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Ch. 27 questions

Bacterial Diseases and Intoxications of the GI tract

What is the transmission mode of cholera? untreated water as well as by fecal-oral route
What physiological reaction does choleragen affect? causes massive loss of electrolytes
what notable differentiating characteristic does shigellosis have compared to salmonellosis? unlike salmonellosis, a sx of shigellosis is bloody diarrhea with raspberry jam stool
what is EMB agar used for? culture coliforms to trace occurrence of fecal contamination in water and other food sources
Describe the etiology and sympptomatology of infantile diarrhea caused by local strain of E. coli--transmission of fecal-oral, and sx include diarrhea
Describe the etiology and symptomatoloty of Traveler's diarrhea occurs when people encounter E coli with a newenterotoxin that they haven't been exposed to--sx is diarrhea
Describe the etiology and symptomatology of Cystitis and bacteriuria E. coli causes cystitis or bacteriuria--sx include high frequency of urination with pain
Give the name of the organism, etiology, and disease characteristics of typhoid fever caused by Salmonella typhi--spread by chronic carriers with inadequate hygiene--sx intestinal ulcers, bloody diarrhea, rose spots, and stepladder fever
How long can carriers spread Salmonella typhi? throughout a lifetime
What is salmonellosis? organisms transmitted from reptiles--raw eggs, poultry, raw milk, mayonnaise--spreads from symptomatic/asymptomatic chronic carriers who wash inadequately
what is typhoid fever? presents with intestinal ulcerations and bloody stools--bacteremia develops with rose spots and stepladder fever
Helicobacter pylori is associated with what diseases? causes gastritis in otherwise healthy individuals--assooc. with about 90% of gastric ulcers and gastric cancer
How do people get botulism? by eating can survive boiling, freezing, and drought and remain viable in the soil for hundreds of years
How does sporulation help Clostridium botulinum in survival and disease transmission? can survive in boiling, freezing, and drought and remain viable in the soil for hundreds of years
Created by: heatherlvn
Popular Science sets




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