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Ancient Egypt

Upper and Lower Egypt 3500 BC: Egyptian dynasties began Egypt was the worlds first "nation" Upper Egypt: Lotus Lower Egypt: Papyrus
The Dynastic Period Ancient Egyptian civilization is divided into three main parts: - The Old Kingdom: (2700- 2200 BC) - The Middle Kingdom (2100- 1800 BC) - The New Kingdom (1600- 1100 BC)
Palette of King Narmer - One of the oldest works of art to picture an historical event - Shows the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt - The plaque is carved on slate.
Who united Upper and Lower Egypt into One Kingdom? King Menes
What Does the Palette of King Narmer depict? - One side wearing crown of Upper Egypt, killing enemy - Other side showing Narmer wearing crown of Lower Egypt, reviewing decapitated head of enemies.
What was the capital of the Old Kingdom? Memphis
Old Kingdom: How important were Pharaohs? -Pharaohs has social, political and spiritual power over subjects. - Organized the 1st systematic irrigation from the Nile which increased population.
Who built Pyramids during the Old Kingdom? - Built during flooding by people who were usually farmers. -Farming is seasonal work; they had time to build pyramids.
What is a Mastabas? - Type of Ancient Egyptian Tomb in the form of a flat-roofed, rectangular structure with outward sloping sides. - Made of mud-bricks or stone. - Marks the grave - Simple, no detailed.
What ancient society admired Egypt? Ancient Greeks. Egypt was ancient to the ancient.
What European Emperor started the modern fascination with Egypt? Napoleon discovered the Rosetta Stone in 1799.
In what year are Egypt's ancient kingdoms thought to have united? 3100 BC.
Old Kingdom: What is considered one of the oldest works of art to commemorate an historical event? The Pallet of King Narmer, which showed the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Mummification: What was used to preserve the dead body? Salt dries out moisture. Moisture creates mold.
What are the processes of mummification? 1. Announcement of Death. 2. Embalming the Body. 3. Removal of the Brain. 4. Removal of Internal Organs. 5. Drying out process. 6. Wrapping of the body. 7. Final procession. ( Move body to pyramid, mastaba
Mummification: Where were freshly organs placed? Canopic Jar.
What is the relationship between Egyptian art and their religion? - Art was meant to last forever. - Most art was used to show religion. - According to their religion, visual representations could come to life. The more lifelike, the more chances. After Life.
What is the Anubis? A Greek name for a jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the after life. - The jackal was strongly associated with cemeteries since it was a scavenger.
What is the Ka? - The Ka lived in the corpse of a person after death.
What is the Ankh? -Also known as the key of life. -Gods are often portrayed carrying it with its loop around their neck.
Old Kingdom: What is the Stepped Pyramid of King Djoser (Joser)? - 1st pyramid was built by one of Egypt's earliest rulers. - Made by Imhotep. - Made of stone. - Located in Saqqara. - Essentially several mastabas built on top of one another (5 Mastabas).
Old Kingdom: Where is the Bent Pyramid located? Who was it built for? Located 40 km south of Cairo for the Pharaoh Sneferu.
Old Kingdom: Where is Gizeh located? Located on the west side of the Nile- nearn modern Cairo.
The Great Pyramids at Gizeh (Giza) -The dead was always buried nearest the sunset. - Took 75 Years - Essentially man made mountains - Dressed with pearly white limestone cut so precise the joints were barely visible.
What were the Three Pyramids of Gizeh? 1. Menkaure (2525-2475 BC) 2. Khafre (2575-2525 BC) 3. Khufu (2600-2550 BC) The largest.
What was the Great Sphinx?
Created by: eunalee
Popular Agriculture sets




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