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WKMS Road to War

WKMS Road to the Civil War

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was different from other compromises because of the method in which the issue of slavery was decided. What was this method? Popular Sovereignty
Paternalism a "father-like" attitude toward others based on a belief that they cannot care for themselves.
Nullify when a state cancels or makes invalid a federal law
What reason was given in the Dred Scott Decision to justify that slave owners could take their slaves anywhere they wanted? Slaves were considered property
How did the Missouri Compromise settle the balance of power in the US Senate 1820? Missouri would be admitted as a slave state and Maine would come in as a free state.
Why were many southerners angry when Lincoln was elected President in 1860? Lincoln was against slavery in the western territories and he supported tariffs.
A focus on local or regional issues such as slavery Sectionalism
Tariff a tax on imported goods
Why did the South support the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850? U.S. Marshals were hired to track down escaped slaves.
Which novel helped the abolitionist cause by showing the cruelty of slavery? Uncle Tom's Cabin
Why were John C. Calhoun and other Southerners against the Tariff of 1832? It caused the price of manufactured goods imported from Europe to rise.
Which Compromise brought California into the Union as a free state and outlawed the slave trade in Washington, D.C.? Compromise of 1850
How did slavery cause an increase in sectionalism? Differing opinions on the issue split people and political parities into factions.
the period before the Civil War Antebellum
What did John C. Calhoun and the Nullifiers believe that eventually led SC to secede? States had the right to refuse to obey any US law that didn't protect their state.
Who was the freed slave who was arrested and executed in Charleston, SC for planning one of the largest slave uprisings in the U.S.? Denmark Vesey
a formal withdrawal of states from a country Secede
People who wanted to end slavery Abolitionists
Gullah a language spoken originally by slaves living along the coastlines of SC and Georgia consisting of a combination of West African languages and English.
State's Rights the belief that the rights of a state are more important than the rights of the nation
What caused slavery to spread in the South prior to the Civil War, but not in the North? The geography of the South made it a good place to grow cotton and large plantations developed.
Secessionists People from SC who favored secession
How did the cotton gin affect slavery? It caused slavery to increase since more slaves were needed to pick cotton to keep up with the speed with which the cotton gin deseeded the cotton.
Political concept in which the people of a territory get to decide whether the area would allow slavery or not Popular Sovereignty
Which crop became the South's largest cash crop, or "king crop", during the Antebellum Period Cotton
What ended the nullification controversy between President Andrew Jackson and SC? Jackson threatened to use the Force Act and send in the military to enforce the tariff and a compromise was reached in which the tariff was gradually lowered.
How did life on a plantation limit a slave's ability to challenge slavery? Slaves were monitored at all times and rules were made that limited their ability to organize.
Why did SC call for Major Anderson to surrender his troops at Ft. Sumter? Anderson and his troops were Union (US) soldiers and Ft. Sumter was in the Confederacy.
What caused the debate over the balance between slave states and free states to to intensify during the antebellum period? Westward expansion
What were citizens of SC that favored secession, but only if all the other Southern states would secede together called? Cooperationists
Citizens in SC that wanted to remain part of the Union Unionists
Created by: egoodwin
Popular U.S. History sets




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