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History 270 Q4

quiz 4

1. George Washington narrowly beat John Adams in the first presidential election False
2. As the nation's first president, George Washington wanted his inauguration to be full of impressive ceremony, modeled after the dignity of British rule False
3. The constitution spelled out the number of Cabinet posts in the executive branch and the responsibility of each federal department False
4. As head of the State Department in the 1790s, Thomas Jefferson personally examined applications for federal patents True
5. The Federal Judiciary Act gave the Supreme Court the power to overrule any state law that conflicted with the Constitution, federal laws, or US treaties True
6. The majority of delegates to the first US congress saw the passage of a Bill of Rights as their most pressing duty False
7. Despite the discomfort of slaveholders, the first article of the Bill of Rights stated that all men were created equal and possessed certain unailienable rights True
8. The Constitution explicity stated that the US would not be responsible for repaying to foreign nations old debts that had been contracted during the Revolutionary years. False
9. In order to ensure the fiscal soundness of the nation's monetary system, Thomas Jefferson wanted the US to charter a national bank, but Alexander Hamilton insisted that such a proposal was unconstitutional False
11. The rich agricultural land, stong transportation links, and substantial urban population already located in the are to be known as Washington, DC, made it a natural choice to become America's capital. False
12. During the 1780s, Boston's population grew and its economy thrived, thanks to the post-Revolution expansion of the trade with the British West Indies. False
13. The 1790s were years of significant population growth for East Coast cities including Philadelphia, NY, Baltimore, and Boston True
14. By the early 1800s, the South had become a virtually one-crop agricultural export economy True
15. Reveling in their new political freedom, Americans of 1790 had created two opposing political parties, which eagerly courted people's votes and made elections into a national game. True
16. "Republican" politicians of the 1790s modeled themselves after the 1770s Revolutionary movement, resisting the tendency toward a dangerous abuse of power by the federal government True
19. the Sedition Act threatened imprisonment for anyone who wrote, spoke, or published ill-intentioned criticism of the president or the US government True
21. Between 1790 and 1800, the US population increased by almost 20 percent, and subsequently almost doulbed by 1850 False
22. By 1860, NY's population had passed 1 million True
23. Despite rapid urban expansion, three-quarters of all Americans were rural residents in 1800 True
24. President Adams had invested substantial sums in improving inland roads during the late 1790s and began building a national system of canals to carry goods between east and west False
25. The Louisiana Purchase brought the US land stretching from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, from Canada to Texas (but excluding the port of NO). False
26. Thomas Jefferson approved plans for the Louisiana Purchase despite admitting that a strict interpretation of the Constitution made no provision for acquiring new territory True
27. The Lewis and Clark expedition went as far west as Yellowstone, but harsh winter weather and a shortage of supplies prevented them from making it to the Pacific False
28. In the early 1800s, extremists in NY and NE talked about seceding from the US to form a separate northern nation True
29. The Embargo Act of 1807 prohibited the import of certain products from Britain, but did not restrict export of American goods to either Britain or France False
30. in his eagerness to crack down on smugglers evading the Embargo Act, Jefferson stretched Constitutional rights and violated the Republican principle that a chief executive's power should be limited True
31. the Embargo Act of 1807 caused an American economic crisis that crushed the era's entrepreneurs; in particular, textile manufacturing collapsed False
32. As suggested in the "report on roads and canals" the federal government in 1808 began directly funding large-scale infrastructure development; the National Road connecting Baltimore to St. Louis was completed in 3 years False
33. blocking the rush of white settlers into Indiana, President Jefferson insisted in 1800 that the US honor its treaty obligations to protect Native American tribal land against further encroachment False
34. In order to resist white expansionism and reestablish Indian control over some ceded land, the Native American leader Tecumseh attemted to form a tribal confederacy in the early 1800s True
35. in 1812, resentment of British belligerence led northern congressmean Henry Clay and other NE "War Hawks" to call for a declaration of war; southern politicians mostly opposed such a drastic step False
36. to thank Lower Creek Indian allies who had joined whites in defeating the militant Red Sticks in 1814, the US gave the Creeks rights to a permanent settlement in Alabama False
37. Francis Scott Key composed "the Star-Spangled Banner" in 1814 while watching British forces shelling Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina False
38. Andrew Jackson defeated British forces at the Battle of NO in Jan 1815, two weeks after the peace treaty of Ghent had been signed True
39. In the early 1800s, many small manufacturing ventures in rural areas along the East Coast adopted steam engines for power, but industry in larger cities and the Ohio Valley primarily continued to rely on water power False
40. the trade embargo of 1807 sent Southern agriculture into an economic downturn that lasted for more than two decades; the problems and expense of keeping slaves drove many planters out of the cotton business False
Popular Agriculture sets




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