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Science 6th gr

Science stuff on everything learned in 6th grade

What is a volcano? a weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface
What is silica? a material found is magma that has formed from the elements oxygen and silicon
What is tension? force that pulls on the rock and stretches it until it breaks
What is compression? force that squeezes the rock until it folds or breaks
What is shearing? stress that pushes rock in opposite directions
What is a normal fault? made by tension; one block lies above the other; at an angle
What is a reverse fault? made by compression; blocks move in opposite direction from normal fault ex.) top block going up a mountain
What is a strike-slip fault? made by shearing; not at an angle; move from side to side
What is a P wave? smallest, first and last wave in an earthquake
What is an S wave? medium sized wave, second in an earthquake
What is a surface wave? largest and third wave in an earthquake
What can P waves, S waves, and surface waves be classified as? Seismic waves
What does the Mercalli Scale measure? rates earthquakes based on amount of damage done
What does the Richter Scale measure? rates an earthquake based on its size
What does the Moment Magnitude Scale measure? rates earthquake based on the amount of energy it releases
What is an epicenter? where the earthquake starts; three circles are drawn, where all circles meet
What is a tiltimeter? measures tilting or raising of the ground
What is a creep meter? uses wire stretched across fault to measure movement of the ground
What is a laser-ranging device? uses laser beam to detect horizon movements
What is weathering? the process that breaks down rock and other substances at Earth's surface
What is erosion? the removal of rock particles by wind, water, ice, or gravity
What is uniformitarianism? the principle that states that the same processes that operate today operated in the past
What are the two kinds of weathering? Mechanical weathering & Chemical weathering
How does does weathering normally take? Hundreds to thousands of years
What kind the weathering called Release of Pressure do? Mechanical Weathering; erosion causes rock to lose pressure, sheds top layer
What kind of weathering is Freezing & Thawing? Mechanical
What kind of weathering id animal actions? Mechanical
What kind of weathering is plant growth? Mechanical
What kind of weathering is abrasion? mechanical
What is mechanical weathering? rock is physically broken down into tiny pieces
What is ice wedging? water freezes and expands in a rock, creating cracks
What is abrasion? grinding away of rock by rock particles carried by water, ice, wind, gravity
What is chemical weathering? process that breaks down rock through chemical changes
How does water weather rock? water dissolves the rock
How does oxygen weather rock? creates rust through oxidation
How does carbon dioxide weather rock? creates weak acid rain when it mixes w/ water
How can living organisms weather rock? root create cracks and make them bigger
How can acid rain weather rock? chemicals pollute air and go u as clouds to rain down on rock and dissolve it
What is permeable? material is full of tiny connected air spaces that allow water to seep through
Does climate affect the time it takes to wear down rock? Yes
Does the type of rock matter to the amount of time it takes to weather? Yes
What is soil? the loose, weathered material on Earth's surface in which plants can grow
What is bedrock? the solid layer of rock beneath the soil
What is humus(not the dip)? dark-colored substance that forms as plant and animal remains decay
What does fertility mean? measure of how well soil supports plant growth
What is the smallest soil particle size? With 1/256 mm, clay
What is the largest soil particle size? With a size of 2 mm and larger, gravel
How does soil form? rock is broken down and mixed with other materials on the surface, such as humus
What is a soil horizon? a layer of soil that differs in color and texture from the layers above and below it
What is topsoil? crumbly dark brown soil that is a mixture of humus, clay and other materials
What is subsoil? usually consists of clay and other particles washed down from the A horizon, or topsoil
Which weathers faster, limestone or granite? limestone
Which soil horizon forms first? C horizon, large particles of bedrock
Which soil horizon forms second? A horizon, plants and soil
Which soil horizon forms last? B horizon, clay
What is the process that splits rock through freezing and thawing? ice wedging
What type of weathering does acid rain result in? chemical weathering
What kind of soil is made up of roughly equal parts of sand, silt, and clay? loam
What soil horizon is made up of subsoil? B horizon
What produces the humus in soil? decomposers
