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Myology 1

Lecture 2

Depressions and Openings fissure,foramen,fossa,sulcus,meatus
processes that form jts condyle,facet,head
processes for tendon and ligament attachment crest,epicondyle,linea,trochanter,tubercle,tuberosity, origin or insertion
fissure narrow opening btw adjacent parts of bones for nn and vessels
foramen hole,opening
fossa shallow depression
sulcus groove
meatus tubelike passageway, (2) ears
condyle large rounded prominence
facet smooth flat surface
head rounded articular projection
crest prominent border or ridge
epicondyle prominence above a condyle
linea line, less prominent than a crest
trochanter (4) large projection of bone found only on the femur, dont palp lesser troch
tubercle small rounded process
tuberosity large rounded, usually roughened process
osteology of skull cranium (8)and face(14)
cranium 1 frontal, 2 temporal, 2 parietal, 1 occipital,1 sphenoid,1 ethmoid
Face 2maxilla,2zygomatic,2lacrimal,2palatine(A/P),2nasal,2 inf nasal conchae, 1 vomer,1 mandible(jaw)
supercilliary arches part of frontal bone,above eyebrow
supraorbital border part of frontal bone,eye socket
Frontal bone large bone makes up forehead and supplies upper edge and roof of orbit(eye sockit).articulates c parietal,nasal,ethmoid,maxillary and zygomatic
Frontal Bone landmarks squama,supraorbital margin,supraorbital foramen,frontal sinuses.
frontal squama flat portion that forms the forehead, headbut
supraorbital margin part of frontal bone,ridge under the eyebrow,forming the upper part of the orbit(eye socket)
supraorbital foramen in frontal bone,small hole within supraorbital margin for blood vessels and nn
frontal sinuses in frontal bone,hollow spaces behind the squama,act as sound chambers to give the voice resonance
temporal bone large irregular bone at base and side of skull, connected with the mandible via the TMJ. 3 parts: squamous,tympanic,petrous-distinct at birth but then fuse.
petrous portion portion of temporal bone that contains inner ear, internal, form part of cranium.contains ear canal and internal ear structures.
temporal squama flat portion forming anterior and superior part of the temple.
zygomatic process part of temporal bone that forms part of cheek, archway
mandibular fossa socket between squama and petrous portion of temporal bone, articulates with the condyle of the mandible TMJ.
external auditory meatus on temporal bone, opening to ear
mastoid process bony prominence on temporal bone behind the external auditory meatus
styloid process looks like elephants tusk, located btw mastoid process and the jaw. attaches muscles and ligaments.
parietal bones main bone on side of skull, wall of skull, articulates with the other parietal bone in midline with frontal bone in front, with occipital bone in back,with sphenoid and temproal bones lower down on the side the skull.
temporal bone landmarks squama,zygomatic process,petrous portion,mandibular fossa,external auditory meatus,mastoid process,styloid process
occiput landmarks foramen magnum,external occipital protuberance,nuchal lines
coronal suture line between frontal and parietal bones, anterior border of parietal bone
temporal line temporal parietal suture
temporomandibular fossa condylar process of mandibular bone inserts to create TMJ
sagittal suture medial border of parietal bone, line between the parietal bones.
squamosal suture inferior border of parietal bones,line between parietal bone and temporal bone
occiput froms rear and rear bottom of the skull,articulates with the parietal and temporal bones of the skull,sphenoid bone in front of it,first cervical vertebrae(the atlas)beneath it
lambdoidal border suture, line between occiput and parietal and temporal bones
superior nucal line on occiput, muscle attachment, run laterally from midline
inferior nucal line on occiput,muscle attachment, run laterally from midline
EOP prominent projection on back of occiput, smart bump
foramen magnum large hole in occiput,allowing passage of the spinal cord
spheniod bone prominent irregular, wedge shaped bone at base of skull, called keystone=contact with all other cranial bones.
sphenoid landmarks greater wings, lesser wings, pterygoid processes,sella turcica.
greater wing large lateral projections of sphenoid bone that help to form the lateral border of the skull
lesser wings
pterygoid process two long downward projections on sphenoid bone from the greater wings that act as point of muscles of mastication attachment
sella turcica part of sphenoid bone,known as the Turkish Saddle which cradles the pituitary gland
ethmoid bone irregularly shaped, spongy bone that provides the floor of the front part of the skull and the roof of the nasal cavity.consist of two masses of thin plates enclosing air cells and looks like a sieve.small transparent,collects small particles
ethmoid landmarks lateral masses, perpendicular plate,cribiform plate,olfactory foramina,crista galli,nasal concha(turbinates)
lateral masses part of ethmoid bone,from most of the wall between the nasal cavity and the orbits
perpendicular plate part of ethmoid bone froms the superior portion of the nasal cavity
cribiform plate part of ethmoid bone, froms roof of nasal cavity
olfactory foramina small holes within the cribiform plate for in ethmoid bone,passage of the first cranial nerve(olfactory nn-for smell)
crista galli in ethmoid bone,upward extension of bone above the cribiform plate,acts as an achoring point for one of the coverings of the brain.limit movement of brain
nasal concha turbinates,in ethmoid bone,two scrolled shaped projections with a mucus membrane on either side of the nasal septum. cause air turbulance and trap inhaled particles.
maxilla large facial bones of the face, whole of the upper jaw. hold upper teeth and connect on the left and right to the zygomatic bones, each assist in forming the boudaries of three cavities:roof of mouth,floor and lateral wall of nose,floor of orbit
maxilla landmarks infra orbital foramen,alveolar process,palantine process
gomphosis tooth socket
infra orbital foramen in maxilla,hole below the orbit,fro blood vessels
alveolar process arch of the maxilla containg the upper teeth
palatine process horizontal projection of the maxilla forming the anterior 3/4 of the hard palate
zygomatic bones cheekbone,upper and lateral part of the face,forms the prominence of the cheek and part of the lateral wall and floor of the orbit, articulates with the zygomatic arch of the temporal bone
lacrimal bone smallest and most fragile bone of the face, situated at the front part of the medial orbit,contains lacrimal sac and the nasolacrimal duct
lacrimal duct corner of the eye, tears, mucous
palantine bones walls of three cavities,floor and lateral wall of nasal cavity,roof of mouth,floor of the orbit, bone is transverse,
nasal bones varying in size and from in different individuals,placed side by side at the middle and upper part of the face and form, by their juction, the bridge of the nose
inferior nasal conchae extends horizontally along the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and consists of a lamina or spongy bone, curled upon itself like a scroll.soft, moveable.
vomer one of the unpaired facial bones,located in the midsaggital line and touches the sphenoid,ethmoid and left and right palatine bones,and left and right maxilla bones.above frenulum pinch nose
mandible largest and strongest bone in the face, forms lower jaw and holds lower teeth, curved horizontal portion=the body, two perpendicular protions=the rami, which unite with the ends of the body nearly at right angles=gonial angle
mandible landmarks body,rami,angle of mandible,condylar process,coronoid process,alveolar process,mental foramen
body curved horizontal portion of the mandible
rami two upward projections of bone that are perpendicular to the body of the mandible
angle of the mandible angle formed where the body meets the ramus
condylar process a condyle on the posterior portion of the ramus that articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
coronoid process a sharp projection of bone on the anterior portion of the ramus that acts as a point of muscle attachment
alveolar process arch of bone containg the lower teeth
mental foramen small hole on the side of the body of mandible for blood vessels and nerves
Created by: mloft
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