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Week 6 - PEDS 293


What are GAMES? GAMES are PHYSICALLY CHALLENGING, STRUCTURED activities with OPPORTUNITIES TO PRACTICE cognitive and physical skills.
What is the hierarchy of games? In increasing complexity, it goes: BODY MANAGEMENT, LEAD UP, AND FORMAL GAMES.
What are BODY MANAGEMENT games? BODY MANAGEMENT games are SIMPLE activities that use a COMBINATION of elements found in other games. It uses basic locomotor and non-locomotor skills and uses goal structure. ex) listening/tag games
What are LEAD UP games? LEAD UP games utilize MANIPULATIVE and BODY MANAGEMENT SKILLS. ex) Soccer-baseball
What are FORMAL games? FORMAL games involve SET RULES and improve SPECIFIC SKILLS. There are well defined PLAYER ROLES, ORGANIZATIONAL REPRESENTATION, and is COMPETITIVE. Further divides into four categories.
What are the (4) categories of FORMAL games? With increasing complexity: TARGET, STRIKING + FIELDING, NET + WALL, AND INVASION
What are TARGET games? TARGET games involve PROPELLING + AIMING games with a small range of body management skills. Stability is crucial!
What are STRIKING + FIELDING games? STRIKING games involve STRIKING a specific area or space and SPRINTING in a specific pathway. FIELDING games involve RECEIVING an object at different levels, COVERING a designated area, and THROWING with accuracy.
What are NET + WALL games? NET + WALL games involve HITTING OR STRIKING objects into a space at varying levels. Involves MOVING, changing directions quickly. Players must COVER a playing area ready to receive.
What are INVASION games? INVASION games involve running distances with lots of speed, dodging, guarding opposition/space, and INTERCEPTION - while playing OFFENSIVE and DEFENSIVE roles.
What does it mean to be GAMES LITERATE? GAMES LITERATE students are able to engage with CONFIDENCE, POISE, and ENTHUSIASM in a WIDE VARIETY of games. They are KNOWLEDGABLE and UNDERSTANDING, display TECHNICAL + TACTICAL skills, and present POSITIVE MOTIVATIONAL STATES for self and others.
What is TGFU? It stands for TEACHING GAMES FOR UNDERSTANDING. Essentially it refers to how games can TRANSFER skills into other types of organized play. Provide CONTEXT and begin with a SIMPLE game form to get players to think about TACTICS.
What are the benefits of playing games? It teaches GAMES THROUGH GAMES, increases MOTIVATION, and makes learning of skills and strategies MORE MEANINGFUL.
What are the (4) elements of COOPERATIVE PLAY? It creates a fun, inclusive, life enhancing environment through HETEROGENOUS GROUPS, POSITIVE INTERDEPENDENCE, INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY, and SOICAL COLLABORATIVE SKILLS.
What do HETEROGENOUS GROUPS refer to? It is an aspect of COOPERATIVE PLAY. Essentially, groups should be selected either at RANDOM, PLANNED, or should REFLECT DIVERSITY.
What does POSITIVE INTERDEPENDENCE refer to? It refers to how individuals must feel COMFORTABLE and DEPENDENT on each other to complete their goals.
What are SOCIAL COLLABORATIVE skills? These include skills like TEAMWORK, LISTENING, TAKING SUPPORT, and BEING supportive.
Created by: mattcheung
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