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Clinical Vocab

vocabulary for Clinical Assessment

aneroid no liquid: without liquid
antecubital of or relating to the inner forearm region
ataxia lack of voluntary muscle coordination
coma a state characterized by an extremely deep unconsciousness
cyanosis blue color of the skin due to a lack of oxygen
diastolic pressure in blood vessels when heart muscle is relaxed (between beats)
febrile characterized by fever
gait manner of walking
Hx history
hypothermic low core temperature
jaundice yellow color of the skin due to a build up of bilirubin
kyphosis excessive outward curvature of the spine (thoracic region)
lordosis excessive inward curvature of the spine (lumbar and cervical regions)
pallor pale skin color
stupor a state of near-unconsciousness and confusion
Sxs symptoms
systolic pressure in blood vessels when heart muscle is contracted (during beats)
tachypnea abnormally rapid respiration
CC Chief Complaint; main reason that patient has presented
HPI History of Present Illness; further details concerning CC; duration/description of SSX
ROS Review Of Systems; starting at head and working down, diagnostic questions concerning body systems (head, eyes, lungs)
PMH Past Medical History; past medical problems, past diagnoses, hospitalizations, surgeries
SH Social History; occupation (possible hazards), habits such as smoking/use of alcohol or other drugs, intensity and frequency of physical activity
FH Family History; diabetes, heart problems of direct blood relatives
PE Physical Exam; VS, wt, ht, BMI; head-to-toe examination to gain objective data to evaluate health status of pt
EKG Electro(K)ardioGram; measurement of electrical activity of heart
LAB laboratory values; numerical results returned from laboratory tests
Assessment (SOAP) assess the subjective and objective information; impressions, possibly Dx or working Dx
Plan (SOAP) plan of action, suggestions, recommendations
cachectic weight loss, muscle atrophy, fatigue, weakness, and significant loss of appetite
afebrile "afebrile"; not characterized by high core body temperature
emesis "emesis"; forceful, involuntary expulsion of stomach contents
NAD "no abnormalities detected" or "no acute distress" in neonates
papule hard, raised spot on the skin
macular discoloration of skin
hematochezia (red) blood in the stool (undigested; LOWER GI bleed)
paresthesia numbness or tingling; "pins and needles"
bradycardia slow heart rate
cephalgia headache
dysphagia difficulty swallowing
aphasia inability to speak
induration hardening, stenosis
pruritic intense itching
tinnitus ringing in the ears
myalgia muscle pain
hepatosplenomegaly enlargement of the spleen AND liver
heart murmur abnormal heart sound(s) caused by turbulent blood due to incompetent valves
oliguria low urine output
R/O Rule Out
C/O Complains Of
Tx treatment
Dx diagnosis
confluent grouping together of bumps or sores
melena (brown) hard, blood in the stool (partially digested; UPPER GI bleed)
Created by: ianray42
Popular Clinical Skills sets




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