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Unit #2

-plasty surgical repair
-spasm sudden, involuntary twitching
py/o pus
trop/o turn, change
emmetr/o in proper measure
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
eso- inward, within
chalaz/o cyst
blephar/o eyelid
-rrhea flow, dishcarge
myring/o eardrum
ot/o ear
-opia vision
exo- away from, outward
dacry/o tears
PEARL pupils eaqual and reactive to light
ambi- on both sides
-cus hearing
presby/o old age
med/i middle
my/o muscle
-osis disease, abnormal condition
hyper- above beyond, excessive
-ia pertaning to
myc/o fungus
-itis inflammation
-algia pain, suffering
-otomy surgical incision
-dynia pain
BOM bilaterial, otitis, media
aden/o gland
tinnit/o ringing, buzzing
tympan/o eardrum
veritg/o dizzy
-us thing, structure
horde/o hard
nyctal/o night, darkness
OD right eye
OU each eye
AD right ear
AS left ear
AU both ears
OS left eye
verigto dizziness
emmetropia state of normal vision
blepharospasm a twitching of the eyled muscles
presbycusis loss of hearing (due to natural aging process)
otomycosis fungla infection of the ear
myringotomy surgical incision into the eardrum
nyctalopia inadequate night vision
myringoplasty surgical repair of the eardrum
hordeolum a bacterial infection of an eyelash follicle(stye)
tympanocentesis surgical puncture to remove fluid from ear
dacryoadenitis inflammation of a tear gland (tearduct)
chalazion a cyst of the eyelid
ambiopia double vision
otopyorrhea flow or discharge of pus from the ear
nystagmus twitching of the eye
otitis media middle ear infection
otalgia earache
presbyopia poor vision
myopia nearsightedness
exotropia (crossed eyed) an obvious outwrd turning of one eye in relation to another
tinnitis ringing in the ears
hyperopia farsightedness
Created by: tbarger
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