(Lesson 1)
5.Define 3 major research models in education.(Lesson 1) Descriptive (samples of dialogue, records of class activities),correlational (strength & direction of relationship), experimental (cause/effect relationships), single subject (abab), microgenetic (detailed observ of subjects tracks progress til stable)
1. Erickson's Theory: Basic trust vs mistrust Birth-12-18 months; important event: feeding; infant must form loving trusting relationship with caregiver or develops deep sense of mistrust
2. Erickson's Theory: Autonomy vs shame/doubt 18 months - 3 years; important even: toilet training; energies directed toward developmental skills and may develop shame & doubt if not handled well
3. Erickson's Theory: Initiative vs guilt 3-6 years; imoortant event: independence; child continues to be more assertive & take more initiative but may be too forceful, which can lead to guilt feelings
4. Erickson's Theory: Industry vs inferiority 6-12 years; important event: school; child must deal with demands to learn new skills or risk a sense of inferiority, failure & incompetence
5. Erickson's Theory: Identity vs role confusion Adolescence; important event: peer relationships; teenager must achieve identity in occupation, gender roles, politics and religion
6. Erickson's Theory: Intamacy vs isolation Young adulthood; important event: love relationships; young adult must develop intimate relationships or suffer feelings of isolation
7. Erickson's Theory: Generativity vs stagnation Middle adulthood; important event: parenting/mentoring; each adult must find some way to satisfy & support next generation
8. Erickson's Theory: Ego integrity vs despair Late adulthood; important event: reflection on & acceptance of one's life; culmination is a sense of acceptance of oneself and a sense of fulfillment
Fixed Intelligence (lesson 4) A belief that each human is born with the intelligence they are always going to have and it cannot change or grow. These individuals view performance as a test of their abilities and do not do well with failure as it makes them feel helpless.
Incremental intelligence (lesson 4) belief that one's intelligence developed by factors in environment, (how much interacted w/& how much brain is stimulated).they see performance something improves skills & abilities, & failure tends to make want 2 work harder 2 master what working on
Kohlberg: Level I: Preconventional Morality (Birth - 9 Years) Lesson 3 judgments made before children understand conventions of society. Children base judgments on 2 things: Avoiding punishment Good behavior yields some kind of benefit Stage 1: Punishment & Obedience Orientation Stage 2: Instrumental Exchange Orientatio
Kohlberg: Level II: Conventional Morality (9 years - young adulthood) Lesson 3 judge's based on rules of society. Behav's keep social order-reasons 4 judge's: impress others. Stage 3: interp. Conform. Orient.: Focus-expect. of others; look for approval of others Stage 4: Law&Order Orient: society rules est. so society functions
Kohlberg: Level III: Post-Conventional Morality (Adulthood) Lesson 3 thinker arrives @ self-determined set of princ's (morality) Stage 5: Laws open to eval Sometimes laws have to be disregard. Stage 6: princ's determin. moral behavior are self-chosen.princ's unify person's belief about equality justiceðics
Giligan's Levels (1-3) Derived from Kohlbergs (except now female) L-1 Orient. toward self-interest-focuses on 'best for her' L-2 I.D. of good w/respons. 4 others-sense of resp. for others & capacity for self-sacrifice L-3-dynamics btwn self & others.Achieves understand actions must reflect concern for self & others
Piaget Developmental Stages - Preoperational Stage (Lesson 2) Operation=actions based on logical thinking.Children develop skills as language & drawing ability.Children's actions not always logical. most important symbol= language. Benchmarks: Symbolic representation,Perceptual centration,Irreversibility,Egocentrism
Piaget Developmental Stages - Concrete Operational (Lesson 2) 1st stage operational thought children develop logical reasoning, but about concrete problems. hands-on stage. Reversibility,Decentration-can consider more than one aspect of object,Conservation-ability recognize properties don't change while form does
Piaget Developmental Stages - Formal Operational (Lesson 2) This is the stage of development  where thinking logically begins.At this time, children begin to reason realistically about the future and to deal with abstract reasoning, or the ability to think.
Paiget Developmental Stages - Sensorimotor Stage (Lesson 2) Newborn interacts with environment to build schemes; benchmarks are Object Permanence and Imitation
Created by: akenx003
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