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Feminist-EPSY 6325

Feminist- EPSY 6325 Arbona

Feminist Therapy Role of social, political, and cultural context in individual's problems: a)Power:central aspects in human relations, b)Perspective of psych theories (White European middle class male; normative), c)Dominant group considers what is different from them
Women's Movement 1960s a)Reaction against limited female gender roles; b)Gender socialization affects women's development and well-being. Cultural conceptions of gender serve as an organizing principle in people's identity
Women's Movement 1960s a)Traditional therapy as a way to maintain the status quo; b)Need for psychological theories that take into account women's perspectives and political realities
Women's Movement 1970s and 1980s a)Research on gender bias; b)Self-in relation models; c)Research emphasis on body image, eating disorders, abusive relations, sexual abuse; d)expanded focus to:multiple oppression, multicultural competence, and social justice; d)Men's movement
Self-in relation models Validate relational and cooperative dimensions of women's experience
2 views of development Androcentric and Gendercentric
Androcentric Male-oriented constructs constitute the norms used to draw conclusions about humans, including female nature. Traditional women's gender roles dispositions of connectedness and inter-dependence are devalued & independence and autonomy are exalted
Relational Cultural theory Challenges the androcentric view by: a)women's identity and self-concept develop in the context of relationships and accepts the notion of intrinsic gender differences based on social historical context
Gendercentric There are two separate innate paths of development for women and men
Socio-cultural and power analyses Challenges the gendercentric view (socialization process0 by: Traditional women's gender roles and dispositions have been acquired/learned in the context of women's subservient position and rejects the notion of intrinsic gender differences
Gender Socialization Is central to therapeutic practice for men and women
Socio-political and cultural perspective Is essential in understanding people's problems. Ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, class, age, and disabilities matter
Symptoms May be self-preservation responses to an oppressive environment
Goals of Therapy Empowerment and Societal Change
Empowerment Help clients free themselves from the internalized constraints of gender role socialization and oppression
Societal Change Social change to eliminate sexism and other forms of oppression
Techniques/strategies a)Egalitarian counselor-client relationship, b)Therapist self-disclosure, c)Gender role analyses/intervention, d)Power Analysis, e)Assertiveness training, f)Bibliotherapy, g)social action
Egalitarian counselor-client relationship Actively engage client in setting the direction, goals, length, and procedures of therapy
Therapist self-disclosure To decrease power differential
Gender Role Analyses/Intervention a)Emphasize societal as opposed ti intra-psychic origin of problems; b)Examine how internalized societal expectations regarding gender roles are related to client's issues
Power Analysis a)Raise awareness of power difference between men and women in society; b)Help clients recognize different kinds of power they possess and how they and others exercise power on personal and societal levels
Assertiveness Training Teach and promote assertive behavior so women will:become aware of interpersonal rights, transcend stereotypical gender roles, change negative beliefs, and implement changes in daily life
Bibliotherapy a)To help educate clients about societal issues and b)Increases clients' expertise and decreases power differential in therapy
Social Action a)Encourage clients to actively influence social change regarding women/other oppressed groups; b)Helps empower clients by making the connection between society and personal problems
Contributions a)Brought awareness to the impact of the cultural context and multiple oppressions; b)Established as proper focus of therapy to change oppressive conditions rather than just expect clients to adapt to them
Contributions Gave validity to women's perspectives: a)sexual conduct in therapeutic relations has been recognized and sanctioned; b)Strengths in women's qualities of nurturance and cooperation (rather than competition) are recognized
Limitations a)Feminist therapy doesn't take a neutral stance regarding gender roles; b)May put undue pressure on clients to follow a specific direction; c)Not all clients may be interested in engaging in social action
Limitations Over-emphasis on environmental factors may: a)Neglect exploration of the intra-psychic world, and b)Motivate clients to forsake responsibility for themselves in the face of an unjust world
Created by: bseal023
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