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Ethans Cornell Notes

A.P. Unit 5 Cornell Notes Stack

What was a result of the Scientific Revolution? The Enlightenment.
What did Voltaire do that was extremely revolutionary? He outwardly challenged religion and the Church, and said reason was more important.
What did Rousseau argue for? Natural rights; rights we are born with. The social contract; citizens give up some rights for government protection.
What did Montesquieu come up with? Separation of powers, and checks and balances.
Who thought that most people would do the right thing? John Locke.
What type of thought were John Locke's ideas the foundation of? Liberal (free) thought.
What did Thomas Hobbes think about most people? That they were bad and stupid, and that the government had to protect them from themselves.
What were Locke's opinion on rights? That people should be given as many rights as possible, as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.
What were Hobbes' opinion on rights? That the government should reserve as many rights as possible.
What type of government did Hobbes advocate? An absolute monarchy.
What was the importance of the revolutionary documents, such as the American Declaration of Independence? They showed thinkers resisting political authority.
What was special about the French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen? It showed the rights of all men, but not all women.
What is special about Simon Bolivar's "Jamaica Letter"? It was to describe how Latin America broke free, and that they would soon "prosper". (Not really)
What were some things that Enlightenment ideas led to? The challenging of social structure, including more suffrage, the abolition of slavery, and the end of serfdom.
What was a cause of some of the new commonalities of the 1700s? Common language, religion, customs, and territory. (Nationalism).
Who were the Marathas? South Indian Hindus who rose up against the Mughal Empire.
What were some causes of the American Revolution? Taxes on colonies after the French and Indian War, and no taxation w/o representation.
Who's ideas did the leaders of the American Revolution follow? John Locke.
What were the 3 Estates of France? The 1st Estate for the Clergy, the 2nd Estate for the Nobility (Middle Class), and the 3rd Estate for the Commoners.
How much of the land did each Estate own? 1st: 15%, 2nd: 35%, 3rd: 50%.
How much of the total population of France did the 3rd Estate make up? 80%.
What was the main cause of the French Revolution? Economic problems.
Who was in charge of France during the French Revolution? Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
What did the 3rd Estate want that they didn't get before the French Revolution? A national constitution, saying that all are equal.
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