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Night P.2 & P.3 Voc

AP English "Night" Vocabulary

billeted lodge soldiers in a particular place esp. a civilian's house or nonmilitary facility
jubilant feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph
sublime of such excellence, granduer, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe
edict an official order or proclamation
henceforth from this time on
frequent occurring on many occassions
ghettos the Jewish quarter in a city
qualify to modify or limit in some way; make less strong or positive
reiterate say something again or a number of times
skeptical not easily convinced
rueful expression of sorrow or regret
incredulous unwilling or unable to believe something
jocular humorous or playful
ominous giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen
flippant not showing a serious or respectful attitude
disinterested having or feeling no interest toward something
mollifying reduce the severity of something; soften
pious devoutly religious; making a hypocritical display of virtue
abyss a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm
still (v.) calm, pacify, or appease
hallucinating an experience involving the perception of something not present
convoy a group of ships or vehicles traveling together
indifferent unconcerned
bathetic effusively or insincerely emotional
poignant keenly felt (sadness)
trite opinion lacking originality or freshness
endearing cause to be loved or liked
cloying disgust or sicken (someone) with an excess of sweetness, richness, or sentiment
Created by: samantha.spark
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