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Psychology Test 1

Chapter 1 and 2 of Psychology: A Journey 4th Edition

Corpus Callosum The corpus callosum is a thick band of nerve fibers that divides the cerebrum into left and right hemispheres
Cerebellum A brain Structure that controls posture and coordination.
Hypothalamus A small area at the base of the brain that regulates many aspects of motivation and emotion, especially hunger, thirst, and sexual behavior.
Hippocampus A part of the libic system, that is associated with emotion, with sorting memories, and transfering information to short and long time memory.
Frontal Lobe A brain area associated with movement, the sense of self, and higher mental functions.
Parietal Lobe A brain area where bodliy sensations register
Occiptal Lobe A portion of the Cerebral Cortex where vison registers in the brain
Temporal Lobe Areas where hearing registers in the brain.
Wernicke's Area Is located in the Temporal lobe that deal with Language comprehension.
Broca's Area A language area thats related to grammar and prounciation.
Left Hemisphere Can do math well, and is 95% of were language and writing is processed
Right Hemisphere good for finding rtyhms and patterns
Reticular Formation Preventing dangerous impluses from being expressed in behavior by exaggerating oppsite behavior
Medulla The part that connects the brain and spinalcord and it controls vital life functions
Pons Its a bridge between the medulla and other sturctures.
Cerbral Cortex The outer later of the brain
Automatic nervous system The system of nerves carying information to and from the internal organs and glands
Somatic nervous system The system of nerves linking the spinal cord with the body and sense organs.
Parasympathetic Branch the branch of the ANS that quiets the body
Sympathetic Branch The branch of ANS that arouses the body.
Synapse The microscopic space between two nerouns,over which message pass.
Neurotransmitters Any chemical released by a neuron that alters activity in other neurons.
Structuralism The School of thought concerned with analyzing sessations and personal experience into basic elements.
Functionalism The school of psychology concerned with behavior and mental ablities help people adapt to their environments.
Created by: Taylor_Cheyenne2
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