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Science Midterm

Scientific Method, Experimental Design, Lab, Metric, Living V.S Non-living,cell,

Arrange each part of the scientific method in the correct order. 1. Ask a question/problem 2. Form a hypothesis 3. Test the hypothesis/experiment 4. Data analysis 5. Draw conclusions
3 keys to a good experiment? 1. Measurable 2. Many trials 3. 1 variable
What does it mean if the data is statistically significant? It means that there is a large enough difference between two points for there to be an acceptable product.
What part of the lab report is like a recipe? Procedure
In Lab: I. Title -??? Make up your own descriptive title, creative
In Lab: II. Purpose -??? Explain purpose in being specific
In Lab: III. Hypothesis -??? Include a reason for educational guess, if/then format
In Lab: IV.Materials -??? List all materials in 2 columns
In Lab: V. Procedure -??? Explain procedure you did briefly, numbered list
In Lab: VI. Results -??? Tell what happened (give average results)
In Lab: VII. Charts, Tables, Graphs: -??? One or more may be required, titled and labeled
In Lab: VIII. Conclusion -??? State of hypothesis was proven or not using the data to support it. Evaluate data. Comment on results. addressed what was learned. how could be applied to other situations. contains research.
A system of measurement used by the majority of countries Metric System
The basic unit of length in the SI system Meeter
Prefix for one-hundredth Centi-
The basic unit of volume in the SI system Liter
The measure of the amount of matter an object contains Mass
Prefix for one-thousandth Milli-
The amount of space on object takes up Volume
Prefix for one-thousand Kilo-
Basic unit of mass in the SI system Kilogram
When and why was the metric system invented? In the 1790's in France to create a universal system of measurement so everyone could understand
Which group of people invented the metric system? French scientists
SI units are based on multiples of __ 10
Why do scientists use a standard measurement system? It is consistent and it is easier to use. Everyone around the world knows the same measurement because its from the same system
One centimeter is divided into how many millimeters? 10
The longest lines on a metric ruler are called? Centimeters
The shorter lines on a metric ruler are called? Millimeters
What tool is used to measure mass? Triple Beam Balance
What are the 5 steps used to measure the mass of an object? 1. place an object on pan 2. move the largest rider to create close to balance 3. move the middle rider " " 4. Move the smallest rider" " 5. Add up the three values, where the riders are placed
List the Metric units from smallest to biggest Mili, centi, deci, unit (meeter, leter, gram), deca, hecto, kilo
What is the first step in converting metrics? Find the unit of the given value
What is the second step in converting metrics? Count how many 'jumps' to the new unit
What is the third step in converting metrics? If jumping up, multiply by 10 for each jump If going down, divide by 10 for each jump
What are the 10 characteristics of living things? Reproduce, breathe, nucleus/brain, grow/develop, digest, survive, cells, get engery, move, adapt
What is the scientific method? Simple method scientist use to conduct an investigation, a way to ask and answer scientific questions by asking questions and conducting experiments
What are the 2 types of cells? Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes
All living things are made of _____. Cells
Cells carry out the functions needed to _______ ____. Support life
Cells only come from _____ ______ _____. Other living cells
What is weight? Weight is the pull of gravity on an object
Why do scientists prefer to use mass instead of weight? More consistant
The instrument used to measure the volume of liquids? Graduated cylinder
What is the name of the curved surface that forms on the top of a surface when measuring volume of a liquid? Meniscus
How to measure volume of regular solids? Multiply length x width x hight
What is a cubic centimeter equivelant to? 1 millimeter
A balance between energy production and energy use Metabolism
A reaction to stimulus Response
A change that occurs in the environment Stimulus
Physical or behavioral traits that allow an organism to survive in its environment , live and reproduce successfully Adaptation
Changes in a species over long periods of time (millions of years) Evolution
The process of using the body's energy to break down the food we eat Catabolism
Building blocks of all living things Cells
The ability to make things move or change Energy
The dependence of all living things on other living things to survive Interdependance
A cycle of change Development
Increase in size by adding new cells or increasing the size of cells Grow
The process of using the body's energy to build proteins , muscle and other substances the body needs Anabolism
Ability to maintain a stable internal environment Homeostasis
How long an organism lives Life span
Controls movement of materials in/out of cell;both;city border/patrol Cell membrane
Provide support and protection for cell; plant cell; wall Cell wall
Uses energy from sun to make food;plant cell;solar panels Chloroplast
Protects cell organelles;both;sidewalks Cytoplasm
Transports materials throughout cell;both;highway Endoplasmic Reticulum
Processes and packages molecules made by the cell;both;post office Golgi Apparatus/Golgi body
Breaks down larger food molecules into smaller ones/digest only cell parts;animal;recycling center Lysosomes
Breaks down sugar and releases energy;both;power plant Mitochondria
Produces proteins/can be attached to ER;both;brick yard Ribosomes
Controls cell activity;both;mayors office/city hall Nucleus
Stores food, water, waste;both/garbage dump Vacuole
To remain alive Living
Not alive Non-living
No longer alive Dead
Created by: bml9913
Popular Science sets




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