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6Science Vocabulary

Tennessee Essential 6th Grade Science Vocabulary 2018-19

convection the transfer of thermal energy by the circulation of a liquid or gas
design constraint something that limits an engineer during the engineering design process
prototype a model of a product
potential energy stored energy
kinetic energy energy of motion
gravitational potential energy based on distance above the earth
elastic potential energy based on stretching an object out of shape
chemical potential energy stored in food or fuels
conductor a substance that easily transfers energy
insulator a substance that reduces the transfer of energy
meteorological data temperature, wind speed, wind direction, air pressure, and relative humidity
air currents large-scale movements of air caused by a flow from high to low pressure
water currents large-scale movements of water caused by wind and density differences
coriolis effect the apparent curving of the path of a moving object from an otherwise straight path
density mass per unit of volume of a material
high pressure the atmospheric pressure is higher than the surrounding area
low pressure the atmospheric pressure is lower than the surrounding area
sea breeze the wind blows from the sea toward the land
land breeze the wind blows from the land toward the sea
front the boundary between air masses
humidity the amount of water vapor in the air
hygrometer a device for measuring the relative humidity of the air
competition the active seeking after and use of an environmental resource in limited supply by two or more organisms
biodiversity the variety of biotic elements in an environment as indicated by numbers of different species
biome a large region characterized by a specific type of climate and certain biotic elements
control variable everything you want to remain unchanged in an experiment
independent variable something changed on purpose in an experiment
dependent variable the result that is measured or observed in an experiment
anemometer a device for measuring wind speed
barometer a device for measuring air pressure
biotic living parts of an ecosystem
abiotic nonliving parts of an ecosystem
producer an organism that makes its own food
energy pyramid a triangular diagram that shows an ecosystem's loss of energy, which results as energy passes through an ecosystem
thermal energy total amount and kinetic energy of an object's molecules
radiation transfer of thermal energy by electromagnetic waves
conduction transfer of thermal energy by direct contact
symbiosis the act of living together when at least one organism benefits
nonrenewable a natural resource that cannot be replaced in a reasonable time
consumer an organism that eats other living things to get energy
population the group of organisms of the same species living in the same area
food web a model that shows many different feeding relationships
decomposer an organism that breaks down dead organisms
renewable a natural resource that can be replaced
weather the properties of the atmosphere at a given time and location
deforestation the clearing of trees in a forested area
erosion the process by which natural forces move sediment over Earth's surface
climate the average weather conditions in an area
transpiration the release of water vapor through plant leaves
endangered at serious risk of extinction
habitat management a practice that seeks to conserve, protect, and restore habitat areas for native plants and animals
conservation planned management of a natural resource
native species a plant or animal that occurs naturally within a region
pollutant a substance that pollutes water or air
invasive species a plant or animal that is not native to a region
extinct species a plant or animal that no longer exists
sustainability the ability to use a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged
Created by: mark.campbell
Popular Science sets




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