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Specific Lang Impair


___ of children with language disabilites are classified as having SLI. 7%
SLI definition Significant disorder of language in the absence of any other developmental disability: significant impairment of receptive and/or expressive language, absence of developmental disability to explain the impairment
SLI diagnosis made based on (5 +) IQ within normal limits; typical hearing; no obvious neurological, sensory, or motor impairments; may have problems with word recall and sequencing; may have a lower intelligibility. Diagnosis typically after 3rd birthday
SLI Language Features: Infancy and toddlerhood (6) less variation in sound repertoire, late appearance of 1st word, late use of 2 word combos, less frequent use of verbs and fewer different verbs, slow development of pronouns, longer reliance on gestures to meet needs
SLI Language Features: Preschool (6) use of grammar that resembles that of younger children (late use of verb markers, frequent errors of omission esp. for syntactical forms, shorter sentence length), difficulties with group conversations, difficulties with verbal resolution of conflict
SLI Language Features: Elementary School (7) less vocalization with immature syllable structures, word finding problems, slower processing speed, use of earlier developing pronoun forms, low sensitivity to speech of others, difficulty maintaining topics, difficulty recognizing need for convo repair
SLI Language Features: Adolescence (6) difficulty expressing needs and ideas, inappropriate responses to questions and comments, difficulty expressing ideas about language, poor social language, difficulty initiating conversations with peers, immature conversational participation
SLI Etiology (possible) CNS can't be ruled out. Recent advances suggest biologic/genetic component, but it may also be dependent on environmental factors, medical factors, and physical challenges.
SLI: effects on academics (5) literacy, math skills, problem solving skills, attention and activity disorders, figurative thinking
SLI: Developmental trajectory some outgrow most deficits by school-age, but increased task pressure or complexity can bring out problem areas.
SLI may be re-diagnosed as a ________ ________ learning disability
SLI has a better prognosis if comprehension is in tact, there is a milder impairment at preschool age, there is appropriate stimulation in the home, if there are fewer medical complications
SLI: Intervention strategies (5) slower rate of presentation, decreased complexity, reduce need for short term memory, scaffolding, small group work in some circumstances
Created by: 100000299709410
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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