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cnc1 chapter 14

Print media newspaper and magazines
Broadcast media media radio and television
New media sources of political information that are not a part of traditional print or broadcast media. Primarily found in digital sources like the internet, new meda are characterized by their interactivity or the consumers role in defining and shaping the informa
Penny Press a term used to describe the newspapers available in the mid 19th century for one cent per copy. Innovations in the printing process provided affordable access to news and facilitated public literacy and civic education
Watchdog Journalism the practice of investigative journalism
Market-driven journalism a market in which private ownership of media encourages journalistic practices driven by increasing advertising revenue, circulation and profit margins. This type of market leads to story coverage driven by audience appeal rather than by educational soci
Soft news or infotainment infotainment soft news combines information and entertainment. This form of media emphasizes stories that are entertaining even if they lack seriousness significance or timeliness such as human interest stories sporting events or celebrity news
Slander form of defamation by words
Libel defamation in written form
Actual Malice Standard the standard established by the supreme court in new York times v Sullivan for libel cases. The standard requires public figures who sue press outlets for defamation of character to prove that the news source intended actual malice. In this context the
Net Neutrality the idea that all internet consumers should have equal access to legal internet content applications and services equal access to network connectivity and choice among competitive providers
Yellow Journalism journalism a style of reporting in which journalists exaggerate or even fabricate news stories to increase circulation. This sensationalistic mode of journalism was prevalent in the us at the turn of the 19th century
Agenda setting (priming, framing) the process of getting issues on the political agenda, or those issues to which the public and decision makers are paying attention and on which there is active political debate
PBS Public Broadcasting System (PBS) is a corporation consisting of hundreds of public television stations that offer programming centered on education. Its primary programming package features "television's best children's, cultural, educational, history, na
C-SPAN SPAN created for the purpose of providing political information; according to its website, C-SPAN's "mission is to provide public access to the political process."[27] In December of 2009, congressional leadership suggested that health care reform legisl
Paid media v free media control over what is said versus no control over what is said
How do most Americans report accessing the news on a typical day? watching, reading, or listening
How does age affect access to the news? The younger they are the less they watch or access the news
Why does a free society require Freedom of the Press? The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides for freedom of the press, and through the decision in Near v. Minnesota (1931), the Supreme Court extended this provision to protect media from state censorship as well as national censorship.
What are the main roles of the Press in politics? the issues the media choose to present and the way they present them do affect how people think about politics.
How does the Press influence citizens? Americans learn what they know about current political issues and public affairs from the news. By reporting on some issues to the neglect of others, the media are able to focus public attention and define political problems. Agenda setting, priming frami
How does Government use the Press? sort through the information released by the government, think critically about the central message, and ask tough questions of White House representatives and congressional leadership. Political candidates, political parties, and interest groups can use
What the Partisan Profile of TV Audiences? It shows what news channels cater to democrats or republicans more
How have the media developed over the decades from print, radio, television to the internet, texting and social media? It has gotten quicker and less dependable
What are the responsibilities of the Federal Communications Commission? it licenses radio and television broadcast services, oversees wireless communications, enforces legislation concerning communications, and educates the public about telecommunications.
What is the Society of Professional Journalists "Code of Ethics"? Members of the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive
What are the main characteristics in the different "Eras" of the Press? ? Partisan press 1789 to 1860 newspapers were commonplace providing relevant and current information to readers. The Era of Sensationalism and Muckraking: 1860 to 1920 Newspapers of this period also included color comic strips, images, advertising, game
How did the Watergate scandal affect the relationship between the press and the government? ? media adopting a much more aggressive and critical posture toward government. Increasingly, the press came to view its role as providing not just neutral coverage but adversarial oversight.
Describe the advantages of the New Media for American Politics. 1. Gives attention to political rumors and accusations that are left uncovered by mainstream media—often driving wider coverage 2. Creates alternative outlets for ideologues (talk radio, websites) and provides more time and opportunity for policy discus
Describe the disadvantages of the New Media for American Politics. 1. Exaggerates the importance of relatively minor political events through round-the-clock coverage. 2. Places new emphasis on politicians' personalities and provides new incentives for personal attack 3. Elevates ideologues in the political forum
Created by: jjcma5
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