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muscle notes

2 characteristics of muscle contractility, elasticity
helps muscle recoil to original shape elasticity
ability of muscles to contract contractility
requires no oxygen anaerobic respiration
requires oxygen aerobic respiration
when a muscle remains contracted tetany
connective tissue that separates muscle fascia
high energy molecule used to produce ATP creatime phosphate
ability of muscles to extend extensibility
2 muscle myofibrils actin, myosin
thick myofilament myosin
thin myofilament actin
muscle myofibrils contain actin and myosin
characteristic of skeletal muscle tissue several nuclei per cell
cardiac muscle involuntary
biceps are what type of muscle antagonists
triceps are what type of muscle antagonists
muscle for winking orbicularis oculi
muscle for eating zygomaticus
muscle for the cheek buccinator
muscle for raising eyebrows occipito frontalis
muscle for kissing orbicularis oris
anterior thigh muscle that goes to the leg quadriceps
muscle on the back of the leg used for stretching hamstring
muscle fibers are surrounded by endomysium
muscle bundles are fasciculi
contraction of an entire muscle muscle twitch
stimulus level of a muscle threshold
time of contraction? contraction phase
time when the muscle relaxes relaxation phase
muscle disorder that involves muscle tighening cramps
2 types of muscle disorders cramps, tendonitis
inflammation of the tendons tendonitis
oblique means diagonal to the midline
tongue muscle that moves the tongue extrinsic
changes the shape of the tongue intrinsic
stationary end of the muscle origin
muscles that work together synergists
muscles that oppose eachother antagonists
end of the muscle attached to the bone insertion
the breast of a chicken is slow twitch
muscle fibers fatigue quickly fast twitch fibers
muscle fibers resistant to fatigue slow twitch
how many types of muscle contractions are there? 2
2 types of muscle contractions isometric, isotonic
main mover of the muscle is called the prime mover
helps give your muscles energy ATP
main part of the function of the muscle sarcomere
what does a flexor do flexes apart
what muscle is used for smiling zygomaticus
portion between origin and insertion belly
how many types of tongue muscles are there 2
2 types of tongue muscles intrinsic, extrinsic
2 types of muscle cardiac, skeletal
non striated involuntary muscle smooth
long striated involuntary muscle cardiac
closes the eyelid orbicularis oculi
frowning muscle levator labii superior
frowning muscle depressor anguli superior
how muscles are named location function
2 major arm muscles biceps brachii, triceps brachii
muscle used to flex the arm biceps brachii
muscle used for abs tendonus inscription
butt muscle gluteus maximus
flexes the wrist flexor carpi
muscle in the back of the ankle achilles tendon
muscle of the upper chest pectoralis major
muscle in the back of the arm triceps brachii
each sarcomere extends from Z line to the next
2 characteristics of muscle contractility, elasticity
helps muscle recoil to original shape elasticity
ability of muscles to contract contractility
requires no oxygen anaerobic respiration
requires oxygen aerobic respiration
when a muscle remains contracted tetany
connective tissue that separates muscle fascia
high energy molecule used to produce ATP creatime phosphate
ability of muscles to extend extensibility
2 muscle myofibrils actin, myosin
thick myofilament myosin
thin myofilament actin
muscle myofibrils contain actin and myosin
characteristic of skeletal muscle tissue several nuclei per cell
cardiac muscle involuntary
biceps are what type of muscle antagonists
triceps are what type of muscle antagonists
muscle for winking orbicularis oculi
muscle for eating zygomaticus
muscle for the cheek buccinator
muscle for raising eyebrows occipito frontalis
muscle for kissing orbicularis oris
anterior thigh muscle that goes to the leg quadriceps
muscle on the back of the leg used for stretching hamstring
muscle fibers are surrounded by endomysium
muscle bundles are fasciculi
contraction of an entire muscle muscle twitch
stimulus level of a muscle threshold
time of contraction? contraction phase
time when the muscle relaxes relaxation phase
muscle disorder that involves muscle tighening cramps
2 types of muscle disorders cramps, tendonitis
inflammation of the tendons tendonitis
oblique means diagonal to the midline
tongue muscle that moves the tongue extrinsic
changes the shape of the tongue intrinsic
stationary end of the muscle origin
muscles that work together synergists
muscles that oppose eachother antagonists
end of the muscle attached to the bone insertion
the breast of a chicken is slow twitch
muscle fibers fatigue quickly fast twitch fibers
muscle fibers resistant to fatigue slow twitch
how many types of muscle contractions are there? 2
2 types of muscle contractions isometric, isotonic
main mover of the muscle is called the prime mover
helps give your muscles energy ATP
main part of the function of the muscle sarcomere
what does a flexor do flexes apart
what muscle is used for smiling zygomaticus
portion between origin and insertion belly
how many types of tongue muscles are there 2
2 types of tongue muscles intrinsic, extrinsic
2 types of muscle cardiac, skeletal
non striated involuntary muscle smooth
long striated involuntary muscle cardiac
closes the eyelid orbicularis oculi
frowning muscle levator labii superior
frowning muscle depressor anguli superior
how muscles are named location function
2 major arm muscles biceps brachii, triceps brachii
muscle used to flex the arm biceps brachii
muscle used for abs tendonus inscription
butt muscle gluteus maximus
flexes the wrist flexor carpi
muscle in the back of the ankle achilles tendon
muscle of the upper chest pectoralis major
muscle in the back of the arm triceps brachii
each sarcomere extends from Z line to the next
anaerobic respiration produces lactic acid
anaerobic respiration produes an o2 debt true or false true
muscle myofibrils contain sarcomeres joined end to end
extends the finger extensor digitorem
flexes the finger flexor digitorem
fingers are known as digits
Created by: jacobwellman2
Popular Science sets




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