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Percy Jackson 19-22

Vocab for Percy Jackson 19-22

cavern n., a large cave
impale v., to cause a pointed object to go into or through someone or something
pavilion n., a building in a park or garden that usually has open sides and is used for parties, concerts, or other events
obsidian n., a jet black, very sharp type of volcanic rock
scold v., to express disapproval or scold gently
levitate v., to rise and magically float in the air
bristle v., to show signs of anger
predicament n., a difficult or unpleasant situation
luminous adj., producing or seeming to produce light
grotesquely adv., extremely different from what is expected or usual
fused adj., joined or stuck together
lithe adj., moving in an easy, graceful way
aura n., a special quality or feeling that seems to come from a person, place, or thing
mesmerizing adj., holding the attention of someone entirely, so much that nothing else is seen or noticed
charisma n., a special charm or appeal that causes people to feel attracted and excited by someone
arrogant adj., having or showing the insulting attitude of people who believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people
pretense n., a false reason or explanation that is used to hide the real purpose of something
tremor n., a shaking movement of the ground before or after an earthquake
debris n., the pieces that are left after something has been destroyed
ultimatum n., a final threat : a promise that force or punishment will be used if someone does not do what is wanted
blackmail n., the crime of threatening to tell secret information about someone unless the person being threatened gives you money or does what you want
counterproposal n., an offer in response; a return proposal made after someone has rejected a previous offer
defy v., to refuse to obey
impede v., to slow down movement, progress, or action
agitated adj., disturbed, excited, and angered
cleave v., to cut in two
adolescent n., a young person who is developing into an adult
abduct v., to take someone away from a place by force
odyssey n., a long journey full of adventures
banish v., to force someone to leave a country or area as punishment
hearth n.,the floor in front of or inside a fireplace; used for cooking in the old days
impudence n., not showing proper respect or courtesy; rudeness
interject v., to interrupt what someone else is saying
imperceptibly adv., almost impossible to see or notice
submerge v., to put someone or something under water
vengeance n., hurting someone because that person did something that hurt you or someone else
reconciliation n., the act of making up or forgiving someone after a fight or argument
gilded v., painted in a thin layer of gold
cylinder n., a long tube
Created by: MsRisch
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