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AP Lang Set #1

AP Lang Vocabulary Sets 1 - 10

assertion a declaration or statement
cogent convincing; reasonable
coherent logically connected
cohesive condition of sticking together
didactic intended to instruct
discourse verbal expression or exchange; conversation
eloquence the ability to speak vividly or persuasively
fluid easily flowing
implication the act of suggesting or hinting
lucid easily understood; clear
rhetoric the art of using language effectively and persuasively
brusque rudely abrupt
caustic bitingly sarcastic or witty
fractious quarrelsome; unruly
incorrigible unable to be reformed
ingrate an ungrateful person
insolent insulting in a manner or speech
notorius known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous
pugnacious combative; belligerent
reprehensible worthy of blame
arbiter a judge who decides a disputed issue
biased prejudiced
exculpate to free from guilt or blame
impartial not in favor of one side or the other, unbiased
incontrovertible not able to be denied or disputed
integrity trustworthiness; completeness
objectivity treating facts without influence from personal feelings or prejudices
plausible seemingly valid or acceptable; credible
substantiated supported with proof or evidence; verified
vindicated freed from blame
convoluted intricate; complex
cryptic difficult to comprehend
futile having no useful purpose; pointless
impede to slow the progress of
obscure (adj) relatively unknown, (v) to conceal or make indistinct
quandary a state of uncertainty or perplexity
elusive difficult to capture, as in something actually fleeting
emigrate to leave one country or region and settle in another
transient passing away with time; passing from one place to another
transitory short-lived or temporary
indolent lazy
insipid uninteresting; unchallenging
lament express grief for; mourn
listless lacking energy
melancholy sadness; depression
torpor laziness; inactivity; dullness
archaic characteristic of an earlier period; old-fashioned
hackneyed worn out through overuse; trite
medieval referring to the Middle Ages
obsolete no longer in use
condemn to express strong disapproval of; denounce
discredit to cause to be doubted
disparage to speak of in a slighting way or negatively; to belittle
pejorative describing words or phrases that belittle or speak negatively of someone
plagiarism the act of passing off the ideas or writing of another as one's own
vilify to make vicious statements about
alliance a union of two or more groups
disparity inequality in age, rank, or degree; difference
impinge hinder; interfere with
sanction an economic or military measure put in place to punish another country
servile submissive; like a servant
suppressed subdued; kept from being circulated
embellish to make beautiful by ornamenting; to decorate
florid describing flowery or elaborate speech
opulent elaborately decorated
ostentatious describing a showy or pretentious display
poignant profoundly moving; touching
ebullience intense enthusiasm
effusive emotionally unrestrained; gushy
egregious conspicuously bad or offensive
flagrant extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable
frenetic wildly excited or active
gratuitous given freely; unearned; unwarranted
superfluous extra; unnecessary
innovative introducing something new
naive lacking sophistication
nascent coming into existence; emerging
novel strikingly new or unusual
novice a beginner
alleviate to ease a pain or burden
asylum a place of retreat or security
auspicious favorable; promising
benevolent well-meaning; generous
benign kind and gentle
mollify to calm or soothe
reclamation the act of making something useful again
sanction to give official authorization or approval
dubious doubtful; of unlikely authenticity
fabricated made; concocted to deceive
hypocrisy the practice of pretending to be something one is not; insincerity
slander false charges and malicious oral statements
spurious not genuine
inconsequential unimportant
superficial concerned only with what is on the surface or obvious; shallow
tenuous having little substance or strength; shaky; unsure, weak
trivial of little importance or significance
condescending treating people as weak or inferior
contemptuous feeling hatred; scornful
despotic exercising absolute power; tyrannical
dictatorial domineering; oppressively overbearing
disdain (n) contempt, scorn (v) to regard or treat with contempt; to look down on
haughty arrogant; vainly proud
imperious arrogantly domineering or overbearing
patronizing treating in a condescending manner
astute shrewd; clever
clandestine secretive
coup a brilliantly executed plan
disingenuous not straightforward; crafty
ruse a crafty tick
strategem a clever trick used to deceive or outwit
surreptitiously done by secretive means
wary on guard
wily cunning
ambiguous open to more than one interpretation
ambivalent simultaneously having opposing feelings; uncertain
apathetic feeling or showing little emotion
arbitrary determined by impulse rather than reason
capricious impulsive and unpredictable
equivocate to avoid making a definite statement
indifferent not caring one way or the other
spontaneous unplanned; naturally occurring
whimsical subject to erratic behavior; unpredictable
alienated removed or disassociated from (friends, family, or homeland)
apology defense of an idea
apparatus equipment; a group of machines
apposition a grammar construction in which a noun (or noun phrase) is placed with another as an explanation
Created by: anorganizedmom
Popular Academic Vocabulary sets




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