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Med Term ASA Unit 14

State the body part represented by calcane/o heal bone, calcaneus
State the body part represented by carp/o wrist bones, carpals
State the body part represented by cost/o ribs
State the body part represented by rachi/o spine (vertebrae)
State the body part represented by cervic/o neck (cervical spine)
State the body part represented by tibi/o tibia
State the body part represented by xiph/o xiphoid process
Give the definition of the medical term ambulatory (ambulate) able to walk
Give the definition of the medical term fracture break or crack (in a bone)
Give the definition of the medical term ankylodactylia immovable fingers (stiff)
Give the definition of the medical term nocturia, nycturia excessive urination at night
Give the definition of the medical term nyctalopia night blindness
Give the definition of the medical term palatoschisis cleft palate
Give the definition of the medical term ischiopubic pertaining to the ischium and pubis
Give the definition of the medical term metacarpals bones of the hand (beyond the wrist)
Give the definition of the medical term schizophrenia severe mental condition, including delusions
Give the definition of the medical term sternopericardial pertaining to the breastbone and area around the heart
Give the definition of the medical term sacrum, sacral fused bone below the lumbar spine
Give the adjective for the upper leg bone (thigh bone) femoral
Give the definition of the medical term for bones of the foot beyond the tarsals phalanges
Give the plural medical term for the finger and toe bones phalanges
Give the definition of the medical term posterior curvature of the thoracic spine (hunchback) Kyphosis
Give the definition of the medical term pertaining to the radius and ulna radioulnar (ulnoradial)
Give the definition of the medical term excision of the lamina of the vertebral disk laminectomy
Give the definition of the medical term stopping the formation of pus pyostasis
Give the definition of the medical term bone and joint physician specialist orthopedist
Give the definition of the medical term rachitis inflammation of the spinal vertebrae
Give the definition of the medical term acromioclavicular pertaining to the acromion process and the clavicle
Give the definition of the medical term palatoschisis cleft or split palate
Give the definition of the medical term rachischisis split spine
Give the definition of the medical term ankylophobia fear of ankylosis (becoming stiff jointed)
Give the definition of the medical term brachiocephalic pertaining to the arm and head
Give the definition of the medical term coccygectomy excision of a coccyx bone
Give the definition of the medical term diskectomy excision of the vertebral disk
Give the definition of the medical term schistocyte split cell (parasite)
Give the definition of the medical term epicondyle area upon a rounded bony process (condyle)
Given the location, name the bone: upper arm bone humerus
Given the location, name the bone: wing blade (shoulder) scapula
Given the location, name the bone: collarbone clavicle
Given the location, name the bone: skull bones Cranium, cranial
Given the location, name the bone: sit bones (lower pelvis) ischia, ischium, ischial
Given the location, name the bone: lower jaw Mandible
Given the location, name the bone: wrist bones carpals, carpi
Given the location, name the bone: shinbone (lower leg) Tibia
Given the location, name the bone: breastbone Sternum
Give the correct medical abbreviation for: ambulate AMB
Give the correct medical abbreviation for: third cervical vertebra C3
Give the correct medical abbreviation for: podiatrist DPM
Give the correct medical abbreviation for: orthopedics ORTH
Give the correct medical abbreviation for: fracture both bones FxBB
-acromi/o acromion (projection of bone from scapula)process
-ambul/o walk
ankyl/o stiffness
brachi/o arm
calcane/o heel bone, calcaneus
carp/o wrist bones, carpi
cervic/o neck
cheil/o lips
chol/e bile, gall
clavicul/o clavicle (collar bone)
condyl/o condyle (round bony process
dactyl/o digits
disc/o disk/o intervertebral disk
femor/o femur
fibul/o fibula
gangli/o ganglion
humer/o humerus
ile/o small intestine
ili/o upper pelvic bone, ilium
ischi/o hip bone ischium
kyph/o hunchback, posterior curve
lamin/o lamina of the vertebral disk
-listhesis slipping (slipped, displaced)
lord/o bent back, anterior lumbar curvature
metacarp/o matacarpals, hand bones
nyct/o, noct/i night
onych/o nails
palat/o uran/o palate
phalang/o phalanges, finger and toe bones
phren/o mind
proct/o anus and rectum
rach/i/o spine
radi/o radius bone, x-ray
sacr/o sacrum
scapul/o scapula, shoulder blade
-schisis suffix for split
scoli/o "s"" shaped, lateral curvature
stern/o sternum
tars/o tarsal, ankle area bone
tibi/o tibia
uln/o ulna
viscer/o organ
xiph/o xiphoid process
Created by: Paul Mayuiers
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