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Which of the following international relations paradigms gained its popularity at the end of the Cold War? Constructiveism
Which paradigm most likely agrees with the statement “might makes right”? Realism
According to constructivists, what two forces shape the system in which states operate? Structure and human beings
Paradigms simplify the reality and, in their explanations, reduce the complexity of the world. TRUE
Vicious circles of war and mistrust can be replaced by virtuous circles of mutual interests and cooperation through punitive military operations against aggressors. FALSE
Liberals see interaction in international relations as a zero-sum game. FALSE
The Kantian Triangle is: The idea that liberal institutionalism, liberal commercialism and liberal internationalism are all beneficial towards achieving peace.AND SOMETHING ELSE U SHOULD LOOK UP
Which of the following variables do neo-Marxists emphasize in their explanations of world politics? Class interests.
A situation where one state makes its neighbors less secure through pursuit of its own security is known as: Security dilemma
according to Mearsheimer what is the overriding goal of each state?Why do the great powers behave this way? So, how would you classify Mearsheimer as a realist, liberal, or constructivist? "look for opportunities to alter the distribution of world power in their favor are primed for offense and to "thwart rivials bent on gaining power at its expense" behave this way becausethe "international system forces states which seek only to be secure
hat are the three main features of the international system that cause states to fear one another? bsesce of central authority that sits above states and can protect them from each other, the fact that states always have some offensive military capability and, the fact that some states can never be certain about other states' intentions.
what are the the three core beliefs within the liberal paradigm? liberals consider the states to be the main actors in international polotics, they emphasize that the internal characteristics of states vary considerably, and that these differences have profound effects on state behavior
“International relations” suggests a focus on relations among nation-states as key actors
“World politics”, in contrast, implies the casting of a broader net, to include the host of nonstate actors.
Paradigm is a way of thinking about and approaching an area of scientific or scholarly inquiry that is widely accepted within a particular discipline.
Positivism + Example Statistically oriented approach to make polysci more scientific EXAMPLE:Rational Choice theory- assumes you can predict hw people are gonna act "rationally"
Hobbes saw the stat of nature as one of war
vicious circles as a series of statigic interactions within a Hobbesian system that magnify hostility and end in war- even thought neither state originally intened it this is more of a realist perspective.
Virtuous circles are designed to set up an intrinsic system of political, economic, and social institutions to reinforce one another, creating a set of virtuous circles that would both directly and indirectly promote peaceful relations
Created by: alliepaige6
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