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Micro Ch4 Pt 2

Test 2

Inclusions reserve deposits of certain nutrients and serve basis for identification
Meta chromatic granules reserve of inorganic phosphate
polysaccharide granules reserve of energy(glycogen and starch)
Lipid inclusions Enerygy reserves
Sulfur granules energy reserves
carboxysomes ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase for CO2 fixation
Gas vacuoles protein covered cylinders
magnetosomes Iron Oxided destroys H2O2 (in several gm -)
Endospores specialized resting cells
Endospore Wall highly durable dehydrated cells with thick wallas and addt layers formed internal to the bacterial cell membrane
Sporulation process if endospore formation within a vegetative cell
Germination Process of an endospore returning to it vegetative state
Flagella in eukaryotes contain cytoplasm and enclosed by plasma membrane - wave-like movement- tapering end
Flagella in eukaryotes microtubules 10 pairs (9+2 arrangement)
Flagella in Prokaryotes 3 basic parts filament, hook, nad basal body- rotating movement- uniform diameter
Microtubule made of protein tubulin. have 9 pairs + 2 arrangements of microtubules
Eukaryotic cell wall if present is simple - never have PTG
Yeast cell wall Glucan and Mannan
Eukaryotic Plasma membrane fluid mosaic, contain sterols and carbs.
Eukaryotic Nucleus spoherical or oval, histones, non histones, nucleoli, chromosomes or chromatin
Eukaryotic ribomsomes 80S with 60S and 40S subunits- synthesize protein
Present inside chloroplasts and mitochondria 70S
Free ribosomes synthesize proteins to be used inside the cell
RER bound proteins synthesize proteins destined for insertion in plasma membrane or export from cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum continuous with nuclear membrane
RER outer surface studded with ribosomes
SER synthesize phospholipids, fats, & steroids
SER in liver help release glucose and detoxify drugs
SER in muscle release calcium ions
Golgi Complex 1st step in protein transport pathway
Golgi Complex path arrive in vessicles from ER-released in the cisterns-proteins modified by enzymes-either discharge by exocytosis, delvered to plasma membrane for incorporation or lysomes.
Centrioles pair of cylindrical structures composed of 9 clusters of 9 microtubules, arranged in circular pattern (9+0)
purpose of centriole play a role in formation or regeneration of cilia and flagella - also needed during cell division
Endosymbiotic Theory of Evolution Larger bacteria engulfed smaller ones.
Example of Endosymbiotic theory ancestors of mitochondria were probably oxygen requiring heterotrophic bacteria and chloroplasts are decendents of phtosynthetic bacteria
Created by: nani012506
Popular Science sets




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