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Concepts to review in the Personality Chapter

Id instincts and urges present at birth (found in your unconscious)
Ego this has conscious control of your personality according to Freud
Superego this is our conscience; it is the 'angel on your shoulder'
Conscious everything we are aware of at a given moment is found here
Preconscious material that can readily be brought to awareness is located here
Oral Stage weaning is the main task at this Freudian stage
Anal Stage being fixated at this Freudian stage may result in you being overly stingy
Genital Stage you focus on forming adult relationships at this Freudian stage
Latent Stage conflicts from earlier stages remain hidden in this Freudian stage
Phallic Stage identifying with adult role models is the main task in this Freudian stage
Denial a defense mechanism when you block events from awareness
Repression a defense mechanism when you don't remember a threatening situation; motivated forgetting
Regression a defense mechanism when you move back in psychological time to a place you feel safe
Projection a defense mechanism where you don't see desires as your own; you see them as others'
Displacement a defense mechanism when you redirect an impulse on to a substitute target
Lack of Love Karen Horney believed that anxiety comes from this
Inferiority Alfred Adler believed that we all struggle with feelings of this
Trust vs. Mistrust Erik Erikson's basic conflict at the infant stage
Identity vs. Role Confusion Erik Erikson's basic conflict in adolescence
Personal Unconscious Jung's term for anything that is not presently conscious but can be
Collective Unconscious Jung's term for our psychic inheritance
Archetypes the unlearned tendency to experience things in a certain way
Sychronicity Jung's term for meaningful coincidences; these are beyond chance
Ideal Self according to Rogers, the self each person would like to be
Humanism this school of thought emphasizes the positive potential of a person
Fully Functioning Individuals Rogers believes that we are all striving to become this
Incongruity the gap between your ideal self and your real self is called this
Actualizing Tendency the built in motivation we all have to develop our potential to the fullest extent possible
Gordon Allport this psychologist divided traits into three categories; cardinal, central and secondary
Hans Eysenck this psychologist believed people can be categorized it to two basic traits; extraversion and emotional stability
Raymond Cattell this psychologist believed that everyone has source traits which results in behaviors that we see
Cardinal Trait very few people develop this kind of trait
Central Traits these traits are the building blocks of your personality; are highly characteristic of you
Secondary Traits these traits are the weakest and least characteristic of you
Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism these are the Big Five Personality Traits
Generativity vs. Stagnation at this stage of Erikson's theory, adults either give back to their world or remain stagnate
Created by: Mrs.Ceh
Popular Psychology sets




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