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7H Invertebrate

Summative Assessment - Invertebrates

Characteristics of Mollusks are: ALL have a soft body. Only some have a shell and/or live in water.
The group of mollusks, BIVALVES, get their food how? Filtering it from the water. They are filter feeders.
Arthropods have a tough outer covering that is called . . . an exoskeleton.
How do cephalopods move? By jet propulsion - they squeeze a current of water out of the mantle cavity and through a tube.
Characteristics of millipedes are: 2 pairs of legs on each segment. Curl into a ball when disturbed.
Characteristics of insects are: ALL have 6 legs (or 3 pair) and 3 body sections. Only some have wings.
Camouflage is a benefit to insects because . . . it helps them avoid predators.
The stages of complete metamorphosis are . . . 1 - Egg 2 - Larva 3 - Pupa 4 - Adult
When does molting occur during GRADUAL metamorphosis? When the nymph outgrows its exoskeleton.
Characteristics of echinoderms are: They all have radial symmetry.
The water vascular system in echinoderms is used to . . . to move in order to capture food.
A gastropod uses its radula to . . . get food.
Which group of mollusks do snails and slugs belong to? Gastropods
Most crustaceans live where? in water
Grasshoppers get oxygen . . . through their skin.
The mouthparts of insects are adapted for eating . . . very specific eating.
What will insects eat? Anything living or once was living.
How do sea urchins move? They use bands of tube feet that extend out between the spins.
What is a decomposer? An organism that eats wastes and dead organisms.
Characteristics shared by ALL animals? All animals have bodies that have many cells.
The name for an animal that has a backbone is? Vertebrate
The name of an animal that does NOT have a backbone is? Invertebrate
Examples of animals that have radial symmetry are . . . Brittle Stars Starfish
What is bilateral symmetry? When an object has just 1 line that divides it into halves that are mirror images. Example: humans
How do sponges get the food they eat? Collar cells that line the central cavity trap tiny organisms.
Describe the shape of a polyp a medusa a polyp is vase-shaped a medusa is bowl-shaped
What kinds of animals are you most likely to see in a coral reef, vertebrates or invertebrates? Both vertebrates and invertebrates.
A roundworm's digestive system can be described as . . . It is like a tube where food enters at one end and exits through the other end.
What type of circulatory system does a segmented worm have? A closed circulatory system - blood moves through a network of blood vessels.
Sexual reproduction is . . . the process in which a new organism is formed from the joining of an egg cell and a sperm cell.
Animals with radial symmetry have the characteristic of . . . having no distinct head or tail.
What is a parasite? An organism that grows on or in another organism.
What type of symmetry to cnidarians have? Radial symmetry
Earthworms do what to soil? Their waste makes soil more fertile.
Roundworms release waste from which part of their body? Their anus.
Fertilization is what? The joining of an egg cell and a sperm cell.
What is a predator? An animal that hunts and kills other animals.
What body system is the clittellium in an earthworm for? Reproductive
What is the difference between the crop and the gizzard in an earthworm? Crop - soft, food storage Gizzard - hard, grinds food
Examples of mollusks are: snails, clams, squid
What is the purpose of an insect's antennae? Sensory
What is the name for when a starfish reproduces asexually? Fission
What type of skeleton does a starfish have? Endoskeleton
Created by: MrsProsser
Popular Science sets




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