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Urinary Exam3


Component immediately internal to renal fascia? PERIrenal fat
Specific cup like structures which surround the apices of the renal papillae (apices of the renal pyramids only) MINOR calyces
Voluntary control over the urge to micturate involves what? Elevation of levator ani
Name given to the majority of smooth muscle forming the wall of the urinary bladder. Detrusor muscle
Name 2 nerve that are posteriorly related to the kideneys? Iliohypogastric & Ilioingunial (L1) nerves
Component immediately external to renal fascia? PARArenal fat
Pouch immediately posterior to the femal bladder? Vesicouterine pouch
The descent of the _____ of the ____ is essential to the initiation of normal urination? Neck Bladder
Structure located within the lateral umbilical folds? Medial umbilical ligament
Name 4 muscles related posteriorly to the kidneys> Psoas major, quadratus lumborum, transversus abdominis,***diaphragm
Give landmarks when interconnected by a line will form th perimeter of the vesical trigone> Ureter orifice & internal urethral orifice
Using vertebral levels, where do the kidenys lie when in the supine postion? Do they move when in erect position? T12-L2,3 Yes, move caudally about an inch.
Potential space anterior to bladder? Retropubic space
Concavity of the kidney; contains fat, vessels, etc? Renal sinus
Specific structures of bladder which meet at the nech of bladder? Inferolateral & posterior surfaces
Discuss the derivation of the trigone muscle? From the longitudinal smooth muscle of the uterus
Besides the suprarenal gland superiorly, give 2 structures anterioly related to the right kideny? Liver,2nd part of duodenum
Give the bony posterior relations of the LEFT kidney? 11th & 12th Ribs
Capacity of bladder w/out overdistention? 500 CC/ML
Venouse drainage of female bladder? Vescical-vaginal plexus
Artery to bladder directly from the internal iliac? Inferior Vesical
Pouch immediately posterior to the MALE bladder? Rectovesical pouch
Created by: wizdumbslp
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