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Myology 1

Lecture 4

muscles of facial expression and mouth muscles levator labii superioris, zygomaticus minor, zygomaticus major, levator anguli oris, risorius,depressor anguli oris,depressor labii inferioris, mentalis, buccinator, orbicularis oris,
levator labii superioris mm of facial expression,main elevators of upper lip, blend with zygomaticus minor, contraction alone showing upper teeth
zygomaticus minor mm of facial expression, main elevators of upper lip, blends with levator labii superioris
zygomaticus major mm of facial expression, bigger than zygomaticus minor,contributes to smiling and laughing,joker mm,attaches into modiolus
modiolus fibromuscular condensation roughly 1/4 lateral to angle of mouth(corner of mouth),6 muscles attach=zygomaticus major,levator anguli oris,risorius,depressor anguli oris, buccinator,orbicularis oris
levator labii superioris OIAN O=inferior orbital margin of the maxilla,I=upper lip, A=elevation of upper lip=show front teeth, N=CN VII facial nn
zygomaticus minor OIAN O-zygomatic bone, I=upper lip,A=elevation of upper lip=Elvis,N=CN VII facial nn
zygomaticus major OIAN O=zygomatic bone,I=angle of mouth,A=elevation of angle of mouth as in smiling. also draws laterally at the angle of the mouth=up and out big smile, lauging. N=CN VII facial nn
levator anguli oris aka caninus,mm of facial expression,contraction show canines like dracula, laughing, also manifest a sneer,attach into modiolus
levator anguli oris OIAN O=maxilla, just inferior to the infraorbital foramen,I=angle of mouth,A=elevation of angle of mouth,N=CN VII facial nn
risorius mm of facial expression,drawing angle of the mouth laterally is involved with grinning, smiling and laughing,attaches into modiolus
depressor anguli oris mm of facial expression,blends into the platysma,contributes to facial expression of sadness and uncertainty,attaches into modiolus
depressor labii inferioris mm of facial expression,contribute to facial expression of sorrow,doubt and irony
risorius OIAN O=fascia superficial to masseter, does not attach to bone.I=angle of mouth,A=draws laterally the angle of the mouth,N=CN VII facial nn
depressor anguli oris OIAN O=body of mandible,I=angle of the mouth,A=depresses the angle of the mouth.assists the risorius in drawing the angle of the mouth laterally,out and down,N=CNVII facial nn
depressor labii inferioris OIAN O=mandible,slightly above depressor anguli oris,I=lower lip,A=depression of lower lip,assists in drawing the lower lip laterally and everting it, roll bottom lip out.N=CNVII facial nn
mentalis mm of facial expression,contributes to facial expression of doubt,pouting,disdain
buccinator mm facial express,attach into modiolus,parotid duct pierces thru to enter mouth,bilat compress cheeks against teeth,forcefully expell air,whistling,blowing up balloon,helps keep food from lingering in vestibule of mouth,puckering cheeks eat sour food.
orbicularis oris mm of facial expression,attaches into modiolus,causes lips to close and protrude as in puckering or whistling
mentalis OIAN O=madible,I=skin of chin,A=elevation of lower lip,eversion and protracts the lower lip,N=CNVII facial nn
buccinator OIAN 2 cc's=2 Origins,O=maxiall and mandible,I=lips(buccinator mm is located in the tissue of the cheek),A=compression of cheeks(against teeth).N=CNVII facial nn
orbicularis oris OAN O=surrounds the mouth,A=closes mouth and protracts lips,N=CNVII facial nn
muscles of mastication all attach onto mandible,acronym=TIME,temporalis,masseter,lateral(external) pterygoid,medial(internal) pterygoid, Acronym=Time to eat dinner at 5=all mm are CNV trigeminal nn
synergistic mm of mastication masseter and medial pterygoid
temporalis mm of mastication,contributes to side to side grinding(lateral deviation) of mandible.tight temporalis may be involved in Headaches and TMJ dysfunction.
masseter mm of mastication,big(BIG ASS MASSATER),prime mover of mandibular elevation at TMJ=close mouth,square shaped mm,superficial & deep layers,large parotid glands are superficial to masseter.proportional to its size=strongest mm in body(Dr.V disagree-tongue)
lateral pterygoid mm of mastication,aka external pterygoid,lateral deviation is important for grinding and chewing food.hypertonicity could excessively pull on TMJ structures causing dysfunction.
medial pterygoid mm of mastication,aka internal pterygoid,fairly thick,quadrilateral mm,fiber directions are identical to masseter but medial pterygoid is internal to mandible and masseter is external.
temporalis OIAN O=temporal fossa,I=coronoid process/ramus of mandible,A=elevation of mandible, eccentrically slows depression and protraction.N=CNV trigeminal nn
masseter OIAN O=inferior margins of both zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch of temporal bone.I=superficial layer to angle,ramus/deep layer wraps under mandible to coronoid of mandible.A=elevates,protracts and retracts mandible.N=CNV trigeminal nn,hing jt(glides too)
lateral pterygoid OIAN O=sphenoid bone,I=mandible and TMJ,A=protraction(Dr.V also retraction)of mandible.N=CNV trigeminal nn
medial pterygoid OIAN O=sphenoid bone,Internal surface of mandible,A=elevates and protracts the mandible(dr v also retraction),N=CNV trigeminal
Created by: mloft
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