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A-Health 1

5th grade Health Ch.2

vitamin D the "sunshine vitamin"
vitamin A the vitamin that helps your eyesight;body can manufacture this vitamin from carotene; good sources include: deep yellow fruits and vegetables
B vitamins eight vitamins that work together; good sources include: liver and wheat germ
vitamin C water-soluble vitamin that you need daily because the body cannot store it; good sources include:citrus fruits
vitamin E helps to heal burns and wounds when applied directly
vitamin K fat-soluble vitamin that helps your blod to clot; good sources include: alfalfa sprouts and green leafy vegetables
calcium most common mineral found in your body
phosphorus mineral that works with calcium to give you strong bones and teeth
magnesium mineral needed by the body for strenuous activities
sodium mineral found naturally in table salt
potassium lack of this mineral makes you feel tired and grouchy
iron mineral that helps your blood stay healthy
iodine mineral that helps your thyroid gland function properly;lack of this mineral can cause a goiter good sources include: iodized salt
zinc mineral necessary for normal growth, for wounds to heal properly, and to keep your body's immune system functioning; good sources include: shellfish
energy the ability to do work
Calories measures the amount of energy stored in food
malnutrition poor nutrition
protein provide your body with material for growth and repair
carbohydrates foods containing sugar and starch; gives you energy for physical activity
saturated fats animal fats, palm oil and coconut oil
nutrients substances found in food that help your body grow and develop
balanced diet diet containing all the nutrients necessary to keep you healthy
metabolism process by which your body produces and uses energy from food
minerals nutrients from the soil that are found in many foods you eat
Osteoporosis disease in which the bones of adults become fragile
Goiter swelling in the neck that is caused by insufficient iodine
Anemia disease caused by a lack of vitamin D
Rickets condition in which a person has too few red blood cells
high-Calorie foods foods that produce much energy
low-Calorie foods foods that produce little energy
unsaturated fats vegetable oils and fish oils
simple carbohydrates short chains of simple sugars
complex carbohydrates long chains of simple sugars
fiber nutrient that helps with the eliminate waste materials in your body
fats and oils nutrient that you need the least of
Created by: vwalker5
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