What is mechanical weathering? the removal of rock particles by gravity, water, wind, or ice
Why does rock that is permeable weather easily? because it is full of tiny air holes
What is the decayed organic material in soil? humus
What is the layer of plant litter that remains at the surface of the soil? litter
What is conservation plowing? farmers conserve soil fertility by leaving dead stalks and weeds in the ground
What is the principle of uniformitarianism? what happens in the present has happened in the past
How can plants act as agents for mechanical weathering? Plant growth through rocks
How can plants act as agents for chemical weathering? they produce weak acids
How can oxygen be an agent of chemical weathering? oxidation, rust
How can carbon dioxide be an agent for chemical weathering? carbonic acid, weak rain
How does soil form? rock weathers and mixes with humus and other organic materials
Which soil horizon has the most fertility and humus? Horizon A
Which animal does most of the work in mixing humus into the soil? Earthworms
How can grass conserve soil? roots hold soil in its place
Name three types of mechanical weathering Options: Abrasion Ice Wedging Plant Growth Pressure Release Animal Actions
What type of mechanical weathering can be modeled using sandpaper? Abrasion
What kind of climate will limestone weather the fastest in? Hot, wet climate
What is sediment? material moved by erosion
What is deposition? agents of erosion deposit sediment
What does deposition do? changes the shape of the land
What three agents work together? Weathering, erosion, deposition
What is gravity? the force that moves rock and any other materials downhill
What is mass movement? any one of several processes that move sediment down a hill
What are the different kinds of mass movement? slump, creep, mudflow, landslide
What is a landslide? occurs when soil and rock move quickly
What is runoff? water that moves over Earth's surface
What is a rill? tiny groove in the soil
What is a gully? large groove or channel int the soil that carries runoff ONLY AFTER A RAINSTORM
What is a stream? channel along which water is ALWAYS flowing down a slope
What is a river? large stream
What is tributary? stream or river that flows into a larger river
What is a floodplain? wide, flat area of land along a river
What are rapids? areas of turbulence below waterfalls where water rushes over rocks
What is a meander? loop-like bend in the course of a river
What is an oxbow lake? meander that has been cut off from a river
What is an alluvial fan? wide sloping deposit of sediment formed where a stream leaves a mountain/mountain range
What is a delta? sediment deposited where a river enters a still body of water that rises up to make a landform
What is stalactite? deposit that hangs like an icicle from the ceiling of a cave
What is stalagmite? cone-shaped deposit rising from the floor of a cave
What is a fossil? preserved remains or traces of of loving things
What is sedimentary rock? type of rock the is made up of hardened sediment
What are some fossils found in rock? molds, casts, petrified fossils, carbon films, trace fossils
What can fossils be preserved in? amber, tar, sedimentary rock, ice
What is a mold? hollow area in sediment in the shape of an organism or part of an organism
What is a cast? solid copy of the shape of an organism
What is a petrified fossil? fossils in which minerals replace all or part of an organinsm
What is a carbon film? extremely thin coating of carbon on rock
What is a trace fossil? fossil that provides evidence of the activities of ancient organisms
What is a paleontologist? scientist who studies fossils
What is a scientific theory? well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations
What is evolution? gradual change in living things over time
What does it mean to be extinct? something no longer exists and will never again live on Earth
What is relative age? age of rock compared to ages of other rocks
What is absolute age? number of years since the rock formed.
What is the law of superposition? theory used to determine the relative ages of rock layers
What is extrusion? lava that hardens on the surface
What is intrusion? magma the cools and hardens into igneous rock
What is unconformity? surface where new rock layers meet older rock layers
What are atoms? tiny particles
What is an element? when all the same atoms are in a substance
What is radioactive decay? elements break down and release particles
What is an element's half-life? time it takes for half the radioactive element to decay
What is the geologic time scale? record of life forms in Earth's history
What is an era? long unit of time
What is a period? units of geologic time, not as long as eras
What is a comet? ball of dust and ice the orbits the sun
What is continental drift? continents move little by little
Created by: as0806
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